The learning objective of this project is for you to understand how variable memory can
be dynamically allocated and the use of compound data structures. In this assignment
you will enhance your program that was written for assignment 1 to use a struct to hold
the statistics for an individual player.
As with program 1, this program will read statistical data for a set of basketball players,
calculate shooting percentages and points per 48 minutes, find the top offensive and
defensive players and crown an MVP. The results will again be written to the console as
they were in your first programming assignment.
In program 1 your program used individual variables to hold the various statistics for
each player. In this program you will define a compound structure that will combine all
of these datum under a single variable (structure) name. The new structure will have a
type specifier of Player. For each set of player data you will dynamically allocate a new
Player structure and then populate the individual elements (Text Ch 7.7).
With program 1, parallel vectors were used to maintain collections of players. In
program 2 you are to use a single vector, the elements of which will be pointers to
individual player structures allocated to store player information. This change in
structure will give you an alternative view of how to manipulate data in C++.
You were provided with four input functions for use in program 1. In program 2, you
will be writing your own input function. You can examine the input functions from
program 1 and are free to re-use or re-write any of the code from those functions in your
new function. This function will be named:
You will be responsible for implementing the following functions:
bool getPlayerStats(Player*)
bool getPlayerStats(Player*)
input: pointer to Player
output: true – if data was found in file
false – if end of file condition occurred
side effect: Player structure passed as input parameter (pointer) will be populated with
data from the input file.
void calcPercentages(Player*)
input: pointer to Player
output: void
side effect: FG PCT, 3PT PCT, FT PCT, Total Rebounds, and Points Per 48 will be
calculated and populated in the Player structure.
void findTopOffensivePlayer(vector<Player*>)
input: vector of pointers to Player
output: void
side effect: Offensive Rating for each Player will be calculated and populated in Player
structures. Function will display (to console) name of top offensive player.
void findTopDefensivePlayer(vector<Player*>)
input: vector of pointers to Player
output: void
side effect: Defensive Rating for each Player will be calculated and populated in Player
structures. Function will display (to console) name of top defensive player.
void findMostValuablePlayer(vector<Player*>)
input: vector of pointers to Player
output: void
side effect: Function will display (to console) name of most valuable player.
void outputPlayers(vector<Player*>)
input: vector of pointers to Player
output: void
side effect: Function will report statistics for all players including totals.
void deallocatePointers(vector<Player*>)
input: vector of pointers to Player
output: void
side effect: Function will deallocate all heap memory allocated for Player structures.
All functions must have the signatures established by the specifications. No global
variables are allowed outside of the ifstream variable for the input file.