CS1027b Computer Science Fundamentals II Assignment 1


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The PooPoo Conglomerate of Canada has decided to enter into the magazine subscription service
business in Canada. To this end, they need to build a customer billing service for magazine subscribers as
a Java program. Magazines are available in both digital and print formats at different prices. In this
assignment, you are required to develop a mini­version of such a system. Given a list of customers and
their magazine subscription information and a list of magazines and their prices you are to generate bills
for each customer.
Due Sunday January 25th via Owl.
Functional Specifications
Create a class Magazine that has 3 private variables, magazineName, magazineFormat. Code three getter
methods, getMagazineName, getMagazineFormat and getMagazinePrice. A single constructor class
Magazine creates and objects with three parameters correspinding to the three private variables.
Create a clase MagazineCollection that has a private variable that is an array of type Magazine and stores
our collection of magazine objects. Another private variable is numberOfMagazine, which is an integer and
gives the total number of magazines PooPoo sells in all formats.
These arrays are allocated by a constructor method, also named MagazineCollection, which creates an
object with an empty array and sets numberOfMagazine to 0. The constructor is overloaded. If is in
invoked with no parameters, then it uses a default array size of 5. If it has a positive integer as its single
parameter, then arrays of that size are allocated. However, make this smaller than the number of
magazines so the TA can see that your helpher method expandCapacity (below) works.
A second method, addMagazine, in MagazineCollection is used to populate these arrays. As in the
SocialNetwork given in class, use a helper method, expandCapacity, to expand the array if needed.
A third method in MagazineCollection, searchMagazinePrice, has two formal parameters, name and
format, and searches the array for entries equal to those parameters and returns the price of that magazine
(as a double).
Of course, there is a toString method in MagazineCollection that can print the magazine information to a
string. Lastly, there is a getter method, getNumberMagazines in MagazineCollection, that returns the
number of magazines stored in a magazineCollection object.
Data for this assignment is provided in files magazine.txt and customer.txt. The magazine.txt file has one
line for each magazine, specifying the magazine’s name, its format and its price. The customer.txt file
contains information for each customer separated by blank lines [that means the last line of the file is also
a blank line]. The first line contains the customer’s first name, his/her last name and his/her customer
number. The second and subsequent lines contain the subscription names (a string for a magazine name)
and subscription formats (“print” or “digital”). You may assume all the data is correct and there are no
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http://www.csd.uwo.ca/Courses/CS1027b/assignments/Asn1/asn1_description_2015.html 2/2
errors possible in the bill calculations (so don’t worry about Exceptions for this assignment).
You are provided a class InStringFile that allows you to read one line at a time from a data file, as a
String. We also provide a partially finished method Main that uses InStringFile to read lines of text
from files magazine.txt and magazine.txt.
The Main class has a public static void main(String[] args) method that reads the magazine.txt and
stored this information in a Magazine object. Then each customer in customer.txt is processed one at a
time and a bill specifying the customer’s subscription information is printed, This includes the cost of
each subscription and the total cost. Customer bills should be “pretty” printed and separated by a blank
lines. As you can see in Main.java printing is done using formatted output via System.out.format.
The Main.java uses local variables for customerNumber, customerFirstName and customerLastName to read
customer information. There are local variables for magazineName and magazineFormat which are read line
by line from customer.txt and then processed. A line in the customer file has 3 tokens (customer first
name, customer last name, customer number), has 2 tokens (magazine name and magazine format) or has
0 tokens (a blank line). This is used to distinguish between customer identification information and
subscription information. This code is reasonably complete. You will need to add some code to
Main.java at the locations indicated by comments to create a Magazine object and then to process the
Non­functional Specifications
Your program has to be compilable under Eclipse.
Use Javadoc comments for each class and method. All significant variables must be commented.
Use Java conventions and good Java programming techniques (meaningful variable names,
conventions for variable and constant names, etc). Indent your code properly.
Remember that assignments are to be done individually and must be your own work.