- Caught up to Unit 34 of Lecture Notes
- Completed Lab 6
The following functional interfaces are already provided:
- fp.Combiner
- fp.Transformer
- fp.BooleanCondition
- fp.Producer
- fp.Consumer
Copy your implementation of cs2030s.fp.Maybe and cs2030s.fp.Lazy over before you start Lab 7. A skeleton for for InfiniteList<T> is provided.
You may add a new method consumeWith to Maybe<T> to help with solving this lab.
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* If the value within this Maybe is missing, do nothing. * Otherwise, consume the value with the given consumer. * * @param consumer The consumer to consume the value */ public abstract void consumeWith(Consumer<? super T> consumer); |
The files,, etc., as well as, are provided for testing. You can edit them to add your test cases, but they will not be submitted.
Documenting Your Code
Write javadoc documentation for all your methods in Documenting the code you wrote previously for Lab 6 is encouraged but optional.
You have seen in class a poorly implemented version of InfiniteList. Recall that there are two issues: (i) It uses null to represent a missing value. This design prevents us from having null as elements in the list; (ii) Produced values are not memoized. This design results in repeated computation of the same value.
Fortunately, you have built Maybe<T> in Lab 5, which will solve (i), and Lazy<T> in Lab 6, which will solve (ii). We will use them to build a better version of InfiniteList here.
You are required to implement a single InfiniteList class as part of the cs2030s.fp package with only two instance fields. No other instance fields are needed and allowed. You may add one class field (see below).
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public class InfiniteList<T> {
private Lazy<Maybe<T>> head; private Lazy<InfiniteList<T>> value; } |
Take note of the following constraints:
- You are not allowed to use any raw types.
- @SuppressWarningsmust be used responsibly.
- You must not use solve this lab.
- Where possible, use the methods provided by Maybe<T>to handle the conditions where the value is there or not there, instead of using if-else.
The Basics
Write the static generate and iterate methods that create an InfiniteList.
To access the elements of the list, provide the head and tail method that produces the head and tail of the infinite list.
To help with debugging, a toString method has been provided for you.
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jshell> import cs2030s.fp.InfiniteList;
jshell> import cs2030s.fp.Transformer; jshell> import cs2030s.fp.Producer;
jshell> InfiniteList.generate(() -> 1) $.. ==> [? ?] jshell> InfiniteList.generate(() -> 1).head() $.. ==> 1 jshell> InfiniteList.generate(() -> null).tail().head() $.. ==> null jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(“A”, x -> x + “Z”).head() $.. ==> “A” jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(“A”, x -> x + “Z”).tail().head() $.. ==> “AZ” jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(“A”, x -> x + “Z”).tail().tail().head() $.. ==> “AZZ”
jshell> Transformer<Integer, Integer> incr = x -> { …> System.out.println(” iterate: ” + x); …> return x + 1; …> } jshell> InfiniteList<Integer> numbers = InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr) jshell> numbers numbers ==> [[1] ?]
jshell> numbers.head() $.. ==> 1 jshell> numbers numbers ==> [[1] ?]
jshell> numbers.tail().head() iterate: 1 $.. ==> 2 jshell> numbers numbers ==> [[1] [[2] ?]]
jshell> numbers.tail().head() $.. ==> 2 jshell> numbers numbers ==> [[1] [[2] ?]]
jshell> numbers.tail().tail().head() iterate: 2 $.. ==> 3 jshell> numbers numbers ==> [[1] [[2] [[3] ?]]]
jshell> numbers.tail().head() $.. ==> 2 jshell> numbers numbers ==> [[1] [[2] [[3] ?]]]
jshell> Producer<Integer> zero = () -> { …> System.out.println(” generate: 0″); …> return 0; …> } jshell> InfiniteList<Integer> zeros = InfiniteList.generate(zero) jshell> zeros zeros ==> [? ?]
jshell> zeros.head() generate: 0 $.. ==> 0 jshell> zeros zeros ==> [[0] ?]
jshell> zeros.tail().head() generate: 0 $.. ==> 0 jshell> zeros zeros ==> [[0] [[0] ?]]
jshell> zeros.head() $.. ==> 0 jshell> zeros zeros ==> [[0] [[0] ?]]
jshell> zeros.tail().head() $.. ==> 0 jshell> zeros zeros ==> [[0] [[0] ?]]
jshell> zeros.tail().tail().head() generate: 0 $.. ==> 0 jshell> zeros zeros ==> [[0] [[0] [[0] ?]]]
jshell> zeros.tail().head() $.. ==> 0 jshell> zeros zeros ==> [[0] [[0] [[0] ?]]] |
You can test your code by running the provided. The following should compile without errors or warnings. Make sure your code follows the CS2030S Java style and can generate the documentation without error.
2 3 4 5 |
$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes cs2030s/fp/*java
$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes $ java Test1 $ java -jar ~cs2030s/bin/checkstyle.jar -c ~cs2030s/bin/cs2030_checks.xml cs2030s/fp/ $ javadoc -quiet -private -d docs cs2030s/fp/ |
Now let’s add the map method. The map method (lazily) applies the given transformation to each element in the list and returns the resulting InfiniteList.
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jshell> import cs2030s.fp.InfiniteList;
jshell> import cs2030s.fp.Transformer; jshell> import cs2030s.fp.Producer;
jshell> InfiniteList.generate(() -> 1).map(x -> x * 2) $.. ==> [? ?] jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).map(x -> x * 2) $.. ==> [? ?] jshell> InfiniteList.generate(() -> 1).map(x -> x * 2).tail().head() $.. ==> 2 jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).map(x -> x * 2).head() $.. ==> 2 jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).map(x -> x * 2).tail().head() $.. ==> 4 jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).map(x -> x * 2).map(x -> x – 1).head() $.. ==> 1 jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).map(x -> x * 2).map(x -> x – 1).tail().head() $.. ==> 3 jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).map(x -> x % 2 == 0 ? null : x).tail().head() $.. ==> null
jshell> Producer<Integer> one = () -> { …> System.out.println(” generate: 1″); …> return 1; …> } jshell> Transformer<Integer,Integer> doubler = x -> { …> System.out.println(” map x * 2: ” + x); …> return x * 2; …> }
jshell> InfiniteList.generate(one).map(doubler).tail().head() generate: 1 map x * 2: 1 generate: 1 map x * 2: 1 $.. ==> 2
jshell> InfiniteList<Integer> ones = InfiniteList.generate(one) jshell> InfiniteList<Integer> twos = jshell> ones ones ==> [? ?] jshell> twos twos ==> [? ?]
jshell> twos.tail().head() generate: 1 map x * 2: 1 generate: 1 map x * 2: 1 $.. ==> 2 jshell> ones ones ==> [[1] [[1] ?]] jshell> twos twos ==> [[2] [[2] ?]]
jshell> twos.head() $.. ==> 2 jshell> twos.tail().head() $.. ==> 2 |
You can test your code by running the provided. The following should compile without errors or warnings. Make sure your code follows the CS2030S Java style and can generate the documentation without error.
2 3 4 5 |
$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes cs2030s/fp/*java
$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes $ java Test2 $ java -jar ~cs2030s/bin/checkstyle.jar -c ~cs2030s/bin/cs2030_checks.xml cs2030s/fp/ $ javadoc -quiet -private -d docs cs2030s/fp/ |
Add the filter method to filter out elements in the list that fail a given BooleanCondition. filter should mark any filtered (i.e., removed) element as Maybe.none() instead of null. The resulting (lazily) filtered InfiniteList is returned.
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jshell> import cs2030s.fp.BooleanCondition
jshell> import cs2030s.fp.InfiniteList jshell> import cs2030s.fp.Transformer
jshell> InfiniteList.generate(() -> 1).filter(x -> x % 2 == 0) $.. ==> [? ?] jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).filter(x -> x % 2 == 0) $.. ==> [? ?] jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).filter(x -> x % 2 == 0).head() $.. ==> 2 jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).filter(x -> x % 2 == 0).filter(x -> x > 4).head() $.. ==> 6
jshell> Transformer<Integer, Integer> incr = x -> { …> System.out.println(” iterate: ” + x); …> return x + 1; …> }
jshell> BooleanCondition<Integer> isEven = x -> { …> System.out.println(” filter x % 2 == 0: ” + x); …> return x % 2 == 0; …> }
jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).filter(isEven).tail().head() filter x % 2 == 0: 1 iterate: 1 filter x % 2 == 0: 2 iterate: 2 filter x % 2 == 0: 3 iterate: 3 filter x % 2 == 0: 4 $.. ==> 4
jshell> InfiniteList<Integer> nums = InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1) jshell> InfiniteList<Integer> evens = nums.filter(x -> x % 2 == 0)
jshell> evens.tail().head() $.. ==> 4 jshell> nums.toString() $.. ==> “[[1] [[2] [[3] [[4] ?]]]]” jshell> evens.toString() $.. ==> “[[] [[2] [[] [[4] ?]]]]”
jshell> nums.tail().head() $.. ==> 2 jshell> evens.tail().head() $.. ==> 4
jshell> BooleanCondition<Integer> moreThan5 = x -> { …> System.out.println(” filter x > 5: ” + x); …> return x > 5; …> } jshell> BooleanCondition<Integer> isEven = x -> { …> System.out.println(” filter x % 2 == 0: ” + x); …> return x % 2 == 0; …> } jshell> Transformer<Integer, Integer> doubler = x -> { …> System.out.println(” map x * 2: ” + x); …> return x * 2; …> }
jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).filter(moreThan5).filter(isEven).head() filter x > 5: 1 iterate: 1 filter x > 5: 2 iterate: 2 filter x > 5: 3 iterate: 3 filter x > 5: 4 iterate: 4 filter x > 5: 5 iterate: 5 filter x > 5: 6 filter x % 2 == 0: 6 $.. ==> 6 jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).map(doubler).filter(moreThan5).filter(isEven).tail().head() map x * 2: 1 filter x > 5: 2 iterate: 1 map x * 2: 2 filter x > 5: 4 iterate: 2 map x * 2: 3 filter x > 5: 6 filter x % 2 == 0: 6 iterate: 3 map x * 2: 4 filter x > 5: 8 filter x % 2 == 0: 8 $.. ==> 8 jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).filter(isEven).map(doubler).filter(moreThan5).head() filter x % 2 == 0: 1 iterate: 1 filter x % 2 == 0: 2 map x * 2: 2 filter x > 5: 4 iterate: 2 filter x % 2 == 0: 3 iterate: 3 filter x % 2 == 0: 4 map x * 2: 4 filter x > 5: 8 $.. ==> 8 |
You can test your code by running the provided. The following should compile without errors or warnings. Make sure your code follows the CS2030S Java style and can generate the documentation without error.
2 3 4 5 |
$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes cs2030s/fp/*java
$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes $ java Test3 $ java -jar ~cs2030s/bin/checkstyle.jar -c ~cs2030s/bin/cs2030_checks.xml cs2030s/fp/ $ javadoc -quiet -private -d docs cs2030s/fp/ |
sentinel and isSentinel
We now consider the situation where the list can be finite. In this case, we need to mark the end of the list with a special tail (aka a sentinel). Create a static nested class in InfiniteList<T> called Sentinel to represent a list that contains nothing and is used to mark the end of the list. You may add one final class field SENTINEL (similar to EMPTY from Lab 4 and NONE from Lab 5) in your InfiniteList to cache a single instance of the sentinel. Override the toString method so that a sentinel returns “-“.
Provide a boolean isSentinel method that returns true if the list is an instance of Sentinel and returns false otherwise. Note that isSentinel is a lazy operation and should not trigger the evaluation of the infinite list.
Provide an sentinel method that returns a sentinel.
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jshell> import cs2030s.fp.BooleanCondition
jshell> import cs2030s.fp.InfiniteList jshell> import cs2030s.fp.Transformer jshell> import cs2030s.fp.Producer
jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).isSentinel() $.. ==> false jshell> InfiniteList.generate(() -> 2).isSentinel() $.. ==> false jshell> InfiniteList.generate(() -> 2).filter(x -> x % 3 == 0).isSentinel() $.. ==> false jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).map(x -> 2).isSentinel() $.. ==> false jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).filter(x -> x % 2 == 0).isSentinel() $.. ==> false
jshell> InfiniteList.sentinel() $.. ==> – jshell> InfiniteList.sentinel().isSentinel() $.. ==> true jshell> InfiniteList.sentinel().map(x -> 2).isSentinel() $.. ==> true jshell> InfiniteList.sentinel().filter(x -> true).isSentinel() $.. ==> true jshell> InfiniteList.sentinel().filter(x -> false).isSentinel() $.. ==> true |
limit, toList
Now that we have a way to terminate an infinite list into a finite list, write a limit method that takes in a value n and truncate the InfiniteList<T> to a finite list with at most n elements. Your limit method must not count elements that are filtered out by filter, if any.
Now, provide a terminal toList method that collects the elements in the InfiniteList<T> into a java.util.List. You may refer to java.util.ArrayList for methods that might be useful for implementing this method.
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jshell> import cs2030s.fp.BooleanCondition
jshell> import cs2030s.fp.InfiniteList jshell> import cs2030s.fp.Transformer jshell> import cs2030s.fp.Producer
jshell> InfiniteList.sentinel().limit(4).isSentinel() $.. ==> true jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(0).isSentinel() $.. ==> true jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(1).isSentinel() $.. ==> false jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(10).isSentinel() $.. ==> false jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(-1).isSentinel() $.. ==> true jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(0).isSentinel() $.. ==> true jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(1).isSentinel() $.. ==> false jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(10).isSentinel() $.. ==> false
jshell> InfiniteList.generate(() -> 1).limit(4) $.. ==> [? ?] jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(4) $.. ==> [[1] ?] jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(1).head() $.. ==> 1 jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(4).head() $.. ==> 1
jshell> <T> T run(Producer<T> p) { …> try { …> return p.produce(); …> } catch (Exception e) { …> System.out.println(e); …> return null; …> } …> }
jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(1).tail().head()); java.util.NoSuchElementException $.. ==> null jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(0).head()); java.util.NoSuchElementException $.. ==> null jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(4).tail().tail().head()); $.. ==> 3 jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(4).limit(1).tail().head()); java.util.NoSuchElementException $.. ==> null jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(1).limit(4).tail().head()); java.util.NoSuchElementException $.. ==> null
jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).filter(x -> x % 2 == 0).limit(0).head()); java.util.NoSuchElementException $.. ==> null jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).filter(x -> x % 2 == 0).limit(1).head()); $.. ==> 2 jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(1).filter(x -> x % 2 == 0).head()); java.util.NoSuchElementException $.. ==> null jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(2).filter(x -> x % 2 == 0).head()); $.. ==> 2
jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(“A”, s -> s + “Z”).limit(2).map(s -> s.length()).head()); $.. ==> 1 jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(“A”, s -> s + “Z”).limit(2).map(s -> s.length()).tail().head()); $.. ==> 2 jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(“A”, s -> s + “Z”).limit(2).map(s -> s.length()).tail().tail().head()); java.util.NoSuchElementException $.. ==> null
jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(“A”, s -> s + “Z”).map(s -> s.length()).limit(2).head()); $.. ==> 1 jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(“A”, s -> s + “Z”).map(s -> s.length()).limit(2).tail().head()); $.. ==> 2 jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(“A”, s -> s + “Z”).map(s -> s.length()).limit(2).tail().tail().head()); java.util.NoSuchElementException $.. ==> null
jshell> InfiniteList.<String>sentinel().toList() $.. ==> [] jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(“A”, s -> s + “Z”).map(s -> s.length()).limit(2).toList() $.. ==> [1, 2] jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(“A”, s -> s + “Z”).limit(2).map(s -> s.length()).toList() $.. ==> [1, 2] jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).limit(2).filter(x -> x % 2 == 0).toList() $.. ==> [2] jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).filter(x -> x % 2 == 0).limit(2).toList() $.. ==> [2, 4] jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(0, x -> x + 1).filter(x -> x > 10).map(x -> x.hashCode() % 30).filter(x -> x < 20).limit(5).toList() $.. ==> [11, 12, 13, 14, 15] jshell> Random rng = new Random(1) jshell> InfiniteList.generate(() -> rng.nextInt() % 100).filter(x -> x > 10).limit(4).toList() $.. ==> [76, 95, 26, 69] jshell> InfiniteList.generate(() -> null).limit(4).limit(1).toList() $.. ==> [null] jshell> InfiniteList.generate(() -> null).limit(1).limit(4).toList() $.. ==> [null] |
You can test your code by running the provided. The following should compile without errors or warnings. Make sure your code follows the CS2030S Java style and can generate the documentation without error.
2 3 4 5 |
$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes cs2030s/fp/*java
$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes $ java Test4 $ java -jar ~cs2030s/bin/checkstyle.jar -c ~cs2030s/bin/cs2030_checks.xml cs2030s/fp/ $ javadoc -quiet -private -d docs cs2030s/fp/ |
Now, implement the takeWhile method. The method takes in a BooleanCondition<T>, and truncates the list as soon as it finds an element that evaluates the condition to false.
Just like limit, the takeWhile method should ignore elements that have been filtered out by filter.
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jshell> import cs2030s.fp.InfiniteList;
jshell> import cs2030s.fp.Transformer; jshell> import cs2030s.fp.Producer; jshell> import cs2030s.fp.BooleanCondition;
jshell> Transformer<Integer, Integer> incr = x -> { …> System.out.println(” iterate: ” + x); …> return x + 1; …> }; jshell> BooleanCondition<Integer> lessThan0 = x -> { …> System.out.println(” takeWhile x < 0: ” + x); …> return x < 0; …> }; jshell> BooleanCondition<Integer> lessThan2 = x -> { …> System.out.println(” takeWhile x < 2: ” + x); …> return x < 2; …> }; jshell> BooleanCondition<Integer> lessThan5 = x -> { …> System.out.println(” takeWhile x < 5: ” + x); …> return x < 5; …> }; jshell> BooleanCondition<Integer> lessThan10 = x -> { …> System.out.println(” takeWhile x < 10: ” + x); …> return x < 10; …> }; jshell> BooleanCondition<Integer> isEven = x -> { …> System.out.println(” filter x % 2 == 0: ” + x); …> return x % 2 == 0; …> };
jshell> <T> T run(Producer<T> p) { …> try { …> return p.produce(); …> } catch (Exception e) { …> System.out.println(e); …> return null; …> } …> }
jshell> InfiniteList.<Integer>sentinel().takeWhile(lessThan0).isSentinel() $.. ==> true jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).takeWhile(lessThan0).isSentinel() $.. ==> false jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).takeWhile(lessThan2).isSentinel() $.. ==> false jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).takeWhile(lessThan5).takeWhile(lessThan2).toList() takeWhile x < 5: 1 takeWhile x < 2: 1 iterate: 1 takeWhile x < 5: 2 takeWhile x < 2: 2 $.. ==> [1] jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).filter(isEven).takeWhile(lessThan10).toList() filter x % 2 == 0: 1 iterate: 1 filter x % 2 == 0: 2 takeWhile x < 10: 2 iterate: 2 filter x % 2 == 0: 3 iterate: 3 filter x % 2 == 0: 4 takeWhile x < 10: 4 iterate: 4 filter x % 2 == 0: 5 iterate: 5 filter x % 2 == 0: 6 takeWhile x < 10: 6 iterate: 6 filter x % 2 == 0: 7 iterate: 7 filter x % 2 == 0: 8 takeWhile x < 10: 8 iterate: 8 filter x % 2 == 0: 9 iterate: 9 filter x % 2 == 0: 10 takeWhile x < 10: 10 $.. ==> [2, 4, 6, 8]
jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.generate(() -> 2).takeWhile(lessThan0)); $.. ==> [? ?] jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).takeWhile(lessThan0)); $.. ==> [? ?] jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).takeWhile(lessThan0).head()); takeWhile x < 0: 1 java.util.NoSuchElementException $.. ==> null jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).takeWhile(lessThan2).head()); takeWhile x < 2: 1 $.. ==> 1 jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).takeWhile(lessThan2).tail().head()); takeWhile x < 2: 1 iterate: 1 takeWhile x < 2: 2 java.util.NoSuchElementException $.. ==> null jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).takeWhile(lessThan2).takeWhile(lessThan0).head()); takeWhile x < 2: 1 takeWhile x < 0: 1 java.util.NoSuchElementException $.. ==> null jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).takeWhile(lessThan0).takeWhile(lessThan2).head()); takeWhile x < 0: 1 java.util.NoSuchElementException $.. ==> null jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).takeWhile(lessThan5).takeWhile(lessThan2).tail().head()); takeWhile x < 5: 1 takeWhile x < 2: 1 iterate: 1 takeWhile x < 5: 2 takeWhile x < 2: 2 java.util.NoSuchElementException $.. ==> null jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).filter(isEven).takeWhile(lessThan10).head()); filter x % 2 == 0: 1 iterate: 1 filter x % 2 == 0: 2 takeWhile x < 10: 2 $.. ==> 2 jshell> run(() -> InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).filter(isEven).takeWhile(lessThan10).tail().head()); filter x % 2 == 0: 1 iterate: 1 filter x % 2 == 0: 2 takeWhile x < 10: 2 iterate: 2 filter x % 2 == 0: 3 iterate: 3 filter x % 2 == 0: 4 takeWhile x < 10: 4 $.. ==> 4
jshell> InfiniteList<Integer> list = InfiniteList.iterate(1, incr).takeWhile(lessThan10)
jshell> list.tail().tail().head() takeWhile x < 10: 1 iterate: 1 takeWhile x < 10: 2 iterate: 2 takeWhile x < 10: 3 $.. ==> 3 jshell> list.head() $.. ==> 1 jshell> list list ==> [[1] [[2] [[3] ?]]]
jshell> list.tail().head() $.. ==> 2 jshell> list.tail().tail().tail().head() iterate: 3 takeWhile x < 10: 4 $.. ==> 4 jshell> list list ==> [[1] [[2] [[3] [[4] ?]]]] |
You can test your code by running the provided. The following should compile without errors or warnings. Make sure your code follows the CS2030S Java style and can generate the documentation without error.
2 3 4 5 |
$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes cs2030s/fp/*java
$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes $ java Test5 $ java -jar ~cs2030s/bin/checkstyle.jar -c ~cs2030s/bin/cs2030_checks.xml cs2030s/fp/ $ javadoc -quiet -private -d docs cs2030s/fp/ |
reduce and count
Finally, we are going to implement the terminal operations: count and reduce. To imitate, the count method should return a long.
Note: In Java, any integral value with suffix L is treated as a long value. For instance, 123 has the type int, but 123L has the type long.
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jshell> import cs2030s.fp.InfiniteList;
jshell> InfiniteList.<Integer>sentinel().reduce(0, (x, y) -> x + y) $.. ==> 0 jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(0, x -> x + 1).limit(5).reduce(0, (x, y) -> x + y) $.. ==> 10 jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(0, x -> x + 1).limit(0).reduce(0, (x, y) -> x + y) $.. ==> 0 jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(1, x -> x + 1).map(x -> x * x).limit(5).reduce(1, (x, y) -> x * y) $.. ==> 14400
jshell> InfiniteList.<Integer>sentinel().count() $.. ==> 0 jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(0, x -> x + 1).limit(0).count() $.. ==> 0 jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(0, x -> x + 1).limit(1).count() $.. ==> 1
jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(0, x -> x + 1).filter(x -> x % 2 == 1).limit(10).count() $.. ==> 10 jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(0, x -> x + 1).limit(10).filter(x -> x % 2 == 1).count() $.. ==> 5 jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(0, x -> x + 1).takeWhile(x -> x < 10).count() $.. ==> 10 jshell> InfiniteList.iterate(0, x -> x + 1).takeWhile(x -> x < 10).filter(x -> x % 2 == 0).count() $.. ==> 5 |
You can test your code by running the provided. The following should compile without errors or warnings. Make sure your code follows the CS2030S Java style and can generate the documentation without error.
2 3 4 5 |
$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes cs2030s/fp/*java
$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes $ java Test6 $ java -jar ~cs2030s/bin/checkstyle.jar -c ~cs2030s/bin/cs2030_checks.xml cs2030s/fp/ $ javadoc -quiet -private -d docs |
Following CS2030S Style Guide
You should make sure that your code follows the given Java style guide and the give Java documentation guide.
This lab is worth 24 marks and contributes 6% to your final grade. The marking scheme is as follows:
- Documentation: 2 marks
- Everything Else: 22 marks
We will deduct 1 mark for each unnecessary use of @SuppressWarnings and each raw type. @SuppressWarnings should be used appropriately and not abused to remove compilation warnings.
Note that style marks are no longer awarded. You should know how to follow the prescribed Java style by now. We will deduct up to 2 marks if there are serious violations of styles.
We would like to remind you of the following:
- Use only the submit-labXscript to submit your lab. Failure to do so will lead to a 50% penalty on your lab grade.
- The grace period for getting used to the submission system is over. We will not waive the late penalty if students fail to submit properly. Please check your repo after running submit-labXto ensure that your files have been added correctly. The URL to your repo is given after you run submit-labX.