The goal of this homework is for you to showcase your knowledge about how to
properly use dictionaries. For this assignment you will need to implement 5 functions.
Refer to the rubric to see how points will be rewarded for each function. You have
been given to fill out with instructions in the docstrings. However, below you
will find more detailed information to complete your assignment. Read it thoroughly
before you begin. You have until Thursday, October 26th to complete this
assignment. Don’t forget to include your name and your collaboration statement. Redownload your submission from T-Square after you submit it to make sure that your
code runs successfully.
Authors: Christine Feng and Rodrigo Mejia
Function name: scheduler
Parameters: a dictionary containing members’ names as keys, and lists of months that member
is available as values
Returns: the best month to schedule the meet-up (str)
Description: You’re the event manager of the National Association of Python Coders, and you
want to coordinate a big meet-up for your organization. Write a function called scheduler that
takes in a dictionary with members’ names as keys and lists of months during which the
member is available to attend a meet-up, and returns whichever month has the most club
members available. If there is more than one month with the highest number of available club
members, return the month that occurs earlier in the year. NOTE: The list of months for each
club member will contain integers 1-12; you should return the corresponding month name as a
string (“January”, “February”, “March”, etc.) Hint: It may be useful to use a dictionary for this
Test cases:
>>> info_dict_1 = {“Andrew Andrews”: [1,4,7,8], “Brock Brockson”: [1,6,8,12],
“Charles Charleston”: [1,2,3], “David Davidson”: [1,5,9,10], “Ellen
Ellenson”: [1]}
>>> scheduler(info_dict_1)
>>> info_dict_2 = {“Flora Flores”: [4,5,6,3], “George Georges”: [4,5,6,3],
“Henry Henries”: [4,5,6,3], “Isabella Isbell”: [4,5,6,3], “John Johnson”:
>>> scheduler(info_dict_2)
Function name: buy_albums
Parameters: a dictionary named album_buy_dict {key is the name of an album (string): value
is a the album’s artist (string)}, a dictionary named artist_price_dict {key is name of an
artist (string): value is the price per album of all that artist’s albums (float)}
Returns: a dictionary {key is the name of an artist (string): value is how much was paid in total
for all of the albums we bought that were theirs (float)}
Description: Write a function that takes in a dictionary in which every key is the name of an
album, and every is a string of the name of the album’s artist, as well as a dictionary in which
every key is an artist’s name, and every value is a float of the price per album for that artist for
all their albums. The function should return a dictionary in which every key is the name of an
artist whose album(s) you bought, and the value is the total amount you paid for the album(s) of
that particular artist (i.e. price per that artist’s albums * total number of albums bought). The
dictionary should also have a key-value pair where the key is “total” and the value is the grand
total for all of the albums you bought.
Authors: Christine Feng and Rodrigo Mejia
• You can assume spelling and punctuation of the artist names in album_buy_dict and
artist_price_dict will be the same for the same artist.
• Each album included in album_buy_dict means we bought one of that album.
• You can assume that “total” will never be a key in the original dictionary.
• If you print out your returned dictionary the order of the artists may be different from
ours, what’s important is that each artist (key) is correctly matched to their price totals
Test cases:
>>> total_buy_dict = buy_albums({“Coloring Book” : “Chance the Rapper”, “Acid
Rap” : “Chance the Rapper”, “The College Dropout” : “Kanye West”, “Yeezus” :
“Kanye West”, “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” : “Kanye West”, “Channel
Orange” : “Frank Ocean”, “Blonde” : “Frank Ocean”, “Kauai” : “Childish
Gambino”, “Continuum” : “John Mayer”}, {“Chance the Rapper” : 0.00, “Kanye
West” : 9.75, “Frank Ocean” : 12.15, “Childish Gambino” : 8.45, “John Mayer”
: 4.75})
>>> print(total_buy_dict)
>>> {‘Chance the Rapper’: 0.00, ‘Kanye West’: 29.25, ‘Frank Ocean’: 24.30,
‘Childish Gambino’: 8.45, ‘John Mayer’: 4.75 ‘total’: 66.75}
Function name: translator
Parameters: a filename (str), a string
Returns: a string
Description: Write a function that takes in a filename and a string, then uses the file to create a
dictionary with English words as the keys and the corresponding words in another language as
the values. In the string passed in, replace every word that is a key in the dictionary with the
value that the key maps to and return that new string. NOTE: You can assume the file passed in
will always be in the format specified in the test cases below, and that the string will be all
Test cases:
hello, bonjour
my, mon
name, nom
is, est
>>> translator(“french_dictionary.txt”, “hello, my name is christine! my
favorite food is pizza.”)
‘bonjour, mon nom est chresttine! mon favorite food est pizza’
Authors: Christine Feng and Rodrigo Mejia
i, ich
read, lebe
many, viele
books, Bucher
study, studiere
math, Mathematik
and, und
>>> translator(“german_dictionary.txt”, “i read many books. i study math and
computer science.”)
‘ich lebe viele Bucher. ich studiere Mathematik und computer scichence.’
Function name: average_rating
Parameters: a dictionary named movies_dict {keys are the names of movies (string): values
are a list of integer ratings from zero to ten (list of ints)}
Returns: a dictionary {keys are names of movies (string): values are that show’s average rating
Description: Write a function that takes in a dictionary and returns a dictionary. The function will
take in a dictionary, movies_dict, where the key will be a string that represents the name of
some movie and the value will be a list of integers representing ratings on a ten-point scale for
that movie. The function should take this dictionary and make a new dictionary where the keys
will be strings of the movie name and the values will be the average rating for that movie
(rounded to 2 decimal points).
• Remember to round the average rating of each movie to two decimal points!
• Every movie included in movies_dict will have at least one rating.
• Every rating is out of ten.
• If you print out your returned dictionary the order of the artists may be different from
ours, what’s important is that each artist (key) is correctly matched to their price totals
>>> movies_dict = {“Back to the Future” : [8, 7, 9, 10], “Independence Day” :
[8, 7, 5, 10, 10], “Men in Black” : [7, 6, 9], “Rush Hour” : [8, 9, 10, 10]}
>>> test1 = average_rating(movies_dict)
>>> print(test1)
{‘Back to the Future’: 8.5, ‘Independence Day’: 8.0, ‘Men in Black’: 7.33,
‘Rush Hour’: 9.25}
Authors: Christine Feng and Rodrigo Mejia
Function name: sentence_stats
Parameters: a string
Returns: a dictionary
Description: Make a function called sentence_stats that takes in a sentence (str) as a
parameter and returns a dictionary containing the information detailed in the following table:
key value; value type
uppercase number of uppercase letters in
the string; int
lowercase number of lowercase letters in
the string; int
vowels number of uppercase and lowercase
vowels (A, E, I, O, U) in the
string; int
consonants number of uppercase and lowercase
consonants (including Y) in the
string; int
numbers number of numbers (0123456789) in
the string; int
special_chars number of special characters
(i.e. non-letters and nonnumbers, not including spaces) in
the string; int
word_count number of words in the string;
most_common most common character in the
string other than the space
character; str
Test cases:
>>> sentence_stats(“Hello! My name is Christine 07/08”)
{‘uppercase’: 3, ‘lowercase’: 19, ‘vowels’: 8, ‘consonants’: 14, ‘numbers’:
4, ‘special_chars’: 2, ‘word_count’: 6, ‘most_common’: ‘e’}
>>> sentence_stats(“!!!#$@%^^&$%^%^$@!%$#%$%&@%$#@%$@”)
{‘uppercase’: 0, ‘lowercase’: 0, ‘vowels’: 0, ‘consonants’: 0, ‘numbers’: 0,
‘special_chars’: 33, ‘word_count’: 1, ‘most_common’: ‘%’}
Authors: Christine Feng and Rodrigo Mejia
Grading Rubric
– scheduler: 20 points
– buy_albums: 20 points
– translator: 20 points
– average_rating: 20 points
– sentence_stats: 20 points
– Total 100/100 points
The following file(s) have been provided to you. There are several, but you will only edit one of them:
This is the file you will edit and implement. All instructions for what the methods should do are in
the docstrings.
We have provided you with a python file called In this file we have created a
series of tests for your usage. We understand you probably have never been exposed to testing
code so you are not expected to do anything to this file or even use this file if you don’t want to.
However, we encourage you to use it as it will be highly beneficial in testing your code. Feel free
to add your own tests to the file to cover any additional cases you would like to test.
If you do desire to test your code, all you have to do is have the and the
files in the same directory. Open and run After running the test, you should see
the results. Check the results and start debugging if needed. If you pass all the tests you should
see something like this as your output:
Disclaimer: The tests found in are not intended to be an exhaustive list of all
test cases and does not guarantee any type of grade. Write your own tests if you wish to
ensure you cover all edge cases.
Read more about unittest here: [ ]
You must submit all of the following file(s). Please make sure the filename matches the filename(s)
below. Be sure you receive the confirmation email from T-Square, and then download your uploaded
files to a new folder and run them.
If this file does not run (if it encounters an error while trying to run), you will get no credit on the