
CS321 Languages and Compiler Design I Homework Assignment 1: Lexer

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In this assignment, you are going to implement a lexer for a small Java-like language, called “miniJava.”
This assignment builds on top of Lab 2. If you have not attended the lab for any reason, you should go
through its materials first. The assignment carries a total of 100 points.
Download the zip file “” from D2L. After unzipping, you should see a hw1 directory with the
following items:
– hw1.pdf — this document
– mjTokens.pdf — miniJava’s token specification
– — token code definition for the lexer
– — a starting version of the lexer
– Makefile — for compiling the lexer (usage: make lexer)
– run — a script for running the tests (usage: ./run tst/*.in)
– tst/ — a subdirectory containing a set of test inputs
The Lexer Program
Your main task is to implement a lexer in Java to recognize all the tokens specified in the file mjTokens.pdf.
Name your lexer program You are free to organize the program in any way you see fit, but
it needs to satisfy the following requirements:
1. Use the provided token code definition in An easy way to do this is to
use the following top-level class declaration for your program:
public class mjLexer implements mjTokenConstants {

2. Use the following Token class to represent tokens:
static class Token {
int code; // token code
String lexeme; // lexeme string
int line; // line number of token’s first char
int column; // column number of token’s first char

3. Define a nextToken() method; have it retun a new token in the form of a Token object each time
it is called:
public static Token nextToken() throws Exception {

Note: The above code snippets can be found in the starter program
4. Display tokens in the following format:
• One token per line.
• Each line starts with a pair (linNum,colNum), where the two numbers are the starting line
and column numbers of the token.
• Then,
. for an ID token, display ID(lexeme);
. for an INTLIT token, display INTLIT(literal’s value);
Note: Regardless of the literal’s base, its value is to be displayed, e.g. for input 23, the
display should be INTLIT(23), while for input 023, the display should be INTLIT(19).
. for an DBLLIT token, display DBLLIT(literal’s value);
. for an STRLIT token, display STRLIT(lexeme);
. for any other token, display just lexeme.
• After all tokens are displayed, show one last line: Total: tknCnt tokens.
Exact spacing among items within a line is not required.
Here is an example:
int i = 23 + 023 – 0x10;
“Hello World!”
The end.
(1,1) int
(1,5) ID(i)
(1,7) =
(1,9) INTLIT(23)
(1,12) +
(1,14) INTLIT(19)
(1,18) –
(1,20) INTLIT(16)
(1,24) ;
(2,1) STRLIT(“Hello World!”)
(3,1) ID(The)
(3,5) ID(end)
(3,8) .
Total: 13 tokens
Hints Java has a set of utilities for converting strings to different types of numerical values:
Integer.parseInt(String s);
Integer.parseInt(String s, int base);
Double.parseDouble(String s);
You may use them to convert INTLIT and DBLLIT lexemes to their corresponding numerical values.
General Advice
One general advice for writing the lexer program is to take an incremental approach. Start small and work
on one category of tokens at a time. Test your program before moving on to the next category. For integer
literals, you may want to further subdivide, i.e. work on decimals first, then octals, then hexadecimals.
The Test Inputs
A set of test inputs, test*.in, are provided in the tst subdirectory. They cover the following token cases:
• operators and delimiters (
• reservered words (
• identifiers (
• string literals (
• decimal integer literals (
• octal integer literals (
• hexadecimal integer literals (
• floating-point literals (
• single-line comment (
• multi-line comment (
For these inputs, your lexer should generate outputs that match those in the .ref files. Note that these
inputs do not provide a complete coverage of all possible token cases. Your program will be graded on
additional tests. You are encouraged to create more tests of your own to test your program.
Your second task is to develop six new test inputs for testing the following six types of lexical errors:
• illegal characters
• integer overflow
• ill-formed octal integers
• ill-formed hexadecimal integers
• unterminated strings
• unterminated multi-line comments
For each of these inputs, your lexer should display a message indicating the error type, and the line and
column numbers where the error occurred. Name your new test files —
Hints For detecting integer overflow and ill-formations, you may use the same Java conversion utility
routines mentioned before. Those routines will throw an exception if the string represents an overflown or
ill-formed integer. You may catch those exceptions and repackage them as our own lexical errors.
Grading Metric
• Correctly recognize tokens (60 points)
• Correctly detect lexical errors (20 points)
• Follow program requirements described earlier (10 points)
• Develop six valid error-testing inputs (10 points)
Minimum Requirement The minimum requirement for passing this assignment is that your lexer program compiles on the CS Linux system without error and correctly recognizes at least category of tokens.
Submit a single zip file,, containing your lexer program and the six new error
tests error0[1-6].in through the “Dropbox” on the D2L class website. You don’t need to encode your
name in the zip file name; D2L automatically does that. But don’t forget to include your name in your
program files.