
CS209A Assignment 2 Tic-tac-toe Game

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In this assignment, you’ll be implementing a Tic-tac-toe game in client/server mode. In a Tic-tac-toe game,
two players take turns marking the spaces in a three-by-three board with Xs or Os. The player who succeeds
in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row is the winner1
. For example, X is winner
in the following game1
We’ll use socket programming, multithreading, and JavaFX to implement this game.
Server (35 points)
The server should wait for new players and automatically matches a newly connected player to another player
to start a game. If there is no other player, the server should inform the newly connected player to wait.
The server should correctly track the status of each game and inform players when they win, lose or tie.
Client/Player (35 points)
A player should first connect to the game server and wait to be matched to another player. Upon successful
matching, two players will start a new game by placing X and O in the 3×3 board alternately. Players should be
informed when they win, lose, or tie.
GUI (15 points)
Primary GUI components of the game include the board, the Xs and Os. Game GUI should be implemented
using only JavaFX. NO point will be given for this GUI part
if you used only console for displaying the board
if you used other GUI frameworks, such as Vue or Swing. 10/25/2022
2 / 2
Exception Handling (15 points)
Many things could go wrong in a C/S mode game. A server may crash due to internal bugs; a player may quit
intentionally or accidentally (e.g., due to network problem) without notifying the other player. You should
handle such exception cases in your program, so that both clients and servers could react to unusual cases
elegantly without affecting user experience.
Bonus (15 points)
Account management (5 points): The server could support user registration and login. After login, users
could check how many games s/he have played and how many times s/he has won.
Opponent selection (5 points): After connected to the server, a player is able to see the list of players
that are currently waiting to be matched. The player could choose the opponent from the list of players
to start a new game.
Resume game (5 points): After a client intentionally or accidentally quits in the middle of an ongoing
game, he/she should be able to reconnect to the server and resume the game (from the status where
the player quits) with the same opponent.
1. Tic-tac-toe:
We provide a skeleton JavaFX code for you to get started. Please check here.
Please submit all of you .java files to the OJ system.
It doesn’t matter how many .java files you have or which names you used for these files. However, please do
NOT put all files into a zip. You should submit each .java one by one.
Functionalities: You’ll demonstrate your project during the lab session on Nov. 23, and we’ll check
whether you’ve accomplished the required functionalities onsite.
Version Control: You should use GitHub to manage the code changes of your project (see lab 1 for
further details of how to use git). You should made at least 2 commits. Your remote repo on GitHub
should be set to private before A2 deadline, so that no one else will see your code.
Coding Style: You should pay attention to write readable and maintainable code along the way. See lab
1 for how to use CheckStyle for that purpose. After the deadline of A2, you can set your GitHub
repo to public, and we’ll check whether any of your commits have reduced CheckStyle warnings
according to google_checks.xml.