
CS/ECE 552 Homework 6

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Problem 1 [10 points] Using Verilog, design the control logic for your decoder. As we discussed in class, the job of the control logic is to determine what the appropriate values for each control signal is given an inputted instruction. You will only need combinational logic in this module. The inputs and outputs are: Inputs: • Funct[1:0] – the function this instruction is performing. From the WISC-SP19 ISA document, you should see that only certain ALU instructions care about the values of the function bits (e.g., ADD and SUB have the same upper 5 bits, and the 2 function bits are used to determine if we are doing an ADD or SUB. • OpCode[4:0] – the opcode for the given instruction. This corresponds to the upper 5 bits (bits 15:11) for each instruction in the WISC-SP19 ISA. (Aside: you should think about why it is sufficient to pass in only these bits, instead of all 16 bits of the instruction) Outputs: • err – this bit is set to 1 if the control logic encounters an error, 0 otherwise. For now, you can just set this to 1 if any inputs are undefined (this will be useful later in the project). • RegDst[1:0] – these 2 bits are used to determine which register to send to the writeRegSel input of the register file. There are 4 possibilities for what to send to writeRegSel: 1. 00 – select instruction bits 4:2 2. 01 – select instruction bits 7:5 3. 10 – select instruction bits 10:8 4. 11 – select register 7 (used for JAL and JALR) • SESel[2:0] – these 3 bits are used to determine how to sign or zero extend the immediate. There are 5 possibilities: 1. 000 – zero extend the lower 5 bits of the instruction (bits [4:0]) to make it a 16-bit value. ▪ This is used for instructions like XORI that have 5-bit, zero extended immediates. 2. 001 – zero extend the lower 8 bits of the instruction (bits [7:0]) to make it a 16-bit value. ▪ This is used for the SLBI instruction which has an 8-bit, zero extended immediate. 3. 01X – sign extend the lower 5 bits of the instruction (bits [4:0]) to make it a 16-bit value. ▪ This is used for instructions like ADDI that have 5-bit, sign extended immediates. 4. 10X – sign extend the lower 8 bits of the instruction (bits [7:0]) to make it a 16-bit value. ▪ This is used for instructions like BEQZ that have 8-bit, sign extended immediates. 5. 11X – sign extend the lower 11 bits of the instruction (bits [10:0]) to make it a 16-bit value. ▪ This is used for instructions like JAL that have 11-bit, sign extended immediates. • RegWrite – this bit is 1 if the instruction writes to a register (e.g., ADDI) and 0 otherwise (e.g., HALT). • DMemWrite – this bit is 1 if the instruction writes to data memory (e.g., ST) and 0 otherwise (e.g., HALT). • DMemEn – this bit is set to 1 if the instruction will read or write from data memory (e.g., ST), and 0 otherwise (e.g., HALT). • ALUSrc2 – this bit is set to 1 if the ALU should use the second register read from the register file (e.g., ADD), and 0 if the ALU should use immediate (e.g., ADDI) • PCSrc – this bit is set to 1 if the next PC should use the PC given by the branch/jump (e.g., BEQZ), and 0 if the PC should use PC + 2 (e.g., ADD). • MemToReg – this bit is set to 1 if the WB stage should write back the output of the data memory (e.g., LD), and 0 if the WB stage should write back the output of the ALU (e.g., ADD). • DMemDump – this bit is set to 1 if we want to dump the contents of memory (only useful later in the project), and 0 otherwise. The only case where we want this to happen is if we get a HALT instruction. • PCImm – this bit is set to 1 when we want to the next PC to get the result of a J/JAL, 0 otherwise. • Jump – this bit is set to 1 when we want the next PC to get the result of a JALR/JR, 0 otherwise. Do not make any changes to the provided control_hier.v file. Testing instructions We have provided you a skeleton for the testbench. You should write your own tests for your control logic in this testbench file. You will not be graded on your testbench, but the better coverage you provide in your testbench, more likely it is your design works properly. You can run the testbench in your hw5_1 directory using the command: control_hier_bench *.v Problem 2 [10 points] Develop instruction level tests for your processor. In this problem each group will develop a set of small programs that are meant to test whether your processor implements these instructions correctly. You will write these programs in assembly, run them on an instruction emulator to make sure what you wrote is indeed testing the right thing. The eventual goal is to run these programs on your processor’s Verilog implementation and use them to test your implementation. Info about how to write assembly code and also about how to use the assembler can be found in the Using the assembler page. Details about what each instruction means is available in the ISA specification page. Each team will be responsible for one randomly assigned instruction (along with common instructions JAL and JALR) and must develop a set of simple programs for that instructions. Each team will also have to write programs for JAL and JALR instructions along their assigned instruction. The table below gives the assignment of instructions to each team (NOTE: there are more instructions than teams, so some instructions are not covered): Group Instruction 1 SCO 2 SEQ 3 SLE 4 BGEZ 5 BEQZ 6 ROL 7 SEQ 8 XORI 9 ADD 10 STU 11 XOR 12 BTR 13 SUBI 14 ANDNI 15 SRLI 16 RORI 17 SLT 18 SLL 19 ROR 20 ANDN 21 ST 22 BNEZ 23 SUB 24 SRL 25 LBI Note: I got the list of teams from Canvas. If you didn’t sign up you likely aren’t on the list. Please contact me and you’ll be added. To get you started below are two example tests for the add instruction. add_0.asm lbi r1, 255 lbi r2, 255 add r3, r1, r2 halt add_1.asm lbi r1, 255 lbi r2, 0 add r3, r1, r2 halt You will notice one thing. The add test uses the lbi instruction also! Your goal while writing these tests is to isolate your instruction as much as possible and minimize the use of the other instructions. Identify different corner cases and the common case for your instruction and develop a set of simple test programs. The work flow we will follow is: 1. Write test in WISC-SP19 assembly language. 2. Assemble using assembler 3. Simulate the test in the simulator and make sure your test is doing what you thought it was doing. Use the simulator: wisccalculator Read the following documents on how to use to assembler, simulator, and more on how to write tests: • Using the assembler • WISC-SP13 Simulator-debugger • Other example test programs to understand syntax etc. • Test Programs FAQ Below is a short demo: prompt% add_0.asm Created the following files loadfile_0.img loadfile_1.img loadfile_2.img loadfile_3.img loadfile_all.img loadfile.lst prompt% wiscalculator loadfile_all.img WISCalculator v1.0 Author Derek Hower ( Type “help” for more information Loading program… Executing… lbi r1, -1 INUM: 0 PC: 0x0000 REG: 1 VALUE: 0xffff lbi r2, -1 INUM: 1 PC: 0x0002 REG: 2 VALUE: 0xffff add r3, r1, r2 INUM: 2 PC: 0x0004 REG: 3 VALUE: 0xfffe halt program halted INUM: 3 PC: 0x0006 Program Finished prompt% The simulator will print a trace of each instruction along with the state of the relevant registers. You should examine these to make sure that your test is indeed doing what is expected. What you need to do: • Write a set of tests for your instruction. Name them _[0,1,2,3,…].asm • Use your discretion to decide how many tests you need • Identify corner cases. Think about possible bugs in the hardware. • Tests should be short and target specific cases, NOT all cases at once. • Limit the number of other instructions used besides what you’re testing. If the test fails it should ideally be from the instruction you’re testing and not another that was used. • In addition to your assigned instruction, everyone must write tests for the JAL and JALR instruction • Write comments in your assembly code explain what the test is doing (comments use “//” for our assembler) • Make sure that all of your assembly files will assemble. You won’t get credit for malformed assembly. • The goal of this problem is to make sure you understand the ISA and develop targeted tests for the hardware. Understanding the ISA is required (and extremely helpful!) before building hardware for it!