CS151 Austrailian News Stories PA6


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In this assignment you will be analyzing the headlines of the Austrailian Broadcasting Company (ABC).


You must create a program that can read in all data from the file, store it in a list, and then answer questions about that data.

File Info
The file has values comma-delimited. A description of the fields is below.

Program Abilities

Your program must answer the following questions for the user:
* What are the top 20 most common words in headlines? Create a graph to show how common each of the top 20 words are in this dataset.

* Write to a file all of the headlines containing a particular word between two dates. The user of your program will input the word you will find, as well as the starting and ending dates for the headlines (you should include headlines that happen on the start and end dates, as well as all dates in between).

* Output to the user the number of headlines published for each day of the month/year chosen by the user. For instance, the user could request to see all headlines from March of 2003.

* A question of your choosing!

You must give a menu with all options for the user. The program should only end when the user chooses the option to end from the menu.

Fields in your file
1. The date the headline was used. The date is of the format YYYYMMDD.
2. The headline