
CS/INFO 3300; INFO 5100 Homework 5 solved

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Goals: Practice using d3 to create some simple charts. Get more experience importing data and
working with data joins.
Your work should be in the form of an HTML file called index.html or index.htm with one

element per problem. If you must add any SVG canvases programmatically, we suggest that you
add a

element to the HTML to hold each SVG to make positioning a bit easier. For this
homework we will be using d3.js. In the section of your file, please import d3 using this
Create a zip archive containing your HTML file and all associated data files (such as wines.json)
and upload it to CMS before the deadline. Submissions that do not include data files may be
penalized. Your submission will be graded using a Python web server run in a parent directory
containing your zip file contents along with many other students’ submissions.
(e.g. the grader has a folder, ~/hw5_cms, where they start their own web server and unzip your
assignment. If you just zip up index.htm and your data files as we ask, CMS will automatically make
a sub-directory for your netID when we download it from the system. This means that your homework
would appear at ~/hw5_cms/your_netID/index.htm on the grader’s computer. In their web
browser, it would show as in the URL bar.)
1. For this problem, we will be making use of a color
space available in d3, LAB. Unlike traditional HSV (hue,
saturation, value), LAB (luminosity, a, b) more closely
estimates how humans perceive colors. You will design
an interactive visualization of the color space, illustrating
what the two chroma dimensions, A and B, are about.
A. After a

tag for problem 2, place a square SVG
element 420px in height and width.
In a