CS2223: Algorithms Assignment 1


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Q1: Stacks and Stackulators (20 pts)
In this question, you are to implement a version of the Stack calculator on p. 129 of Sedgewick,
with several modifications.
1) Implement the Stack on p. 129 of Sedgewick. Make your Stack Calculator it’s own Class
that you will call from your main program.
2) In your main program, call functions from your Stack Calculator class to demonstrate the
following functionality:
a) Show at least three expressions that demonstrate it working, e.g. “( ( 4 + 1 ) + 3 )”
b) Show at least one expression where it does not work. Make it believable– not
just random characters.
3) Modify the Stack Calculator to add at least two new mathematical operations of your
a) In your main program, show at least one expression per new operation to
validate their functionality.
While working on this problem, be sure to inspect the ops and vals stacks to gain an
understanding of how Stacks work. This will be important in future algorithms.
The output of this should include Java code TAs can inspect and run.
For an additional challenge, build more sophisticated calculations and parsing.
cs2223-21b Assignment 1
Q2: Managing Management (30 pts)
In this question, assume the role of a software engineer working on search functions, who
needs to prove their worth to management.
Management is questioning the amount of time you’re spending on search functions, which,
according to them, “already work fine”.
But you know how to convince them: reports and charts.
Your plan is to demonstrate, empirically, the difference between the old search functions and the
new algorithms you’ve been working on.
1) Implement at least three search algorithms: Linear, Binary, and some other variant of
your choosing (this could be Binary recursive, or others).
a) Write your own code, but referring to your book or online sources is permitted.
2) Prepare for data collection: add “step” counters, like we did in the second class, at key
operations in the search functions.
a) Placement is key! Be sure you can justify where you place the step counters.
b) Points can be lost for overcounting (inflating by an order of magnitude) or
undercounting (missing an order of magnitude).
c) Ensure you are making a fair comparison between your algorithms.
3) Run a series of experiments and collect step counts:
a) Run single search keys with multiple sizes of input data e.g. 100, 1,000, 10,000,
100,000, 250,000
b) Run the above at least 3 times for each algorithm, to give you a measure of how
different inputs contribute to variance in algorithm performance.
4) Generate plots for each algorithm, with the y-axis showing steps and the x-axis showing
input size.
Hints: Your assigned readings thus far includes discussion of key operations and how to identify
them. This question puts that into practice, while giving you additional exposure to search
algorithms and their variants. You will also gain an understanding of how time-complexity can be
measured empirically, through experiments and plotting.
Provide a concise report (PDF) describing the three algorithms, and plots demonstrating their
relative effectiveness. Provide the code as well. Place these in an organized folder for
cs2223-21b Assignment 1
Q3: Orders of Growth, Empirically (10 pts)
To observe the importance of algorithm efficiency and the order of growth, perform the following
Assume an input of size 100,000 (denoted as N)
(a) Linear function (O(N)): Write a function that loops over the input items (a single
loop) and print the elapsed time taken by the function in milliseconds.
(b) Quadratic function (O(N2)): Write a function that loops over the input items with
two-levels of nesting and print the elapsed time taken by the function in milliseconds.
The function should have two nested loops (outer and inner) where each one starts from
0 to N.
(c) Cubic function (O(N3)): Write a function that loops over the input items with
three-levels of nesting and print the elapsed time taken by the function in milliseconds.
The function should have three nested loops where each one starts from 0 to N.
Hint: The actual code inside the loop is not important. So make it simple and define a variable in
the beginning of your program, and then increment this variable inside the inner most loop (The
pseudocode below is for two-level nesting).
int sum = 0;
for (i=0; i<=n ; i++)
for(j=0; j<=n; j++)
sum += j;
End Loop;
End Loop;
This should include a simple Java program with all three functions. In addition, include a single
PDF showing a plot of the three algorithms’ execution time. You can make the x-axis the type of
function (e.g. “linear”), and the y-axis can be the observed execution time. A bar chart may work
well, but other clear forms of visual representation are permitted. Use a log scale if your bars are
too long to fit reasonably in a chart.
Extra Hint: Refer to the Stopwatch example in the book for code on collecting time
cs2223-21b Assignment 1
Q4: Orders of Growth, Mathematically (10 pts)
Put these functions in order. Put the following functions in a list by increasing order of growth. If
they have the same general order of complexity, then either one can come first, but mark them!
A PDF listing these in order. Mark visually, in some way, those that are of the same order of
cs2223-21b Assignment 1
Q5: Sorting Comparison (30 pts)
Management is at it again, this time pestering you about the time you’re taking on developing
new sorting algorithms.
Repeat the analysis in Question 2, with the following changes.
1) Implement Bubblesort, Mergesort, and Quicksort, as separate classes.
2) You will not need search keys. Instead, simply generate unsorted data of varying sizes,
e.g. 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, 250,000
a) Run at least 3 repetitions at each size to account for variance.
Provide a concise report (PDF) describing the three algorithms, and plots demonstrating their
relative effectiveness. Provide the code as well. Place these in an organized folder for