
CS209A Assignment 1 Movie Analysis

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In this assignment, you will design a MovieAnalyzer class, which could read a movie dataset and perform various useful analyses. You’ll have a chance to use techniques such as Collections, Lambda, and Streams, which we’ve covered in the lectures. The MovieAnalyzer class has one constructor that reads a dataset file from a given path. This class also has 6 other methods that perform data analyses. You’ll implement these methods in the MovieAnalyzer class. Method details are described below. 0. Reading the dataset public MovieAnalyzer(String dataset_path) The constructor of MovieAnalyzer takes the path of the dataset file and reads the data. The dataset is in csv format and has the following columns: Series_Title – Name of the movie Released_Year – Year at which that movie released Certificate – Certificate earned by that movie Runtime – Total runtime of the movie Genre – Genre of the movie IMDB_Rating – Rating of the movie at IMDB site Overview – mini story/ summary Meta_score – Score earned by the movie Director – Name of the Director Star1,Star2,Star3,Star4 – Name of the Stars Noofvotes – Total number of votes Gross – Money earned by that movie Note: For each individual question, if the data cells required for this particular question are empty or ill-formatted, you could simply ignore that entire row for this particular question. 9/30/2022 2 / 3 1. Movie count by year (10 points) public Map<Integer, Integer> getMovieCountByYear() This method returns a <year, count> map, where the key is the year while the value is the number of movies released in that year. The map should be sorted by descending order of year (i.e., from the latest to the earliest). 2. Movie count by genre (15 points) public Map<String, Integer> getMovieCountByGenre() This method returns a <genre, count> map, where the key is the genre while the value is the number of movies in that genre. The map should be sorted by descending order of count (i.e., from the most frequent genre to the least frequent genre). If two genres have the same count, then they should be sorted by the alphabetical order of the genre names. 3. Movie count by co-stars (15 points) public Map<List, Integer> getCoStarCount() If two people are the stars for the same movie, then the number of movies that they co-starred increases by 1. This method returns a <[star1, star2], count> map, where the key is a list of names of the stars while the value is the number of movies that they have co-starred in. Note that the length of the key is 2 and the names of the stars should be sorted by alphabetical order in the list. 4. Top movies (20 points) public List getTopMovies(int top_k, String by) This method returns the top K movies (paramter top_k) by the given criterion (paramter by). Specifically, by=”runtime”: the results should be movies sorted by descending order of runtime (from the longest movies to the shortest movies) . by=”overview”: the results should be movies sorted by descending order of the length of the overview (from movies with the longest overview to movies with the shortest overview). Note that the results should be a list of movie titles. If two movies have the same runtime or overview length, then they should be sorted by alphabetical order of their titles. 9/30/2022 3 / 3 5. Top stars (20 points) public List getTopStars(int top_k, String by) This method returns the top K stars (paramter top_k) by the given criterion (paramter by). Specifically, by=”rating”: the results should be stars sorted by descending order of the average rating of the movies that s/he have starred in. by=”gross”: the results should be stars sorted by descending order of the average gross of the movies that s/he have starred in. Note that the results should be a list of star names. If two stars have the same average rating or gross, then they should be sorted by the alphabetical order of their names. 6. Search movies (20 points) public List searchMovies(String genre, float min_rating, int max_runtime) This method searches movies based on three criterion: genre: genre of the movie min_rating: the rating of the movie should >= min_rating max_runtime: the runtime (min) of the movie should <= max_runtime Note that the results should be a list of movie titles that meet the given criteria, and sorted by alphabetical order of the titles. Evaluation Code Correctness: We deploy automatic test cases on the OJ system ( to test the correctness of your code. Please submit to OJ. You could use our sample test cases and sample test data to test your code locally before submitting to OJ. Version Control: You should use GitHub to manage the code changes of your project (see lab 1 for further details of how to use git). You should made at least 2 commits. Your remote repo on GitHub should be set to private before A1 deadline, so that no one else will see your code. Coding Style: You should pay attention to write readable and maintainable code along the way. See lab 1 for how to use CheckStyle for that purpose. After the deadline of A1, you can set your GitHub repo to public, and we’ll check whether any of your commits have reduced CheckStyle warnings according to google_checks.xml. OJ Tips Please specify StandardCharsets.UTF_8 when you read the .csv file. Please don’t include any Chinese characters in your code comments.