1 Goals
5 This assignment is designed to help you:
6 1. get familiar with multi-threaded programming with Pthread.
7 2. get familiar with critical section with Pthread mutex.
8 3. get familiar with synchronization with Pthread semaphore. Note that any semaphore
9 should be given an initial value, or otherwise it is logically wrong!
10 You are required to implement your solution in C++ (other languages are not allowed). Your
11 work will be tested on the Linux server
13 A good tutorial on pthread could be found at
14 pthreads/.
15 2 Requirements
16 2.1 Background
17 This assignment is built above your solution to Assignment 2. To make your life easy, you should
18 re-use your code in Assignment 2.
19 In this assignment, we add a new type of flow, called progressive flow (pflow for short), to the
20 system described in Assignment 2.
The behavior of pflow is as follows: whenever the queue is emptied by the server1
21 , it
22 generates a random number of tokens, uniformly distributed in [1, 5], and inserts the tokens to the
23 queue. Otherwise, it is blocked if the queue is not empty.
24 The behavior of flow, queue, and server are the same as in Assignment 2. Note that the
25 sequence number of each token should be unique and in an increasing order in the system. Same
26 as in Assignment 2, the simulation stops after MaxToken number of tokens have been served, where
27 MaxToken is an input parameter.
1For simplicity, we ignore the situation that pflow runs before flow has injected some tokens in the queue.
28 2.2 Implementation Requirement
29 Your program, named by PFIFO, should consist of four threads: the main thread, the flow thread,
30 the pflow thread, and the server thread. The main thread is responsible for creating the other three
31 threads, and then waits for them to return. The flow thread simulates the behavior of the flow.
32 The pflow thread simulates the behavior of the pflow. The server thread simulates the behavior of
33 the server.
34 Same as in Assignment 2, the queue is implemented as a data structure, rather than a thread.
35 You need to implement your own queue data structure and its related functions, which
36 means that you cannot use the queue data structure provided by the C/C++ library.
37 Since flow, pflow, and server all need to access the queue data structure, the code segment
38 for accessing the queue is a critical section and must be protected with the pthread mutex lock.
39 Since the sequence number of each token should be unique and in an increasing order in the
40 system, you need to introduce a global variable currentSeq to tell the current sequence number to
41 flow and pflow whenever they are active. There will be a race condition on accessing currentSeq
42 between flow and pflow, and hence the code for accessing currentSeq should be protected with a
43 pthread mutex lock.
44 Note that there is a synchronization issue between the pflow and the server: When the server
45 empties the queue, it must notify the pflow to insert tokens into the queue. However, if the server
46 empties the queue again before the pflow responds to the last notification, the server must not
47 repeat the notification. You need to use semaphore to fulfill such synchronization.
48 Same as in Assignment 2, your code must print out useful information, and the output must
49 be formatted as the following table:
Flow Queue Server
Token added Latest sequence number Current Length Token fetched Total Token fetched
aaa(flow) bbb ccc
zzz xxx yyy
50 where the header of the table is printed by the main thread before creating other threads. The
51 numbers aaa, bbb, and ccc are printed by the flow (or pflow) when it wakes up. You must label
52 after aaa with either (flow) or (pflow) to show the creator of the tokens. The numbers xxx, yyy,
53 and zzz are printed by the server when it wakes up.
54 In addition, the number aaa is not an accumulative number but the number of tokens at
55 the current round of flow/pflow wake-up; the number bbb is the highest sequence number at the
56 current round of flow/pflow wake-up; the number ccc is the queue length after tokens generated at
57 the current round of flow/pflow wake-up have been added into the queue. The number xxx is not
58 an accumulative number but the number of tokens that will be fetched by the server at the current
59 round of its wake-up; the number yyy is the total number of tokens that have been fetched by the
60 server; the number zzz is the current queue length after tokens have been fetched by the server at
61 the current round of server wake-up.
62 Note that at the end of the program, the total number of tokens that have been served is equal
63 to the total number of tokens that have been fetched by the server and the total number of tokens
64 that have been dropped by the queue. As such, at the end of the program, you must print out
65 the total number of tokens that have been fetched by the server thread, the total number of tokens
66 that have been generated by the flow thread, the total number of tokens that have been generated
67 by the pflow thread, and the total number of tokens that have been dropped by the queue. The
68 output should be:
69 The total number of tokens that have been fetched by the server is eee.
70 The total number of tokens that have been generated by the flow is fff.
71 The total number of tokens that have been generated by the pflow is ggg.
72 The total number of tokens that have been dropped by the queue is hhh.
73 where eee, fff, ggg, and hhh indicate the corresponding numbers.
74 Remark 1: After the pflow is woken up by the server, there might be a competition between
75 the flow and the pflow for accessing the queue. If the flow wins the competition and inputs the
76 tokens before the pflow, the pflow will inject tokens into a non-empty queue. Nevertheless, this
77 special case is acceptable.
78 Remark 2: Since the number of last-batch tokens fetched by the server before it stops is
79 random, the sum of eee and hhh might be equal to or slightly larger than MaxToken. Both cases
80 are acceptable. This relaxation is to ease your coding.
81 Remark 3: Refer to the flowchart for a baseline implementation.
82 2.3 Prompt for user input
83 Your PFIFO needs to accept two integer inputs, MaxToken as the first and flowInterval as the
84 second, e.g.,
85 $ ./PFIFO 500 2
86 2.4 Code Quality
87 We cannot specify completely the coding style that we would like to see but it includes the following:
88 1. Proper decomposition of a program into subroutines (and multiple source code files when
89 necessary)—A 500 line program as a single routine won’t suffice.
90 2. Comment—judiciously, but not profusely. Comments also serve to help a marker, in addition
91 to yourself. To further elaborate:
92 (a) Your favorite quote from Star Wars or Douglas Adams’ Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
93 does not count as comments. In fact, they simply count as anti-comments, and will result
94 in a loss of marks.
95 (b) Comment your code in English. It is the official language of this university.
96 3. Proper variable names—leia is not a good variable name, it never was and never will be.
97 4. Small number of global variables, if any. Most programs need a very small number of global
98 variables, if any. (If you have a global variable named temp, think again.)
99 5. The return values from all system calls and function calls listed in the assignment
100 specification should be checked and all values should be dealt with appropriately.
101 3 Marking
102 Your program will be tested on our CSLab Linux servers (cs3103-01, cs3103-02, cs3103-03).
103 You should tell TA how to compile and run your code in your readme text file.
104 TAs are not supposed to fix the bugs, either in your source code or in your Makefile.
105 If an executable file cannot be generated and running successfully on our Linux servers, it will
106 be considered as unsuccessful.
107 Any program does not print the output as required in Section 2.2 will be considered as unsuc108 cessful.
109 If the program can be run successfully and output is in the correct form, your program will be
110 graded with the following marking scheme.
Table 1: Marking scheme.
Components Weight
Initialization of semaphore 5%
Correct thread create/join/exit 15%
Correctness of programming logic 10%
Correct use of semaphore 20%
Synchronization with correct mutex 15%
Correctness of printed summary 10%
Queue structure & related functions 10%
Error handling 10%
Programming style and in-program comments 5%
111 4 Submission
112 1. This assignment is to be done individually or by a group of two students. You are encouraged
113 to discuss the high-level design of your solution with your classmates but you must implement
114 the program on your own. Academic dishonesty such as copying another student’s work or
115 allowing another student to copy your work, is regarded as a serious academic offence.
116 2. Each submission consists of three files: a source program file (.cpp file), a readme (.txt) file
117 telling us how to compile your code, a text file containing the possible outputs produced by
118 your program (.txt file), and a Makefile if applicable.
119 3. Use your student ID(s) to name your submitted files, such as 5xxxxxxx.cpp, 5xxxxxxx120 readme.txt, 5xxxxxxx.txt for individual submission, or 5xxxxxxx 5yyyyyyy.cpp, 5xxxxxxx 5yyyyyyy121 readme.txt, 5xxxxxxx 5yyyyyyyy.txt for group submission. Only ONE submission is required
122 for each group.
123 4. Submit the files to Canvas.
124 5. The deadline is 10:00 am, 11-APR. No late submission will be accepted.
125 Question?
126 Contact Mr LIU, Dawei at or your course lecturer.
127 The End