CS2030 Lab 5: Maybe


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This is a follow-up from Lab 4. In Lab 4, we have constructed a generic class `Box<T>`, which is a container for an item of type `T`. Beyond being an exercise for teaching about generics, `Box<T>` is not a very useful type. In Lab 5 and 6, we are going to modify `Box<T>` into two more useful and general classes. We are going to build our own Java packages using these useful classes.

## Java `package`

Java package mechanism allows us to group relevant classes and interfaces under a namespace. You have seen two packages so far: `java.util`, where we import `List`, `Arrays`, from, and `java.lang` where we import the `Math` class from. These are provided by Java as standard libraries. We can also create our package and put the classes and interfaces into the same package. We (and the clients) can then import and use the classes and interfaces that we provide.

Java package provides a higher-layer of abstraction barrier. We can designate a class to be used outside a package by prefixing the keyword `class` with the access modifier `public`. We can further fine-tune which fields and methods are accessible from other classes in the same package using the `protected` access modifier.

You can read more about [java packages](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/package/index.html) and [the `protected` modifier](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/accesscontrol.html) yourself through Oracle’s Java tutorial.

We will create a package named `cs2030.fp` to be used for this and the next few labs.

First, we need to add the line:
package cs2030.fp;

on top of every `.java` file that we would like to include in the package.

The package name is typically written in a hierarchical manner using the “.” notations. The name also indicates the location of the `.java` files and the `.class` files. For this reason, you can no longer store the `.java` files under `labX-username` directly. Instead, you should put them in a subdirectory called `cs2030/fp` under `labX-username`.

To start, our `cs2030.fp` package will contain the two interfaces `Transformer` and `BooleanCondition` that you have written in Lab 2.

If you have set up everything correctly, you should be able to run the following in `jshell` (Remember to always compile your code first!)
jshell> import cs2030.fp.Transformer;
jshell> import cs2030.fp.BooleanCondition;

without error.

## More Interfaces

Now, we are going to one more interface into our package:

– `Producer<T>` is an interface with a single `produce` method that takes in no parameter and returns a value of type `T`.

If you have set up everything correctly, you should be able to run the following in `jshell` without errors (remember to always compile your code first!)

jshell> import cs2030.fp.Producer;
jshell> Producer<String> p;
jshell> p = new Producer<>() {
…> public String produce() { return “”; }
…> }

## Call me Maybe<T>

Now, we are going to implement a type called `Maybe<T>`. Our `Maybe<T>` is an _option type_, a common abstraction in programming languages (`java.util.Optional` in Java, `option` in Scala, `Maybe` in Haskell, `Nullable<T>` in C#, etc) that is a wrapper around a value that might be missing. In other words, it represents either _some_ value, or _none_.

### Inner Classes and Factory Methods

Write an abstract class called `Maybe<T>` with two concrete, static, nested classes, named `None` and `Some<T>`. Both `None` and `Some<T>` inherits from `Maybe<T>`. `Some<T>` must be immutable.

`Maybe<T>` has two static factory methods:

– `none()` returns an instance of `None`. Just like `Box::empty`, there should only be one instance of `None`. Multiple calls to `none()` should return the same instance.
– `some(T t)` takes in a value `t` and returns an instance of `Some<T>` wrapped around `t` (`t` might be `null`).

Implement a `None::toString` method that always returns `[]` and a `Some::toString` methods that always return the string representation of the content between `[` and `]`.

Here are some examples of how the factory methods might be used (remember to always compile your code first!)
jshell> Maybe<Object> m = Maybe.none()
jshell> Maybe.none()
$.. ==> []

jshell> Maybe<Integer> m = Maybe.some(null)
jshell> Maybe.some(null)
$.. ==> [null]

jshell> Maybe<Integer> m = Maybe.some(4)
jshell> Maybe.some(4)
$.. ==> [4]

jshell> Maybe.none() == Maybe.none()
$.. ==> true

Implement the `equal` method such that two `None` are always equal, and two `Some<T>` instances are equals if their contents are equals. (You might find your `Box` implementation useful).

jshell> Maybe.none().equals(Maybe.none())
$.. ==> true
jshell> Maybe.none().equals(Maybe.some(“day”))
$.. ==> false
jshell> Maybe.none().equals(Maybe.some(null))
$.. ==> false
jshell> Maybe.none().equals(null)
$.. ==> false

jshell> Maybe.some(“day”).equals(Maybe.some(“day”))
$.. ==> true

jshell> Maybe.some(null).equals(Maybe.some(“day”))
$.. ==> false
jshell> Maybe.some(null).equals(Maybe.some(null))
$.. ==> true
jshell> Maybe.some(null).equals(Maybe.none())
$.. ==> false
jshell> Maybe.some(null).equals(null)
$.. ==> false

Finally, add a static factory `of`, which returns an instance of `Some` if the input is not null, and `None` otherwise.

jshell> Maybe.of(null).equals(Maybe.none())
$.. ==> true
jshell> Maybe.of(null).equals(Maybe.some(null))
$.. ==> false
jshell> Maybe.of(4).equals(Maybe.none())
$.. ==> false
jshell> Maybe.of(4).equals(Maybe.some(4))
$.. ==> true

Add a `protected` abstract method called get() with return type of `T` into `Maybe<T>`. Implement `get()` in `None` such that it throws a `NoSuchElementException`, and in `Some<T>` such that it returns the value contained inside. Since this method might throw an exception if the client misuse it, we keep the method `protected` and usable only within our `package`. Due to this, we can’t test it. But keep this method in mind as it might be handy later.

You can test your code by running the `Test1.java` provided. The following should compile without errors or warnings. Make sure your code follows the CS2030 Java style.

$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes Test1.java
$ java Test1
$ java -jar ~cs2030s/bin/checkstyle.jar -c ~cs2030s/bin/cs2030_checks.xml *.java

### Filter and Map (again!)

Just like `Box`, we will now add the methods `filter` and `map`. We will do this a couple more times in the next two labs.

Create a method `filter` in `Maybe` that takes in a `BooleanCondition` as a parameter. Calling `filter` on `None` always returns a `None`. Call `filter` on `Some` should return `None` if the value in `Some` is not `null` and failed the test (i.e., the call to `test` returns `false`). Otherwise, `filter` leaves the `Maybe` untouched and returns the `Maybe` as it is.

Here is how `filter` could be use. Remember to always compile your code first before using them in `jshell`:

jshell> import cs2030.fp.BooleanCondition
jshell> import cs2030.fp.Maybe
jshell> BooleanCondition<Integer> isEven = new BooleanCondition<>() {
…> public boolean test(Integer x) {
…> return x % 2 == 0;
…> }
…> }
jshell> Maybe.<Integer>none().filter(isEven)
$.. ==> []
jshell> Maybe.<Integer>some(null).filter(isEven)
$.. ==> [null]
jshell> Maybe.<Integer>some(1).filter(isEven)
$.. ==> []
jshell> Maybe.<Integer>some(2).filter(isEven)
$.. ==> [2]

Create a method `map` in `Maybe` that takes in a `Transformer` as a parameter. Calling `map` on `None` always returns a `None`. Call `map` on `Some` should return a new `Some` with the value inside transformed by the `Transformer` instance. Note that, if the `transform` method does not handle the case where the input is `null`, a `NullPointerException` will be thrown.

jshell> Transformer<Integer,Integer> incr = new Transformer<>() {
…> public Integer transform(Integer x) {
…> return x + 1;
…> }
…> }
jshell> Maybe.<Integer>none().map(incr)
$.. ==> []
jshell> try {
…> Maybe.<Integer>some(null).map(incr); // <- error expected
…> } catch (NullPointerException e) {
…> System.out.println(e);
…> }
jshell> Maybe.<Integer>some(1).map(incr)
$.. ==> [2]

jshell> Map<String,Integer> map = Map.of(“one”, 1, “two”, 2);
jshell> Transformer<String,Maybe<Integer>> = new Transformer<>() {
…> public String transform(String x) {

…> return Maybe.some(map.get(x));
…> }
…> }
jshell> Map<String,Integer> map = Map.of(“one”, 1, “two”, 2);
jshell> Transformer<String,Integer> wordToInt = new Transformer<>() {
…> public Integer transform(String x) {
…> return map.get(x);
…> }
…> }
jshell> Maybe.<String>none().map(wordToInt)
$.. ==> []
jshell> Maybe.<String>some(“”).map(wordToInt)
$.. ==> [null]
jshell> Maybe.<String>some(“one”).map(wordToInt)
$.. ==> [1]

jshell> Transformer<String,Maybe<Integer>> wordToMaybeInt = new Transformer<>() {
…> public Maybe<Integer> transform(String x) {
…> return Maybe.of(map.get(x));
…> }
…> }
jshell> Maybe.<String>none().map(wordToMaybeInt)
$.. ==> []
jshell> Maybe.<String>some(“”).map(wordToMaybeInt)
$.. ==> [[]]
jshell> Maybe.<String>some(“one”).map(wordToMaybeInt)
$.. ==> [[1]]
jshell> Maybe<Maybe<Integer>> m = Maybe.<String>some(“one”).map(wordToMaybeInt)

You can test your code by running the `Test2.java` provided. The following should compile without errors or warnings. Make sure your code follows the CS2030 Java style.

$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes Test2.java
$ java Test2
$ java -jar ~cs2030s/bin/checkstyle.jar -c ~cs2030s/bin/cs2030_checks.xml *.java

We may no longer explicitly test for PECS but you should still make your methods flexible in the type that it accepts.

### flatMap

Consider a `Transformer` that might return a `Maybe<T>` itself (as `wordToMaybeInt` above). Using `map` on such a `Transformer` would lead to a value wrapped around a `Maybe` twice.

Create a method `flatMap` in `Maybe<T>` that takes in a Transfomer as the parameter. The `Transformer` transforms the value of type `T` in `Maybe<T>` into a value of type `Maybe<U>`, for some type `U`. The method `flatMap`, however, returns a value of type `Maybe<U>` (instead of `Maybe<Maybe<U>>` as in the case of `map`).

Remember to apply PECS in your method signature so that `flatMap` is as flexible as possible.

jshell> Map<String,Integer> map = Map.of(“one”, 1, “two”, 2);
jshell> Transformer<String,Maybe<Integer>> wordToMaybeInt = new Transformer<>() {
…> public Maybe<Integer> transform(String x) {
…> return Maybe.of(map.get(x));
…> }
…> }
jshell> Maybe.<String>none().flatMap(wordToMaybeInt)
$.. ==> []
jshell> Maybe.<String>some(“”).flatMap(wordToMaybeInt)
$.. ==> []
jshell> Maybe.<String>some(“one”).flatMap(wordToMaybeInt)
$.. ==> [1]
jshell> Maybe<Number> m = Maybe.<String>some(“one”).flatMap(wordToMaybeInt)

You can test your code by running the `Test3.java` provided. The following should compile without errors or warnings. Make sure your code follows the CS2030 Java style.

$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes Test3.java
$ java Test3
$ java -jar ~cs2030s/bin/checkstyle.jar -c ~cs2030s/bin/cs2030_checks.xml *.java

### Or Else

Since `Maybe` is an abstraction for a possibly missing value, it would be useful to provide methods that decide what to do if the value is missing.

Add an abstract method `orElse` in `Maybe<T>`. Implements it in `None` and `Some<T>`, such that `None` returns a given value that is a subtype of `T`, while `Some<T>` just returns the value inside.

Add an abstract method `orElseGet` in `Maybe<T>`. `orElseGet` takes in a producer. Implements `orElseGet` in `None` and `Some<T>`, such that `None` returns a value that is a subtype of `T` produced by the producer, while `Some<T>` just returns the value inside.

jshell> Maybe.<Number>none().orElse(4)
$.. ==> 4
jshell> Maybe.<Integer>some(1).orElse(4)
$.. ==> 1
jshell> Producer<Double> zero = new Producer<>() {
…> public Double produce() {
…> return 0.0;
…> }
…> }
jshell> Maybe.<Number>none().orElseGet(zero);
$.. ==> 0.0
jshell> Maybe.<Number>some(1).orElseGet(zero);
$.. ==> 1
jshell> ⏎

You can test your code by running the `Test4.java` provided. The following should compile without errors or warnings. Make sure your code follows the CS2030 Java style.

$ javac -Xlint:rawtypes Test4.java
$ java Test4
$ java -jar ~cs2030s/bin/checkstyle.jar -c ~cs2030s/bin/cs2030_checks.xml *.java

## Using `Maybe`

Now that we have our `Maybe` class, let’s try to use it to do something more meaningful.

It is a common idiom (although not a good one) for a method to return a value if successful and return a `null` otherwise. It is up to the caller to check and make sure that the return value is not `null` before using it, to prevent receiving a run-time `NullPointerException`.

One example of this is the `Map<K,V>` implements in Java. You have seen above that `Map::get` returns `null` if the key that you are looking for does not exist.

We have given you a program `Lab5.java` that uses multiple layers of `Map` to store information about students, their modules, and their assessment grades. There is a method `getGrade` that, given this map, a student, a module, and an assessment, look up the corresponding grade. There are multiple checks if a returned value is `null` in this method.

Our new `Maybe<T>` class provides a good abstraction for the returned value from `Map::get` since the value returned is either some value or none!

Your final task is to modify `getGrade` so that it uses `Maybe<T>` instead:

– Declare and initialize two `Transformer` instances using anonymous classes
– Use the two `Transformers`, `Maybe::of`, `Maybe::flatMap`, and `Maybe::orElse` to achieve the same functionality as the given `getGrade` in a _single return statement_.
– Your code should not have any more conditional statements or references to `null`.

## Files

A set of empty files have been given to you. You should only edit these files. You must not add any additional files.

The files `Test1.java`, `Test2.java`, etc., as well as `CS2030Test.java`, are provided for testing. You can edit them to add your test cases, but they will not be submitted.

## Following CS2030 Style Guide

You should make sure that your code follows the [given Java style guide](https://nus-cs2030-2021-s3.github.io/notes/style.html)

## Grading

This lab is worth 12 marks and contributes 3% to your final grade. The marking scheme is as follows:

– Style: 2 marks
– Everything Else: 12 marks

We will deduct 1 mark for each unnecessary use of `@SuppressWarnings` and each raw type. `@SuppressWarnings` should be used appropriately and not abused to remove compilation warnings.

Note that the style marks are conditioned on the evidence of efforts in solving Lab 5.


We would like to remind you of the following:

– Use only the `submit-labX` script to submit your lab. Failure to do so will lead to a 50% penalty on your lab grade.
– The grace period for getting used to the submission system is over. We will not waive the late penalty if students fail to submit properly. Please check your repo after running `submit-labX` to ensure that your files have been added correctly. The URL to your repo is given after you run `submit-labX`.