CS-UY 1134 Data Structures and Algorithms Homework #5


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Question 1:
Implement an interpreter-like postfix calculator. Your program should repeatedly:
• Print a prompt to the user. The prompt should be: ‘–>’
• Read an expression from the user
• Evaluate that expression
• Print the result
Your calculator should support 2 kinds of expressions:
1. Arithmetic expressions – are given in postfix notation. The tokens of the
expression are separated by a space.
2. Assignment expressions – are expression of the form:
variable_name = arithmetic_expression
When evaluated, it first evaluates the arithmetic_expression (given in postfix
notation), and then it associates that value with variable_name (in a data
structure of your choice).
• The value of an assignment expression, is the name of the variable being
• Assume that the variable_name, the ‘=’ symbol, and the arithmetic_expression
are separated by a space.
1. Arithmetic expressions can contain variable names, for referencing to values
associated with variables that were defined before.
2. You may assume that the input the user enters, is valid. That is, the arithmetic
expressions are legal; all variables used in an expression were already defined;
3. The program should keep reading, and evaluating expressions until the user
types ‘done( )’.
Your program should interact with the user exactly as demonstrated in the example
–> 4
–> 5 1 –
–> x = 5 1 –
–> x
–> x x +
–> y = 1 x + 3 4 * – 2 /
–> y
–> done()
Question 2:
Give a Python implementation for the MaxStack ADT. The MaxStack ADT supports
the following operations:
• MaxStack(): initializes an empty MaxStack object
• maxS.is_empty(): returns True if maxS does not contain any elements,
or False otherwise.
• len(maxS): Returns the number of elements in maxS
• maxS.push(e): adds element e to the top of maxS.
• maxS.top(): returns a reference to the top element of maxS, without
removing it; an exception is raised if maxS is empty.
• maxS.pop(): removes and return the top element from maxS; an exception
is raised if maxS is empty.
• maxS.max(): returns the element in maxS with the largest value, without
removing it; an exception is raised if maxS is empty.
Note: Assume that the user inserts only integers to this stack (so they could be
compared to one another, and a maximum data is well defined).
For example, your implementation should follow the behavior below:
>>> maxS = MaxStack()
>>> maxS.push(3)
>>> maxS.push(1)
>>> maxS.push(6)
>>> maxS.push(4)
>>> maxS.max()
>>> maxS.pop()
>>> maxS.pop()
>>> maxS.max()
Implementation Requirements:
1. For the representation of MaxStack objects, your data members should be:
• A Stack – of type ArrayStack
• Additional �(1) space – for additional data members, if needed
2. Your implementation should support the max operation in �(1) worst-case time.
For all other Stack operation, the running time should remain as it was in the
original implementation.
Hint: You may want to store a tuple, as elements of the ArrayStack. That is, to
attach to every “real” data in this stack some additional information.
Question 3:
Give a Python implementation for the MidStack ADT. The MidStack ADT supports
the following operations:
• MidStack(): initializes an empty MidStack object
• midS.is_empty(): returns True if S does not contain any elements, or
False otherwise.
• len(midS): Returns the number of elements midS
• midS.push(e): adds element e to the top of midS.
• midS.top(): returns a reference to the top element of midS, without
removing it; an exception is raised if S is empty.
• midS.pop(): removes and returns the top element from midS; an
exception is raised if midS is empty.
• midS.mid_push(e): adds element e in the middle of midS.
That is, assuming there are n elements in S: In the case n is even, e would go
exactly in the middle. If n is odd, e will go after the %&’
( th element.
For example, your implementation should follow the behavior as demonstrated in
the two execution examples below:
>>> midS = MidStack()
>>> midS.push(2)
>>> midS.push(4)
>>> midS.push(6)
>>> midS.push(8)
>>> midS.mid_push(10)
>>> midS.pop()
>>> midS.pop()
>>> midS.pop()
>>> midS.pop()
>>> midS.pop()
>>> midS = MidStack()
>>> midS.push(2)
>>> midS.push(4)
>>> midS.push(6)
>>> midS.push(8)
>>> midS.push(10)
>>> midS.mid_push(12)
>>> midS.pop()
>>> midS.pop()
>>> midS.pop()
>>> midS.pop()
>>> midS.pop()
>>> midS.pop()
Implementation Requirements:
1. For the representation of MidStack objects, your data members should be:
• A Stack – of type ArrayStack
• A double ended queue – of type ArrayDeque
• Additional �(1) space – for additional data members, if needed
2. Your implementation should support the mid_push operation in �(1)
amortized time. For all other Stack operation, the running time should remain as
it was in the original implementation (That is, � 1 amortized for push and pop,
and �(1) worst-case for top, len and is_empty).
Question 4:
Give an alternative implementation for the Queue ADT.
Implementation Requirements:
1. For the representation of Queue objects, your data members should be:
• Two Stacks – of type ArrayStack
• Additional �(1) space – for additional data members, if needed
2. Any sequence of n enqueue and dequeue operations (starting with an empty
queue) should run in worst-case of �(�) altogether.
Question 5:
Implement the following function:
def permutations(lst)
The function is given a list lst of integers, and returns a list containing all the
different permutations of the elements in lst. Each such permutation should be
represented as a list.
For example, if lst=[1, 2, 3], the call permutations(lst) could return
[[1, 2, 3], [2, 1, 3], [1, 3, 2], [3, 2, 1], [3, 1, 2], [2, 3, 1]]
Implementation Requirements:
1. Your implementation should be non-recursive.
2. Your implementation is allowed to use a Stack, a Queue, and �(1) additional
Hint: Use the stack to store the elements yet to be used to generate the
permutations, and use the queue to store the (partial) collection of permutations
generated so far.