CS1026a: Assignment 2


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Your task is to create a collage of various images. A collage is “an artistic composition of
various items glued onto a surface”.
Part A:
In this part of the assignment, you will add two new methods to the Picture class, each of which
does some kind of picture modifications. You can modify the pictures in any way you like! Check out
the textbook and lectures for some examples. Be creative – you can decrease the color, add lines, make
black and white, blur, etc.
Functional Specifications for Part A:
1. One of your new methods must use a for loop and one must use a while loop.
2. You should add your two new methods to the Picture class, after the line that looks like this:
/////////////////// methods //////////////////////
Add them to the file Picture.java that you downloaded and used in Lab 5.
3. To show that your two new methods work, you will write a Java test program in a class you make
called TestMethods that will be saved as TestMethods.java. The code to get you started on
TestMethods is provided below; you need to add statements that a) create picture objects and b)
invoke your methods on them to change the pictures and show your methods work. Your test
program must include code that displays both the original image and the image after it has been
changed by your method. Here is an algorithm for the test program:
• Get an original image (use FileChooser)
• Display it on the screen
• Change it using your first method
• Display the changed image on the screen
• Get an original image (use FileChooser)
• Display it on the screen
• Change it using your second method
• Display the changed image on the screen
Code to start with:
import java.awt.Color;
public class TestMethods
public static void main(String[] args)
/* Insert your code here */
4. You must use one (or two) of the images provided in TestImages.zip to test your methods. You
may use the same image to test both methods if you like. You can download TestImages.zip from
the course webpage in the Assignment 2 folder and save it in your home directory. You will need
to extract the files.
Part B:
Make a collage! In this part of the assignment you will create a collage of images on the
computer using the methods you have created. You will take images, use your methods on them, and
then copy them onto a blank canvas as described below. You can be as creative as you want, and you
may use the provided images or some of your own!
There will prizes for creativity – so do your best!
Functional Specifications for Part B:
1. Your collage will consist of 6 images:
i. An original image (your choice).
ii. Two images that are modifications of the original, modified using your two methods from Part
iii. Three images that are modifications of the original, modified using any methods found in the
lecture notes, labs or textbook, or if you like, you can write more of your own.
2. How you arrange the images in the collage is entirely up to you.
3. Since your original image can be one of the ones provided or your own, you may need to reduce the
size of an image that you want to use. This can be done using commercial software or the method
getPictureWithHeight in the picture class. This method will create a picture with the specified
height from an existing picture, and will keep the same height/width ratio. Here is an example of
how to use the method:
/* assume you are starting with a Picture object referenced by largerPic */
Picture smallerPic = largerPic.getPictureWithHeight(200);
smallerPic.write(“filepath goes here /smallerPic.jpg”);
4. Your program must write your collage image to a file named myCollage.jpg
Non-functional Specifications:
• Include a comment at the top of your file which includes:
// CS1026B Assignment 1
// Your name
// A brief description of what this program does
• Also Include brief comments (lines beginning with two forward slashes //) in your code that
explain the major steps of the program. Ex:
// Convert height to meters
• Include brief comments above each method you write about what the method does, and
indicate if you wrote it yourself, or if not, where you copied it from.
• Use named constants as appropriate.
• Use Java conventions and good Java programming techniques, for example:
o Meaningful variable names
o Conventions for naming variables and constants
o Readability: indentation, white space, consistency
• Assignments are to be done individually and must be your own work. Software may be
used to detect cheating.
What to Hand In:
1. Picture.java (with your new methods), TestMethods.java, MakeCollage.java
2. The JPEG file with the original image used for creating your collage
3. The file myCollage.jpg
What You Will Be Marked On:
1. Functional specifications:
ü Are the required methods written according to specifications?
ü Do they work as specified? Pay attention to details!
ü Are they called as specified?
ü Are the two objects drawn according to the specifications?
2. Non-functional specifications: as described above
3. Assignment submission: via the OWL, though the assignment submission in OWL.