1 Overview
The purpose of this lab is to implement a simplified version of the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing
Given a set of N routers, the goal is for EACH router to:
(a) exchange HELLO packets with neighbours,
(b) create Link State Advertisement (LSA) packets based on neighboring nodes’ info, (c) broadcast the
LSA packets to all other routers in the network, (d) construct the network topology based on the LSA
packets received from other routers, and (e) determining the routing table entries based on this topology,
by using Dijkstra’ algorithm (single source – all nodes shortest paths). If multiple equal-cost paths exist,
any one of them can be reported.
The HELLO packets will be exchanged every x seconds; the LSA updates will be sent every y seconds;
the routing table computation will be done every z seconds.
2 Details
The project will be implemented on a single computer, with one Linux process per OSPF router. Each
process might have multiple threads to implement different functionality.
Input: The input to your program will be as follows:
./ospf -i id -f infile -o outfile -h hi -a lsai -s spfi
The values specified in the command line are:
• -i id: Node identifier value (i)
• -f infile: Input file
• -o outfile: Output file
• -h hi: HELLO INTERVAL (in seconds)
• -a lsai: LSA INTERVAL (in seconds)
• -s spfi: SPF INTERVAL (in seconds)
Input File: The input file format is as follows:
The first entry on the first line specifies the number of routers (N). The node indices go from 0 to (N − 1).
The second entry on the first line specifies the number of links.
Each subsequent row contains the tuple (i, j, MinCij , MaxCij ). This implies a bidirectional link between
nodes i and j. The use of minimum and maximum will be defined later.
14 35
0 2 2 8
2 3 5 10
3 4 6 20
4 7 4 10
OSPF Processing: Each OSPF router (running as a Linux process) will perform the following actions:
• Obtain necessary parameters including its node identifier (i).
• Read the input file and find out its neighboring node identifiers.
• Establish a UDP socket on port number (10000 + i) for all OSPF communications.
• Send a HELLO message to its neighbors, once every HELLO INTERVAL seconds. This value is
specified in the command line; Default: 1 second. You can have one thread implement this part.
Packet Format:
HELLO srcid
where srcid is replaced with i.
• When a router receives a HELLO message on an interface, it will reply with the HELLOREPLY
message along with the cost. The cost reported for linkij by node j for a packet received from node
i is a RANDOM number between M inCij and M axCij ; this cost is generated randomly each time.
Node i, on receiving this message, will store this value as the cost for linkij .
The message format is:
HELLOREPLY j i value for link ij
• Send a Link State Advertisement (LSA) message to its neighbors, once every LSA INTERVAL seconds.
This value is specified in the command line; Default: 5 seconds. You can have one thread
implement this part. Packet Format:
LSA srcid Seq. Number No. Entries Neigh1 Cost1 Neigh2 Cost2 …
The sequence number is incremented by the sender for each LSA message that it sends.
• When a node receives an LSA message from a neighbor, it will store the LSA information and forward the LSA to all interfaces other the interface that the packet arrived on, if and only if the newly
received LSA’s sequence number is strictly greater than the last known sequence number from the
• Determine the topology using all recent Link State Advertisement (LSA) messages received from
all other routers; and then run shortest-cost path computation algorithm every SPF INTERVAL seconds. This value is specified in the command line; Default: 20 seconds.
You can have one thread implement this part. The output will be stored in the routing table output
file along with the time stamp. The output file name for Node i will be outfile–i.txt, where outfile is
specified in the command line.
Output Format:
Routing Table for Node No. 1 at Time 30
Destination Path Cost
2 1-3-2 5
3 1-3 2
4 1-3-2-4 10
3 What to Submit
Create a folder Lab5-CS22Babc, the main directory.
• Source code files (that implement the routing protocol)
• One sample input file used for your testing, with at least 8 nodes and 20 links.
• Corresponding Output files, showing the routing table entries for all routers.
• Report showing two different input topologies (each with at least 8 nodes and 20 links) and corresponding routing tables.
4 Grading
• Implementation working on Single Machine: 90 points
• Demo and Viva Voce Exam: 10 points
5 Extra Credit
Introduce dynamic link changes in the network – network links can be brought down; downed network
links can be brought up later; new links can be added to the network. You must define the necessary
functionality, user interface, implement and demonstrate the dynamic network operation. This is worth
20 points.
Modify the implementation to run each router on different machines or virtual machines and demonstrate
the same. This is worth 10 points.
The extra credit demonstration will be presented to Prof. Krishna – using a video of program in execution
and a brief report highlighting the details of changes made.
6 Miscellaneous
1. This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. No sharing of code.
2. Ask questions EARLY and start your work NOW. Take advantage of the help of the TAs and the
3. Submissions PAST the extended deadline SHOULD NOT be mailed to the TAs. Only submissions
approved by the instructor or uploaded to Moodle within the deadline will be graded.
4. Demonstration of code execution to the TAs MUST be done using the student’s code uploaded on
5. NO sharing of code between students, submission of downloaded code (from the Internet, Campus
LAN, or anywhere else) is allowed. The first instance of code copying will result in ZERO marks for
the Lab component of the Course Grade. The second instance of code copying will result in a ’U’
Course Grade. Students may also be reported to the Campus Disciplinary Committee, which can
impose additional penalties.
6. Please protect your Moodle account password. Do not share it with ANYONE, including your team
member. Do not share your academic disk drive space on the Campus LAN.
7. Implement the solutions, step by step. Trying to write the entire program in one setting may lead to
frustration and possibly failure.
8. Downloaded Code from the Web (except for possibly Dijkstra’s algorithm) will NOT be considered
for grading and such action will lead to academic penalties.