
CS359 Computer Networks Assignment 1

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Instructions: Download Wireshark and install it on your computer.
Install Wireshark 2.2.5 via PPA:- (Note:- Run in administrator mode)
Steps:- 1. To add the PPA, open terminal from Unity Dash / App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut
keys, and then run command:
# sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireshark-dev/stable
Steps:- 2. For those who have a previous release installed, launch Software Updater (or Update
Manager) to upgrade it to the latest:
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install wireshark
Steps:- 3. Start wireshark
# wireshark
Note:- Wireshark can be used to sniff wireless traffic.
Problem1: Writing Wireshark filter expressions for packet capture
Write the exact packet capture filter expressions to accomplish the following:
1. Capture all TCP traffic to/from Facebook, during the time when you log in to your Facebook
2. Capture all HTTP traffic to/from Facebook, when you log in to your Facebook account
3. Find a popular YouTube video and play it while capturing all traffic to/from YouTube
After you run Wireshark with the above capture filters and collect the data, do the following:
1. Write a DISPLAY filter expression to count all TCP packets (captured under item #1) that
have the flags SYN, PSH, and RST set. Show the fraction of packets that had each flag set.
2. Use a DISPLAY filter expression to separate the packets sent by your computer vs. received
from Facebook and YouTube in items #2 and #3 above. Show the fractions for each type.
 When sniffing out TCP packets, you will be receiving TCP packets, SSL packets, and HTTP
packets. This is because HTTP/SSL run on top of TCP and you capture their packets by default
because they are subclasses of TCP packets.
 Then use display filters to separate the subset of TCP packets that are also HTTP packets.
(You can do this by filtering only packets on port 80).
 Note that some of your sessions, e.g., Facebook, may be using secure HTTP (HTTP/SSL or
HTTPS), which uses the port number 443.
Problem2:- Captured Data Analysis
a. Count how many TCP packets you received from / sent to Facebook or YouTube, and how many
of each were also HTTP packets.
b. Determine if any TCP packets with SYN or PSH flags set were sent from your host or received
from Facebook/Youtube.
c. Go flag-by-flag and count how many packets have tcp.flags.push set, then how many have
tcp.flags.syn set, and finally, how many have tcp.flags.reset set.