CS1210 Computer Science I: Fundamentals Homework 3: Boggle!


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This is the first part of the last project for CS1210. I will release an updated version of this document
containing the second part sometime over the holiday week; please don’t wait to start on this project, or I
can guarantee you won’t finish it. So, just to review:
(1) This is a challenging project, and you have been given two weeks to work on it. If you wait to
begin, you will almost surely fail to complete it. The best strategy for success is to work on the
project a little bit every day.
(2) The work you hand in should be only your own; you are not to work with or discuss your
work with any other student. Sharing your code or referring to code produced by others is a
violation of the student honor code and will be dealt with accordingly.
(3) Help is always available from the TAs or the instructor during their posted office hours. You
may also post general questions on the discussion board (although you should never post your
Python code). I hav e opened a discussion board topic specifically for HW2.
In this assignment, we will be writing the skeleton for a simplified version of the game Boggle. Boggle is
a popular party game; for more information on Boggle, visit:
ht tp s: / /www .wi k i how . c om/ P l ay -Bo g g l e
We will be building a version of Boggle starting from the Othello platform we studied in class. Our
version of Boggle will use exclusively 5-letter words from the Word Ladder problem we (also) studied in
class. You will notice that the template file for this homework is significantly less complete than those for
previous labs and homeworks. That’s because each homework assumes you will do more and more of the
work yourselves. Both the Othello code and the Word Ladder dictionary are available on ICON; feel free
to use these as models.
The rest of these instructions outline the methods that you should implement, describing their input/output
behaviors. As you work on each function, test your work on the document provided to make sure your
code functions as expected. Feel free to upload versions of your code as you go; we only grade the last
version uploaded, so this practice allows you to “lock in” working partial solutions prior to the deadline.
Finally, some general guidance.
(1) Start with the template file and immediately complete the hawkid() function so that we may
properly credit you for your work. Test hawkid() to ensure it in fact returns your own hawkid
as the only element in a single element tuple. Also be sure to add your name and section to the
comments at the top. Ignore this instruction at your own risk: some of you have become serial
offenders and I have had to manually regrade your code too many times!
(2) As with HW1 and HW2, you will be graded on both the correctness and the quality of your
code, including the quality of your comments!
(3) Be careful with iteration; always choose the most appropriate form of iteration
(comprehension, while, or for) as the function mandates. Poorly selected iterative forms may be
graded down, even if they work!
class Boggle()
Our version of Boggle is always played on a 5×5 board, which is populated with letters according to the
distribution implicit in the file words.dat. The __init__() method for class Boggle should create a
representation of the Boggle board, and pop up a TKinter version of the board, showing letters randomly
allocated to each of the 25 locations. Hint: the random allocation of letters should be weighted using the
random.choices() function from Python’s random module and based on the data obtained from the
readData() method described next.
Boggle.readData(self, file)
The readData() method1 will be called from the __init__() method. It should open the specified file and
read in the list of words it contains. It should construct two data structures, both variables in the class
The first data structure (let’s call it F, for frequency) should be a dictionary indexed by the letters in the
words read in. As in HW2, the construction of F should involve counting the number of letters of the type
specified by the key k in F[k]. Once you have read in all the words, each F[k] should be recast to represent
the probability that a letter, drawn at random from the collection of letters contained in the words of the
file you have just finished reading, is, in fact, the letter k. You will use this value to create the population
and the weights parameters for the random.choices() function.2
The second data structure (let’s call it T, for trie, the technical name for this kind of data structure), is a
deeply nested set of dictionaries, each using letters as keys. At the outermost level, the value of key k will
itself be a dictionary, also using letters as keys. At the innermost level, the key will still be a letter, but the
value will be a word from the file you just read in. An example will help make this clear.
Assume your file contains only the word ’paste’. The value for F and T would then be:
F= { ’p’ : 0.2, ’ a’ : 0.2, ’ s’ : 0.2, ’ t’: 0.2, ’ e’ : 0.2 }
T= { ’p’ : { ’ a’ : { ’ s’ : { ’ t’: { ’ e’ : ’ pa s t e ’ } }}}}
Notice howFrepresents the frequency estimates for the letters in the (lone) word from the file, while the
trie indexes each letter of the word, in order as you descend the nested dictionaries, until you get to the
original word. If the file contained instead the words ’paste’ and ’pasta’, the value of F and T would
instead look like:
F= { ’p’ : 0.2, ’ a’ : 0.3, ’ s’ : 0.2, ’ t’: 0.2, ’ e’ : 0.1 }
T= { ’p’ : { ’ a’ : { ’ s’ : { ’ t’: { ’ e’ : ’ pa s t e ’, ’ a’ : ’ pa s t a ’ } }}}}
If it also included ’pasha’, T would look like:
T= { ’p’ : { ’ a’ : { ’ s’ : { ’ t’: { ’ e’ : ’ pa s t e ’, ’ a’ : ’ pa s t a ’ } , ’ h’ : { ’ a’ : ’ pa s ha ’ }}}}}
We will use this second data structure in the second half of the assignment.3
1 The original handout omitted the self argument, which of course is necessary for every method of class Boggle().
2 You should also feel free to use cumulative counts and the cum_weights parameter instead of frequencies and
the weights parameter.
3 There was an extra curly bracket in this expression which has since been corrected.