
CS321 Languages and Compiler Design I Homework Assignment 4: Static Analysis

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This assignment explores static analysis. Specifically, it asks you to implement analyses that detect unreachable statements and uninitialized variables in miniJava programs. You will implement your analyses by
writing code to traverse the miniJava AST trees that you targeted in Homework 3. The assignment assumes
familiarity with the OO tree-traversal techniques practiced in Labs 7 and 8, and is intended to be attempted
after you have completed those labs.
This assignment carries a total of 10 points.
Download the zip file “” from the D2L website. After unzipping, you should see a hw4 directory
with the following items:
hw4.pdf — this document — the AST definition program file, with a starting version of the two analyses
AstParser.jj — a parser for reading back the dumped AST format — a top-level test driver
Makefile — for building the analyzer and test driver
run — a script for running tests
tst — a directory containing sample tests
Task 1. Detecting Unreachable Statements (4 points)
As you may have observed, the javac compiler sometimes rejects a Java program because it contains
an unreachable statement. A statement is unreachable if control can never pass to the beginning of that
statement in any run of the program (no matter what values are given as input, if the program requires
any). Since unreachable statements cannot affect the behavior of the program, it is reasonable to treat their
presence as indicating a mistake on the programmer’s part. (It is not uncommon for compilers for other
languages to flag unreachable statements with a warning; Java is somewhat unusual in making them hard
javac performs a static analysis to detect and flag unreachable statements. Like many other static analyses,
this one calculates an approximation of the program’s runtime behavior; that is, its prediction of the runtime
behavior may be wrong in some cases. But the analysis only errs in one direction: it might fail to flag some
statements that really cannot be reached, but it never flags a statement that might actually be reached during
some program run. This means the compiler will never reject a program unless it is certain that it contains
one or more unreachable statements; this behavior is appropriate because unreachability just indicates a likely
mistake, not a fatal problem, so we don’t want programs that only might contain unreachable statements to
be rejected.
For this part of the assignment, you will write an unreachability analysis for the miniJava language. You will
implement the analysis by modifying the provided file to add a new instance method, boolean
checkReach(boolean reachable), to every Stmt class. Name your modified program
The input parameter reachable indicates whether the current statement is reachable; and the return value
indicates whether the next statement is reachable. (E.g., the checkReach() method for the Return class
should return a false, since a statement following a return statement is not reachable.) The top-level
entry-point to this analysis is a new method void checkReach() in the Program class.
When an unreachable statement is detected, your analyzer should throw a StaticError exception (which
is defined in For example, with the following AST as input (assume it is in tst/test.ast):
# AST Program
ClassDecl test
MethodDecl void main ()
Return ()
Print “hello”
your program should print out an error message:
linux> java StaticCheck tst/test.ast
StaticError: Unreachable Statement: Print “hello”
To help you get started, a very simple (and highly incorrect!) version of the checkReach() method is
included in the provided file. The implementation of checkReach() given here traverses the
AST and marks every statement as reachable. The point of this is just to illustrate what a simple tree
traversal looks like in the AST context. You will need to change the behavior of this traversal to get the
desired behavior for your analysis code.
For this analysis, make the simplifying assumption that the values of boolean expressions are always unknown,
no matter how trivial they might be. For example, even in a statement like
if (true)
x = 0;
x = 1;
your analyzer should not try to figure out which branch of the if is taken (and hence will not be able to
flag x = 1 as unreachable). You should also assume that the first statement of every function is reachable.
Otherwise, your analysis should be as precise as possible.
Task 2. Detecting Uninitialized Variables (6 points)
Another static analysis javac performs is to detect and flag uninitialized variables. A variable is uninitialized
if it does not have a value at the time of a use. Again, the javac compiler computes an approximation
of the program’s runtime behavior. Only this time the analysis errs in the opposite direction: it might
flag some variables that really are initialized, but it never misses a variable that is not initialized on some
execution path. In other words, the compiler rejects a program unless it is certain that it doesn’t contain
any uninitialized variable.
In miniJava, variables can be classified into three categories, and their initialization situations are different.
• Instance variables — They are always initialized. Per Java’s rule, if an instance variable is not explicitly
initialized by the programmer, a default value will be provided at the time of its creation.
• Method’s parameters — They are always initialized. In Java, method’s parameters are passed by
values. Thus, every parameter is guaranteed a value at the start of a method’s invocation.
• Local variables — They are initialized either through initialization during declaration or through an
assignment statement, both provided by the programmer. This is the only category of variables that
uninitialized usage may occur.
For implementing this analysis, you will add a new method, checkVarInit(VarSet), to every Stmt class
and some Exp classes. The input parameter to this routine is a set of variables that are confirmed to have
been initialized. For the Stmt version, the method also returns a VarSet object, representing the updated
version of the set (e.g. after an assignment, the set may be augmented with a new variable). For the Exp
version, there is no need to have a return value. (Thus the method has a return type of void.) Not all Exp
classes need to have the checkVarInit() method (e.g. the classes for the literals).
For this assignment, we assume that the input programs are free of other syntax or semantic errors. In
particular, all variables are assumed to have been defined. With this assumption, if a variable is not in the
VarSet, we can conclude that it is not initialized.
For this analysis, make the same simplifying assumption that the values of boolean expressions are always
unknown, no matter how trivial they might be. Therefore, given the following code,
if (true)
x = 0;
your analyzer should not conclude that the variable x is initialized after the if statement.
A class for representing immutable String sets is included in the program It is defined
as an extension to Java library’s mutable HashSet class. A small library of three operations, union,
intersection, and add, are provided.
Here are some hints for implementing this analysis:
• Establish a traversal framework for the method checkVarInit() across the AST node classes. For
each node class, decide which components to invoke recursive calls.
• For the ClassDecl class, establish a VarSet to contain the class’ field variables (if any). Get the
traversal rolling by calling its checkVarInit() method with the VarSet as argument.
• For the MethodDecl class, add its parameters, as well as all local variables with initial values to the
VarSet. Then continue the traversal.
• The main check action happens in the Id class. For an ID node representing a variable use, check if
it is initialized using the VarSet. Note that not all ID nodes represent variable uses, e.g. in x = 1,
x is not a variable use.
To test your analysis code, you will need to try it out on the ASTs of various miniJava programs. File
AstParser.jj provides a parser for the AST dump format (.ast) files that you generated in Homework
3. It can be compiled using javacc in the usual way. The top-level driver program
operates by reading in the .ast file specified on the command line, thus generating an internal Ast tree;
invoking checkReach() and checkVarInit() on the root of that tree. If StaticCheck does not detect
any unreachable statements or uninitialized variables, it ends silently with no output; otherwise, it shows a
proper error message.
A small set of test inputs are provided in the tst subdirectory, each contains an unreachable statement
or an uninitialized variable. Note that these tests cover only a small set of possible cases, especially with
respect to the uninitialized variable analysis. You should construct more test inputs of your own, or you’ll
risk failing our more comprehensive tests during grading.
To obtain additional .ast files for testing, you can either run your own parser from Homework 3, or else
write programs directly in the .ast dump format. The latter is not at all difficult to do, especially if you
use an existing .ast file as a template; many such files can be found in the tst subdirectory of Homework
3. It is permissible to share test files with other students.
The provided run script can be used to conduct your test:
linux> ./run StaticCheck tst/*.ast
Note that if you comment out the following line in
abstract VarSet checkVarInit(VarSet initSet) throws Exception;
then the program will compile and run. But it won’t detect any of the error cases.
Requirements and Grading
In grading this problem, primary emphasis will be placed on behavioral correctness of your code, i.e., how
well it does on the tests we devise. However, if you wish to obtain partial credit for less-than-perfect
solutions, you should try to make your code as intelligible as possible, and to include comments that explain
your overall strategy.
The minimum requirement is that your program runs and detects at least one error case.
What to Turn in
Submit a single file, your version of, through the “Dropbox” on the D2L class website.