
CS103 Assignment 4 A Simple Paragraph Justifier

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The mission of this assignment is to realize a simple paragraph justifier. As shown in my coding demonstration, your program will keep reading lines of text image using `getline()`. After reading a paragraph, it adjusts all the lines into an instructed width, so that it can show the words evenly spread out and fit in a straight edge at both margins (similar to “align full” option in a Microsoft word document).
This can be relatively easily done as we are dealing with a mono-space font set (not a proportional font set) shown on a command-line-type console
Assume we have five six letter words.
Just the total of the letters of the words amounts to 30.
If those six words are to be printed in a field width of 40.
We have 10 spaces to distribute.
Also assume that following the five six letter words is a word that has more than 9 characters. That is, the next word cannot be placed in the tail of that we are filling out. The demands of that word exceed the extra spaces.

__With tail justification__:
* 2 spaces are inserted between word1 and word2,
* 2 spaces are inserted between word2 and word3,
* 2 spaces are inserted between word3 and word4,
* and 4 spaces are inserted at the tail between word4 and word5.

__With even justification__, fewer spaces are leftover for the slot between the last two words.
More spaces are used earlier in the line.
So the ten spaces will be distributed as follows:
3 spaces are inserted between word1 and word2,
3 spaces are inserted between word2 and word3,
2 spaces are inserted between word3 and word4,
and 2 spaces are inserted between word4 and word5.
The requirements of this assignment are:
1. program keeps reading lines of text until reading an empty line
2. program then reads a width for the read paragraph
3. program then justifies the paragraph based on tail adjustment
4. program then shows the result in a bounding box
5. program allows to adjust the paragraph by going back to 2
6. program ends when it reads 0 as a new width

_Restriction_: Do not use stringstream. Instead parse each line read into words. A word should be defined as a sequence of non-white space characters delimited by white-space before and after it. And, remember that getline does not read the new-line, So here is a hint: Use the length of the line read to determine when your parse has reached the end of the line. Also the functionality provided will be helpful.

_Hint_: For the solution of this problem you will have to read all of your words into a vector of strings.

Extra points (2 points) will be considered for even adjustment implementation.
Here is a hint to realize this mission – lines of words, say vector words, is a straightforward conversion as implemented in the previous assignment and posted lecture example. Now, user types some width for justification. Let this width be W. The mission is to fill i-words in one line of this W. Note i > 0, i.e., every line must have at least one word. The logic will be:
1. let `{ w1, w2, …, wi }` be a collection of words. Then, `w1.length() + w2.length() + … + wi.length()` is the total length of this collection
2. since we need at least one space between these `i` words, we need `i – 1` spaces at least, and therefore, we need `Wmin = w1.length() + w2.length() + … + wi.length() + (i – 1)` characters, which must be less than or equal to W
3. your first loop must identify this `i` and `Wmin` by going through vector words you created
4. in the second loop, you simply create a line by adding `w1` through `wi-1` by placing a space between the two consecutive words
5. before placing the last word `wi`, you need to place `W – Wmin` spaces because this number is the excess spaces to fill in for justification (tail adjustment)!
There is no miracle or hidden trick to deal with these operations.The left-hand side of the next example shows tail adjustment while the right-hand side shows even adjustment:
Enter text, empty return will quit the input
> Every photo, every edit, every album now lives
> in your iCloud Photo Library, easily viewable
> and consistent on all your devices.
> Automatically. The all-new Photos app makes
> it simpler than ever to find and rediscover
> your favorite photos. And you can make every
> shot look even better immediately after you’ve
> taken it with powerful new editing tools.
> Enter the width of text: 25
|Every photo, every edit,|
|every album now lives in|
|your iCloud Photo|
|Library, easily viewable|
|and consistent on all|
|your devices.|
|Automatically. The|
|all-new Photos app makes|
|it simpler than ever to|
|find and rediscover your|
|favorite photos. And you|
|can make every shot look|
|even better immediately|
|after you’ve taken it|
|with powerful new editing|
|tools. |

Enter the width of text: 30
|very photo, every edit, every|
|album now lives in your iCloud|
|Photo Library, easily viewable|
|and consistent on all your|
|devices. Automatically. The|
|all-new Photos app makes it|
|simpler than ever to find and|
|rediscover your favorite|
|photos. And you can make every|
|shot look even better|
|immediately after you’ve taken|
|it with powerful new editing|
|tools. |
Enter the width of text: 0
Enter text, empty return will quit the input
> Every photo, every edit, every album now lives
> in your iCloud Photo Library, easily viewable
> and consistent on all your devices.
> Automatically. The all-new Photos app makes
> it simpler than ever to find and rediscover
> your favorite photos. And you can make every
> shot look even better immediately after you’ve
> taken it with powerful new editing tools.
> Enter the width of text: 25
|Every photo, every edit,|
|every album now lives in|
|your iCloud Photo|
|Library, easily viewable|
|and consistent on all|
|your devices.|
|Automatically. The|
|all-new Photos app makes|
|it simpler than ever to|
|find and rediscover your|
|favorite photos. And you|
|can make every shot look|
|even better immediately|
|after you’ve taken it|
|with powerful new editing|
|tools. |

Enter the width of text: 30
|Every photo, every edit, every|
|album now lives in your iCloud|
|Photo Library, easily viewable|
|and consistent on all your|
|devices. Automatically. The|
|all-new Photos app makes it|
|simpler than ever to find and|
|rediscover your favorite|
|photos. And you can make every|
|shot look even better|
|immediately after you’ve taken|
|it with powerful new editing|
|tools. |
Enter the width of text: 0
