
CS194-15: Engineering Parallel Software Assignment 2

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1 Introduction

The goal of this assignment is to introduce OpenMP and pThreads programming by parallelizing
matrix multiply and image blurring.

1.1 Matrix multiply
Matrix multiply, shown in Listing 1, is a short and simple kernel.
void matmuld (double a [ 1 0 2 4 ] [ 1 0 2 4 ] , double b [ 1 0 2 4 ] [ 1 0 2 4 ] , double c [ 1 0 2 4 ] [ 1 0 2 4 ] )
for ( int i =0; i <1024; i++)
for ( int j =0; j <1024; j++)
for ( int k=0;k<1024; k++)
c [ i ] [ j ] += a [ i ] [ k ] ∗ b [ k ] [ j ] ;
Listing 1: Three-nested loop matrix multiply

1.2 Image blurring
Image blurring (two-dimensional convolution 1
) is a slighty more complex kernel. The source for the
image processing kernel you’ll be working with is slightly too large to comfortabilty fit on a single page.
Instead, refer to the function blur frame in the source file conv2d.cpp as the baseline. You should note
that the blurring radius can vary from pixel to pixel.

2 Getting the assignment

The source for the assignment is on both Piazza and bSpace.

3 Matrix multiply

3.1 Programming problems
3.1.1 OpenMP parallel for-loops
Add the appropriate pragmas to the file omp_matmul_for.cpp to enable parallel for-loops.

3.1.2 OpenMP parallel tasks
Add the appropriate pragmas to the file omp_matmul_task.cpp to parallelize matrix-multiply using
OpenMP tasks.

3.1.3 pThreads
Add the appropriate function calls to the file pthread_matmul.cpp to parallelize matrix-matrix using
1See Wikipedia if you’re unfamilar with convolution

3.2 Matrix multiply questions
Please answer each of the following questions:
3.2.1 Scaling plot
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
OpenMP for
OpenMP task
Figure 1: An example scaling plot

For each of the three approaches, make a scaling plot. An example of a scaling plot is shown in
Figure 1. The framework included with this assignment calls your code with a varying number of
threads. Performance (in mflops/sec) is reported. Please plot these results.

3.2.2 Peak performance
How many times faster was your best parallel implementation compared to the scalar baseline? Did
you achieve linear scaling? Can you explain your performance results?

3.2.3 Measuring up
The hive machines have a peak performance of 76.8 double-precision gigaflops per second. How does
your matrix-multiply performance compare to the peak? Why are you achieving less than peak performance? What sorts of optimizations would you propose to improve performance? (don’t implement,
just tell us what you’re thinking)?

3.2.4 Personal preferences
Which do you like using more: OpenMP or pThreads? Why?

3.2.5 How does OpenMP work?
The purpose of this question is to better understand how OpenMP works.

3.2.6 How do you think OpenMP works?
Try compiling your version OpenMP parallel-task matrix-multiply code with following command:
g++ -O3 -fopenmp -fdump-tree-ssa -c matmul.cpp

This command will dump GCC’s internal representation of your program (the intermediate representation, for those of you who have taken a compilers course). On my machine, the intermediate representation is saved in the file matmul.cpp.017t.ssa. The filename may change on your machine, but will
always end in ssa.

Look for functions and structures with “omp” in their name. Explain how you think OpenMP
launches parallel work when you use parallel tasks.

4 Image blurring

Choose either OpenMP or pThreads and parallelize the blur frame function in the file conv2d.cpp.

4.1 Image blurring questions

4.1.1 Make a scaling plot with fixed blurring radius
Make a scaling plot (like in Section 3.2.1) for the parallelized image blurring code when the blurring
radius is fixed to a distance of 1. This blur radius is enabled by calling the executable with the parameter

4.1.2 Make a scaling plot with a variable blurring radius
Rerun your image blurring code with a variable radius blur with a maximium radius of 10. The
variable radius blur is enabled by calling the executable with the parameter -n10. Does the code scale as
well as with a fixed blurring radius. If it does not scale as well as before, can you think of a reason why
scaling is reduced? Also, propose solutions to improve scalability (but you do not need to implement

4.2 How much time did you spend on this assignment?
This assignment is designed to be a straightforward assignment. How much time did you spend on

5 What to turn in
Please answer the questions to Sections 3.2 and 4.1 and include your answers as a PDF. Use bSpace
to submit your answers. No code please.