1 Introduction
Last week, we focused on implementing exact inference methods. Unfortunately, sometimes
performing exact inference is intractable and cannot be done as performing exact inference in
general networks is NP-hard. Luckily, there are a number of approximate inference methods and
in this programming assignment we will investigate two of them: loopy belief propagation and
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC).
As you develop and test your code, you will run tests on a simple pairwise Markov network
that we have provided. This Markov net is a 4 x 4 grid network of binary variables, parameterized
by a set of singleton factors over each variable and a set of pairwise factors over each edge in
the grid. This network is created by the function ConstructToyNetwork.m, and in this
assignment, you will change some of its parameters and observe the effect this has on different
inference techniques.
2 Loopy Belief Propagation
The first approximate inference method that we will implement is loopy belief propagation
(LBP). This algorithm takes a cluster graph, a set of factors, and a list of evidence, and outputs
the approximate posterior marginals for each variable. The message passing framework you
implemented for clique trees in PA4 should directly generalize to the case of cluster graphs, so
you should have to write relatively little further code for LBP. In LBP, we do not have a root
and a specific up-down message passing order relative to that root. In particular, we can order
messages by an arbitrary criterion. However, we want you to experiment with two different
message passing orders.
You will first implement a naive message passing order that blindly iterates through all
messages without considering other criteria. You will subsequently experiment with alternative
message passing orders and analyze their impact on both the convergence of LBP and the values
of the marginals at convergence.
• NaiveGetNextClusters.m (5 points) — This function should find a clique that is ready
to transmit a message to its neighbor. It should return the indices of the two cliques the
message is ready to be passed between. In this naive implementation we simply iterate
over the cluster pairs, details on this ordering is given within the code file.
Now we can begin the message passing process to calibrate the cluster, but we’ll need some infrastructure to make this work. For example, we need a criterion to tell us when we’ve converged
and we need to create a cluster graph in order to run LBP.
• CreateClusterGraph.m (5 points) – Given a list of factors, this function will create a
Bethe cluster graph with nodes representing single variable clusters and pairwise clusters. A
CS228 Programming Assignment #5 2
Bethe cluster graph is perhaps the simplest way to create a cluster graph from a network as
we create a separate cluster for every factor and attach them so as to meet the requirements
of a cluster graph. The ClusterGraph data structure is the same as the CliqueTree data
structure from PA4, but cliqueList is renamed as clusterList.
• CheckConvergence.m (2 points) – Given your current set of messages and the set
of messages that immediately preceded each of our current messages, this function will
determine if the cluster graph has converged, returning 1 if so and 0 otherwise. In this
case, we say that the messages have converged if no messages have changed significantly,
where “significantly” means by a value of over 10−6
in any entry (note: for theoretic
calibration you would actually wait until the difference was 0).
• ClusterGraphCalibrate.m (10 points) — This function should perform loopy belief
propagation over a given cluster graph. It should return an array of final beliefs (factors)
for each cluster.
We are now ready to bring together all the steps described above to compute approximate
marginals for the variables in our network. You should call the appropriate functions in the file
ComputeApproxMarginalsBP.m to run approximate inference.
• ComputeApproxMarginalsBP.m (5 points) – This function should take a set of initial
factors and vector of evidence and compute the approximate marginal probability distribution for each variable in the network. You should be able to reuse much of the code you
wrote for ComputeExactMarginalsBP.m for assignment 4 in this function.
2.1 LBP Investigation Questions
Answer these questions in the assignment quizzes section on the course website.
1. (5 points) – Recall our function CheckConvergence.m which uses the difference between a message before and after it is updated (called the “residual”) as a criterion for
convergence. While running LBP with our naive message ordering on the network created
by ConstructRandNetwork with on-diag weight .3 and off-diag weight .7, print out and
plot the residuals of the message 19 → 3, 15 → 40, and 17 → 2, with the iteration number
on the x-axis (you may want to change the range of the y-axis). Do these messages converge
at the same rate? Which converges fastest? (Note, it will be easiest do this assessment
within ClusterGraphCalibrate.m and use the helper function MessageDelta within
that file).
2. (4 points) – Can changing the message passing order affect convergence in cluster graph
calibration? Can it affect the value of the final marginals? Why or why not?
3. (5 points) – Now, consider the toy image network constructed in ConstructToyNetwork.m. Change the values of the on- and off-diagonal weights of the pairwise factors
in this network to different values (which can be done by changing the values passed to
this function). First try making the the weights on the diagonal much larger than the
off-diagonal weights (1 and .2 respectively), then try the opposite where the off-diagonal
weights are much larger(.2 and 1), and then finally try the case where the weights are
roughly equal (.5 and .5). For each such model, run LBP and exact inference (using your
code from PA4). How do the results on these varied types of graphs compare? Why?
CS228 Programming Assignment #5 3
2.2 Improving Message Passing
Taking the analysis of our naive message passing order that you already performed as inspiration, can you think of ways to improve the message passing order? Perhaps you could use the
magnitude of the changes in the marginals before and after message passing to help indicate
which messages you should prioritize passing. Take those ideas and put them to work in the
following function:
• SmartGetNextClusters.m (5 points) – This function should find a clique that is ready
to transmit a message to its neighbor. It should return the indices of the two cliques the
message is ready to be passed between. You should experiment with alternative message
passing orders and analyze their impact on both the convergence of LBP and the values of
the marginals at convergence. When submitting your code, you should keep the logic that
worked the best (meaning fastest convergence time); however, any ordering that gives convergence in ClusterGraphCalibrate.m will be accepted by our grading scripts. (Note:
make sure the convergence criterion remains valid given your approach to finding the next
clusters to pass)
On the website, please answer the following question:
• (1 point) – Perhaps using some of what you learned in the previous question, try to
improve your implementation of SmartGetNextClusters.m. How many iterations did
your smart message passing routine take to converge on the RandNewtork (from ConstructRandNetwork.m) with on-diagonal weight .3 and off diagonal weight .7? (We
may use these values to help us find the cleverest message passing orderings so that we can
run your code to check and share your ideas with the rest of the class)
Now that we’ve looked at belief propagation, we will investigate a second class of inference
methods based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling. As a reminder, a Markov
chain defines a transition model T(x → x
) between different states x and x
. The chain is
initialized to some initial assignment x0. At each iteration t, a new state, xt+1 is sampled from
the transition model. The chain is run for some number of iterations, over which a subset of
the samples is collected. The collected samples are then used to estimate statistics such as the
marginals of individual variables. In this assignment, you will implement Gibbs and MetropolisHastings sampling, both of which are MCMC methods that sample from the posterior of a
probabilistic graphical model.
A critical issue in the utility of a Markov chain is the rate at which it mixes to the stationary
distribution. For example, if the stationary distribution has two modes that are far apart in the
state space and the MCMC transition probability only allows local moves in the state space, it is
likely that the state of the Markov chain will get stuck near one of the modes. This affects both
the number of samples required before the chain forgets its initial state, and the quality of the
estimates – unless many samples are collected, most samples are likely to come from one mode
or another. If samples are aggregated before a chain has mixed, then the distribution from which
they are drawn will be biased toward the initial state and thus will not be a good approximation
to the stationary distribution. In the starter code, we provide you with a visualization function,
VisualizeMCMCMarginals.m, that allows you to analyze a Markov chain to estimate properties such as mixing time and whether or not it is getting stuck in a local optimum. See the
description of the code infrastructure below for more details on this function.
CS228 Programming Assignment #5 4
3.1 Gibbs
Recall that the Gibbs chain is a Markov chain where the transition probability T(x → x
) is
defined as follows. We iterate over the variables in some fixed order, say X1, …, Xn. For the
variable Xi
, we sample a new value from P(Xi
|x−i) (which is just P(Xi
and update its new value. Note that the terms on the right-hand-side of the conditioning bar
use the newly sampled assignment to the variables X1, …, Xi−1. Once we sample a new value
for each of X1, …, Xn, the result is our new sample x
. Our first task for the MCMC task is
thus to implement a function that computes and samples from P(Xi
|MarkovBlanket(Xi)) as
well as a helper function to produce sampling distributions. You will then use this function as
a transition probability for MCMC sampling. (Recall that a Markov Blanket of a node X is the
set of nodes Y such that Xi
is independent of all other nodes given Y , thus it consists of X’s
parents, children, and children’s parents. )
• BlockLogDistribution.m: (5 points) – This is the function that produces the sampling
distribution used in Gibbs sampling and (possibly) versions of Metropolis- Hastings. It
takes as input a set of variables XI and an assignment x to all variables in the network,
and returns the distribution associated with sampling XI as a block (i.e. the variables are
constrained to take on the same value) given the joint assignment to all other variables
in the network. That is, for each value l, we compute the (unnormalized) probability
P˜(XI = l|x−I ) where XI = l is shorthand for the statement“Xi = l for all Xi ∈ XI ”
and x−I is the assignment to all other variables in the network. Your solution should only
contain one for-loop (because for-loops are slow in Matlab). Note that the distribution will
be returned in log-space to avoid underflow issues.
• GibbsTrans.m (5 points) – This function defines the transition process in the Gibbs
chain as described above (ie. we iteratively resample Xi from P(Xi
for each i) . It should call BlockLogDistribution to sample a value for each variable in the
3.1.1 Running Gibbs Sampling and Questions
Now that our first transition process has been defined, we need to enact a general framework for
running our variants of MCMC.
• MCMCInference.m PART 1 (3 points)– This function defines the general framework
for conducting MCMC inference. It takes as input a probabilistic graphical model (a
redundant but convenient data structure), a set of factors, a list of evidence, the name of
the MCMC transition to use, and other MCMC parameters such as the target burn-in time
and number of samples to collect. As a first step, you only need to implement the logic
that transitions the Markov chain to its next state and records the sample. Note, you will
need to also implement ExtractMarginalsFromSamples.m for this function to work.
• ExtractMarginalsFromSamples.m (2 points)– Convert a list of samples to a set of
With the inference engine, let’s try to understand the behavior of Gibbs sampling (answer
1. (5 points) – Let’s run an experiment using our Gibbs sampling method. As before, use the
toy image network and set the on-diagonal weight of the pairwise factor (in ConstructToyNetwork.m) to be 1.0 and the off-diagonal weight to be 0.1. Now run Gibbs sampling
CS228 Programming Assignment #5 5
a few times, first initializing the state to be all 1’s and then initializing the state to be all
2’s. What effect does the initial assignment have on the accuracy of Gibbs sampling? Why
does this effect occur?
3.2 Metropolis-Hastings
Metropolis-Hastings is a general framework (within the even more general framework of MCMC)
that defines the Markov chain transition in terms of a proposal distribution Q(x → x
) and an
acceptance probability A(x → x
). The proposal distribution and acceptance probability must
satisfy the detailed balance equation in order to generate the correct stationary distribution. It
turns out that a satisfying acceptance probability is given as follows (where π is the stationary
A(x → x
) = min
0 → x)
π(x)Q(x → x
In this section of the assignment, you will implement a general Metropolis-Hastings framework
that is capable of utilizing different proposal distributions, specifically the uniform distribution
and the Swendsen-Wang distribution (described later). We will provide you with the implementations of these proposal distributions and you will need to compute the correct acceptance
probability. Furthermore, you will study the relative merits of each proposal type. To start, let’s
implement the uniform proposal distribution:
• MHUniformTrans.m (5 points)– This function defines the transition process associated
with the uniform proposal distribution in Metropolis-Hastings. You should fill in the code
to compute the correct acceptance probability.
Now that we have that baseline, let’s move on to Swendsen-Wang. Swendsen-Wang was
designed to propose more global moves in the context of MCMC for pairwise Markov networks
of the type used for image segmentation or Ising models, where adjacent variables like to take
the same value. At its core, it is a graph node clustering algorithm. Given a pairwise Markov
network and a current joint assignment x to all variables, it generates clusters as follows: first
it eliminates all edges in the Markov network between variables that have different values in x.
Then, for each remaining edge {i, j}, it activates the edge with some probability qi,j (which can
depend on the variables i and j but not on their values in x). It then computes the connected
components of the graph over the activated edges. Finally, it selects one connected component,
Y, uniformly at random from all connected components. Note that all nodes in Y will have the
same label l. We then (randomly) choose a new value l
that will be taken by all nodes in this
connected component. These variables are then updated in the joint assignment to produce the
new assignment x
. In other words, the new assignment x
is the same as x, except that the
variables in Y are all labeled l
instead of l. Note that this proposed move flips a large number
of variables at the same time, and thus it takes much larger steps in the space than a local Gibbs
or Metropolis-Hastings sampler for this Markov network.
Let q(Y |x) be the probability that a set Y is selected to be updated using this procedure. It
is possible to show that
0−Y))(1 − qi,j )
(i,j)∈E(Y,(Xl−Y))(1 − qi,j )
where: Xl
is the set of vertices with label l in x, X0
0 is the set of vertices with label l
in x
and where E(Y, Z) (between two disjoint sets Y, Z) is the set of edges connecting nodes in Y to
CS228 Programming Assignment #5 6
Figure 1: Visualization of Swendsen-Wang Procedure
nodes in Z. (NOTE: The log of the quotient in equation 1 is called log QY ratio in the code.)
Then we have that
0 → x)
T Q(x → x
R(Y = l|x
R(Y = l
where: R(Y = l
|x−Y) is a distribution specified by you for choosing the label l
for Y given x−Y
(the assignment to all variables outside of Y). Note that x−Y = x
−Y. In this assignment, the
code for generating a Swendsen-Wang proposal is given to you, but you will have to compute the
acceptance probability and use that to define the sampling process for the Markov chain. You will
implement 2 variants that experiment with different parameters for the proposal distribution.
In particular, you will change the value of the qi,j ’s and R(Y = l|x−Y). The two variants are as
1. Set the qi,j ’s to be uniformly 0.5, and set the distribution R to be uniform.
2. Set R to be the block-sampling distribution (as defined in BlockLogDistribution.m) for
sampling a new label and make qi,j dependent on the pairwise factor Fi,j between i and j.
CS228 Programming Assignment #5 7
In particular, set
qi,j :=
u Fi,j (u, u)
u,v Fi,j (u, v)
• MHSWTrans.m (Variant 1) (3 points) – This function defines the transition process
associated with the Swendsen-Wang proposal distribution in Metropolis-Hastings. You
should fill in the code to compute the proposal distribution values and then use these to
compute the acceptance probability. Implement the first variant for this test.
• MHSWTrans.m (Variant 2) (3 points) – Now implement the second variant of SW.
Note: the first variant should still function after the second variant has been implemented.
With Swendsen-Wang, we will need to compute the values of our qi,j ’s, so we must update our
inference engine:
• MCMCInference.m PART 2 (4 points)– Flesh this function out to run our SwendsenWang variants in addition to Gibbs. Your task here is to implement the calculations of the
qi,j ’s for both variants of Swendsen-Wang in this function. (The reason that this is done
here and not in MHSWTrans.m is to improve efficiency.)
Now that we’ve finished implementing all of these functions, let’s compare these inference
1. (15 points) – For this question, repeat the experiment for LBP where we ran our Toy
Network while changing the on and off-diagonal network. Again, we will consider the cases
where the on-diagonal weights are much larger, much smaller, and about equal to the offdiagonal weights. While running this, use VisualizeMCMCMarginals.m to visualize
the distribution of the Markov chain for multiple runs of MCMC (see TestToy.m for how
to do this). We will examine how the mixing behavior and final marginals for each chain
change in response to the change in the pairwise factor.
(a) (5 points) – Set the on-diagonal weight of our toy image network to .2 and offdiagonal weight to 1. Now visualize multiple runs with each of Gibbs, MHUniform,
Swendsen-Wang variant 1, and Swendsen-Wang variant 2 using VisualizeMCMCMarginals.m (see TestToy.m for how to do this). How do the mixing times of these
chains compare? How do the final marginals compare to the exact marginals? Why?
(b) (5 points) – Set the on-diagonal weight of our toy image network to 1 and offdiagonal weight to .2. Now visualize multiple runs with each of Gibbs, MHUniform,
Swendsen-Wang variant 1, and Swendsen-Wang variant 2 using VisualizeMCMCMarginals.m (see TestToy.m for how to do this). How do the mixing times of these
chains compare? How do the final marginals compare to the exact marginals? Why?
(c) (5 points) – Set the on-diagonal weight of our toy image network to .5 and offdiagonal weight to .5. Now visualize multiple runs with each of Gibbs, MHUniform,
Swendsen-Wang variant 1, and Swendsen-Wang variant 2 using VisualizeMCMCMarginals.m (see TestToy.m for how to do this). How do the mixing times of these
chains compare? How do the final marginals compare to the exact marginals? Why?
2. (3 points) When creating our proposal distribution for Swendsen-Wang, if you set all
the qi,j ’s to zero, what does Swendsen-Wang reduce to?
CS228 Programming Assignment #5 8
4 Conclusion
Congratulations! You’ve now implemented a full suite of inference engines for exact inference,
approximate inference, and sampling. These methods are useful for making predictions and
gaining understanding of the world around us, a process we’ll explore more in PA6. Of course,
one underlying assumption has been that we already know the basic facts of which variables
influence one another – an assumption that is certainly not always the case! So stay tuned, we’ll
look into how to eliminate more of our assumptions later in the course.
5 Infrastructure Reference
A few methods you may find useful:
1. exampleIOPA5.mat: Mat-file containing example input and output corresponding to
the 14 preliminary tests for PA5. For argument j of the function call in part i, you should
use exampleINPUT.t#ia#j (replacing the #i with i). If there are multiple function calls
in one test (for example, we iterate over multiple inputs) then for iteration k you should
reference exampleINPUT.t#ia#j .{#k}. For output, look at exampleOUTPUT.t#i
for the output to part i. If there are multiple outputs or iterations, the functionality is the
same as for the input example.
2. ConstructToyNetwork.m: Function that constructs a toy pairwise Markov Network
that you will use in some of the questions. This function accepts two arguments, an “ondiagonal” weight and an “off-diagonal” weight. These refer to the weights in our image
network’s pairwise factors, where on-diagonal refers to the weight associated with adjacent
nodes agreeing and off-diagonal corresponds to having different assignments. The output
network will be a 4 x 4 grid.
3. ConstructRandNetwork.m: Function that constructs a randomized pairwise Markov
Network that you will use in some of the questions. The functionality is essentially the
same as ConstructToyNetwork.m.
4. VisualizeMCMCMarginals.m: This displays two things. First, it displays a plot of the
log-likelihood of each sample over time. Recall that in quickly mixing chains, this value
should increase until it roughly converges to some constant log-likelihood, where it should
remain (with some occasional jumps down). This function also visualizes the estimate of
the marginal distributions of specified variables in the network as estimated by a string of
samples obtained from MCMC over time. In particular, it takes a fixed-window subset of
the samples around a given iteration t and uses these to compute a sliding-window average
of the estimated marginal(s). It then plots the sliding-window average of each value in
the marginal as its estimate progresses over time. The function also can accept samples
from more than one MCMC run, in which case the marginal values that correspond to
one another are plotted in the same color, allowing you to determine whether the different
MCMC runs are converging to the same result. This is particularly helpful if you are trying
to identify whether the chain is susceptible to local optima (in which case, different runs
will converge to different marginals) or whether the chain has mixed by a given iteration.
5. TestToy.m: This function constructs a toy image network where each variable is a binary
pixel that can take on a value of 1 or 2. This network is a pairwise Markov net structured
as a 4 x 4 grid. The parameterization for this network can be found in TestToy.m and you
CS228 Programming Assignment #5 9
will tune the parameters of the pairwise factors to study the corresponding behavior of
different inference techniques. You can visualize the marginal strengths of this toy image
by calling the function VisualizeToyImageMarginals.m, which will display the marginals as
a gray-scale image, where the intensity of each pixel represents the probability that that
pixel has the label 2.
6. VisualizeToyImageMarginals.m: Visualizes the marginals of the variables in the toy
network on a 4×4 grid. We have provided a lot of the infrastructure code for you so that
you can concentrate on the details of the inference algorithms.