
CS321 Languages and Compiler Design I Assignment 3: Parser with AST Generation

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In this assignment, you are going to implement a complete parser in JavaCC. “Complete” means that the
parser will not only check the syntax of the input program, but also generate an AST for the program. The
source language to this parser is the miniJava’s AST language itself. The parser reads an AST in its external
form from the input source, and converts it to its internal form. It then prints it out to the output. This
parser behaves like an “echo” program, except that it works on structured input.
This assignment carries a total of 75 points.
Download the zip file “” from the D2L website. After unzipping, you should see an hw3 directory
with the following content:
– hw3.pdf — this document
– AstGrammar.txt — the AST language grammar
– AstParser0.jj — a starter version of the parser; it contains only the main routine
– ast — a directory containing the AST definition program file,
– tst — a directory containing some test programs
– Makefile — for building the parser
– run — a script for running tests
The AST Language
The miniJava’s AST representation is defined internally as a collection of Java classes (see the program file, However, it also has an external form, which is used by the miniJava compiler to dump an
AST out for viewing.
This external form is itself a well-defined language. It has its own token and grammar definitions, and people
can program directly in it. We call the external form the AST language. It’s token and grammar definitions
are given in the file AstGrammar.txt.
Note that the internal and external forms of the miniJava AST are one-to-one corresponding — each internal
AST tree has a unique external form, and vise versa.
Your Task
Your task is to implement a parser for the AST language in JavaCC. Name your program AstParser.jj.
There are three parts to this implementation:
1. Transfer the token definitions into JavaCC code. You may look into last homework’s starter program
to get some general ideas.
2. Transfer the grammar into JavaCC code. The given grammar is in an LL(2) form — many Exp
productions share a common prefix “(“. You need to factor this prefix out to make the grammar
LL(1). After this simple transformation, the conversion of the grammar into JavaCC code should be
straightforward, as we have practiced this process in labs and in the last homework.
3. Insert semantic actions into the parsing routines to construct internal AST nodes. This is the new
part. For each parsing routine, you need to decide which AST node to create — it should obvious
since the external form and the internal form of the AST are one-to-one corresponding. You also need
to define variables to receive values from recursive calls to other parsing routines.
One footnote on this part: The external form has a void type, while the internal form does not. The
internal form represents void simply by leaving a type field empty (i.e. set to null).
Running and Testing
You can use the Makefile to compile your parser:
linux> make
To run a batch of tests from the /tst directory, use the run script:
linux> ./run AstParser tst/*.ast.ref
Note that your program should read from the .ref copy of the AST program. The run script will place
your parser’s output in *.ast files and use diff to compare them one-by-one with the reference version in
.ast.ref files. For each test program, the output AST should match exactly with the input AST.
Requirements and Grading
This assignment will be graded mostly on your program’s correctness. We may use additional miniJava AST
programs to test.
The minimum requirement for receiving a non-F grade on this assignment is that your parser program
compiles with JavaCC and Java, and are free of any JavaCC and Java compiler warnings. Furthermore, it
correctly reconstructs at least one AST.
What to Turn in
Submit a single file, AstParser.jj, through the “Dropbox” on the D2L class website.