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The goal of this homework is for you to showcase your knowledge about how to properly
use tuples and modules. For this assignment you will need to implement 6 functions. The
functions you are asked to code will use tuples and modules. Refer to the rubric to see
how points will be rewarded for each function. You have been given HW5.py to fill out with
instructions in the docstrings. However, below you will find more detailed information to
complete your assignment. Read it thoroughly before you begin. You have until
Thursday, October 5th to complete this assignment. Don’t forget to include your name
and your collaboration statement. Re-download your submission from T-Square after you
submit it to make sure that your code runs successfully.
Authors: Kelly Zou and Cathy Liu
Function name: complex_calculator
Parameters: a string, a list
Return value: An int, a float, or None
Description: Write a function that takes two arguments. The first argument will be a name (string). The
second argument will be a list of numbers. The name will decide what function from the math module
will be used. Refer to the table below to decide which name will correspond to which math function. If
the name passed into the function is not one in the table, return None. The list of numbers contains
the arguments to be used for the math function. However, some of these math functions take only 1
parameter and others take 2. Assume that if the math function needs one parameter, the list will be of
length one, and if the math function needs two parameters the list will be of length two. Some math
functions might give a long decimal number. Please round the numbers to 3 decimal points if needed.
Name Function
“ceil” math.ceil
“fabs” math.fabs
“gcd” math.gcd
“pow” math.pow
“sin” math.sin
• Assume that if a math function is called, the numbers in the list will work for that math function.
This is not a case sensitive function (i.e. “ceil” is the same as “CEIL”, “Ceil”, or “cEil”, etc.), you
must account for this.
• Look in the python library to see which functions take 1 parameter and which take 2. You may
find that reading https://docs.python.org/3/library/math.html will be helpful.
Test Cases:
>>> test1 = complex_calculator(“pow”, [2, 4])
>>> print(test1)
>>> test2 = complex_calculator(“code”, [1, 2])
>>> print(test2)
>>> test3 = complex_calculator(“Gcd”, [24, 8])
>>> print(test3)
Authors: Kelly Zou and Cathy Liu
Function name: help_recruit
Parameters: A string
Return value: A tuple of length 3
Description: Write a function that takes in a string that holds the information of a recruit. You may
assume that the string will always be formatted in this way: “NAME: SPORT, RANK”. Return a tuple
in the format (SPORT (string), RANK (int), NAME (string)). Please note there is a space before
SPORT. The tuple that is returned must not have any spaces within the strings.
Test Cases:
>>> test1 = help_recruit(“Joseph Macrina: Football, 1”)
>>> print(test1)
(‘Football’, 1, ‘Joseph Macrina’)
>>> test2 = help_recruit(“Chris Eubanks: Tennis, 8”)
>>> print(test2)
(‘Tennis’, 8, ‘Chris Eubanks’)
>>> test3 = help_recruit(“Ashley Askin: Volleyball, 6”)
>>> print(test3)
(‘Volleyball’, 6, ‘Ashley Askin’)
Function name: recruiting_profile
Parameters: A list of strings, sport_name
Return value: A list of tuples
Description: Write a function that takes in a list of strings. The list can be empty, in which case return
an empty list. Each string contains information about a person. You may assume that the string will
always be formatted in this way: “NAME: SPORT, RANK”. Call the help_recruit function to convert
each string to a tuple. Find all the tuples that have sport_name and add them to a list sorted by their
rank. However, the tuples in this list should be formatted as (RANK(int), SPORT(string),
NAME(string)). No one will have the same rank. Return the list.
• If you have a function that returns a tuple of length three another way you can call the function
and store the returned values is:
o a, b, c = myfunc()
• When sorting the tuples, you may use a built-in function.
Test Cases:
>>> recruits= recruiting_profile([“Jair Anderson: Football,4″,”TaQuon Marshall:
Football, 1”, “Daniel Yun: Tennis, 3”, “Gabby Benda: Volleyball, 7″,”Ashley
Askin: Volleyball, 2”, “Sydney Wilson: Volleyball, 5”, “Chris Eubanks: Tennis,
1”, “Zach Matthews: Football, 11”, “Andrew Li: Tennis, 2”], “Tennis”)
Authors: Kelly Zou and Cathy Liu
[(1, ‘Tennis’, ‘Chris Eubanks’), (2, ‘Tennis’, ‘Andrew Li’), (3, ‘Tennis’,
‘Daniel Yun’)]
>>> recruit1=recruiting_profile([“Wade Bailey: Baseball, 3”, “Josh Okogie:
Basketball, 1”, “Tadric Jackson: Basketball, 4″,”Megan Young: Swimming, 7″,”Ben
Lammers: Basketball, 2″,”Jake Lee: Baseball, 8″,”Brad Oberg: Swimming, 8″,”Megan
Hansen: Swimming, 5″,”Joey Bart: Baseball, 5”, “Matt Casillas: Swimming, 2”],
[(2, ‘Swimming’, ‘Matt Casillas’), (5, ‘Swimming’, ‘Megan Hansen’), (7,
‘Swimming’, ‘Megan Young’), (8, ‘Swimming’, ‘Brad Oberg’)]
>>> recruits2= recruiting_profile([“Lauren Frerking: Volleyball, 11″,”James Clark:
Golf, 3”, “Michael Pisciotta: Golf, 2” ], “Tennis”)
>>> print(recruits2)
Function name: precious_pets
Parameters: A string
Return value: A tuple of length 2
Description: Write a function that takes in a string containing information about multiple pets. You may
assume that the string will always be formatted in this way: “Pet_Name, Pet_Excitement_Level +
Pet_Name, Pet_Excitement_Level + etc.”. Using the information given in the string, find the pet with
the highest excitement level, and return the pet’s name and the pet’s excitement level in a tuple
formatted as (Pet_Name, Pet_Excitement_Level).
• An empty string will never be passed in.
• If two pets have the same excitement level, then return the pet that comes last in the string
Test Cases:
>>> test1 = precious_pets(“Ruby, 10000 + Dawg, 2 + Fluffy, 9999”)
>>> print(test1)
(‘Ruby’, 10000)
>>> test2 = precious_pets(“Henry, 300 + Bean, 500 + TaoTao, 900 + Hen,
900”)>>> print(test2)
(‘Hen’, 900)
>>> test3 = precious_pets(“Joey, 6 + Lima, 25 + Tofu, 2 + Grump, 1”)
>>> print(test3)
(‘Lima’, 25)
Authors: Kelly Zou and Cathy Liu
Function name: hungry_puppies
Parameters: A list of tuples, a float, a float
Return value: A tuple
Description: Write a function that takes a list of tuples, a float representing the price per a pound of
food, and a float representing the total amount of money that can be spent on dog food. The tuples in
the list contain a puppy’s name (string), the puppy’s age (int), and how many pounds of food the puppy
can eat in a day (float). If the puppy is younger than 2, then only add half of the pounds that the puppy
needs to eat. Return a tuple in the following order with the following information: (Boolean value
representing if the amount of dog food can be afforded or not, Floating point value representing the
total pounds of dog food that the puppies need, a String representing the name of the dog who needs
the most food after taking into account the halving of the pounds).
• Assume all numbers in the tuples are positive. In the returned list, all numbers in the tuples
should be floats.
• The tuples can be in any order
• If the list is empty, then return a tuple with True, 0, and an empty string
• If there is a tie for the dog who needs the most amount of food, then add the dog who appears
first in the string.
Test Cases:
>>> test1 = hungry_puppies([(9.0, “Scott”, 2), (5, “Blue”, 14.0),
(“Cindy”, 1, 20.0)], 4.2, 500.0)
>>> print(test1)
(True, 33.0, ‘Blue’)
>>> test2 = hungry_puppies([], 2.2, 400.0)
>>> print(test2)
(True, 0, ”)
>>> test3 = hungry_puppies([(“Buster”, 10.0, 4), (3, 12.3, “Git”), (4.1
“Arty”, 1)], 3.6, 87.0)
>>> print(test3)
(False, 24.35, ‘Git’)
Authors: Kelly Zou and Cathy Liu
Function name: test_release
Parameters: a list of tuples
Return value: a list of tuples
Description: Write a function that takes in a list of tuples as a parameter and returns a tuple of each
student’s average in a list. Each tuple in the list will contain floating point values to represent exam
grades and a string name. Return the average for each student in a tuple with the student’s name first
and the student’s average second. Round the average to two decimal points. If there are less than
three grades in the tuple, then do not include the student in the dictionary. If the list is empty, return
an empty list.
Test Cases:
>>> test1 = test_release([(80.0, 91.0, 98.0, “Jan”), (100.0, 97.8, “Oscar”,
78.0), (“Jim Jr.”, 85.0, 85.0)])
>>> print(test1)
[(‘Jan’, 89.67), (‘Oscar’, 91.93)]
>>> test2 = test_release([(80.0, 91.0, “Jan”), (61.0, 90.0, “Frank”, 92.0)])
>>> print(test2)
[(‘Frank’, 81.0)]
>>> test3 = test_release([(15.0, “Michael”, 98.0, 100.0), (65.0, “Joey”,
70.0, 90.0), (“Jamie”, 80.0, 81.0, 80.0)])
>>> print(test3)
[(‘Michael’, 71.0), (‘Joey’, 75.0), (‘Jamie’, 80.33)]
Authors: Kelly Zou and Cathy Liu
Grading Rubric
– complex_calculator: 10 points
– help_recruit: 10 points
– recruiting_profile: 10 points
– precious_pets: 20 points
– hungry_puppies: 25 points
– test_release: 25 points
– Total 100/100 points
The following file(s) have been provided to you. There are several, but you will only edit one of them:
1. HW5.py
This is the file you will edit and implement. All instructions for what the methods should
do are in the docstrings.
2. HW5_test.py
This is a file containing tests for you to use if you will like to debug and test your
code. You are not required to edit, submit, or even use this file.
You must submit all of the following file(s). Please make sure the filename matches the filename(s)
below. Be sure you receive the confirmation email from T-Square, and then download your uploaded
files to a new folder and run them.
1. HW5.py
If this file does not run (if it encounters an error while trying to run), you will get no
credit on the assignment. If your submission is not named exactly like this, you will get
no credit on the assignment.