CS 6476: Computer Vision Problem Set 4: Motion Detection


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Problem Set 4 introduces optic flow as the problem of computing a dense flow field where a flow field is
a vector field . We discussed a standard method — Hierarchical Lucas and Kanade — for
computing these vectors. This assignment will have you implement methods from simpler operations in
order to understand more about array manipulation and the math behind them. We would like you to
focus on movement in images, and frame interpolation, using concepts that you will learn from modules
6A-6B: Optic Flow.
Learning Objectives
● Implement the Lucas-Kanade algorithm based on the concepts learned from the lectures.
● Learn how pixel movement can be seen as flow vectors.
● Create image resizing functions with interpolation.
● Implement the Hierarchical Lucas-Kanade algorithm.
● Understand the benefits of using a Pyramidal approach.
● Understand the theory of action recognition.
Problem Overview
Methods to be used: In this assignment you will be implementing the Lucas-Kanade method to compute
dense flow fields. Unlike previous problem sets, you will be coding them without using OpenCV
functions dedicated to solve this problem.
Consider implementing a GUI (i.e. cv2.createTrackbar) to help you in finding the right parameters for
each section.
RULES: You may use image processing functions to find color channels, load images, find edges (such as
with Canny). Don’t forget that those have a variety of parameters and you may need to experiment with
them. There are certain functions that may not be allowed and are specified in the assignment’s
autograder Piazza post. Do not use OpenCV functions for finding optic flow or resizing images.
Refer to this problem set’s autograder post for a list of banned function calls.
Please do not use absolute paths in your submission code. All paths should be relative to the
submission directory. Any submissions with absolute paths are in danger of receiving a penalty!
Obtaining the Starter Files:
Obtain the starter code from canvas under files.
Georgia Tech’s CS 6476: Computer Vision
Programming Instructions
Your main programming task is to complete the api described in the file ps4.py. The driver program
experiment.py helps to illustrate the intended use and will output the files needed for the writeup.
Additionally there is a file ps4_test.py that you can use to test your implementation.
Write-up Instructions
Create ps4_report.pdf – a PDF file that shows all your output for the problem set, including images
labeled appropriately (by filename, e.g. ps4-1-a-1.png) so it is clear which section they are for and the
small number of written responses necessary to answer some of the questions (as indicated). For a
guide as to how to showcase your results, please refer to the powerpoint template for PS4.
How to submit:
1. To submit your code, in the terminal window run the following command:
python submit.py ps04
2. To submit the report, input images for part 5, and experiment.py, in the terminal window run
the following command:
python submit.py ps04_report
3. Submit your report pdf to gradescope.
YOU MUST PERFORM ALL THREE STEPS. I.e. two commands in the terminal window and one upload to
gradescope. Only your last submission before the deadline will be counted for each of the code and
the report.
The following lines will appear:
GT Login required.
Username :
Save the jwt?[y,N]
You should see the autograder’s feedback in the terminal window. Additionally, you can look at a history
of all your submissions at https://bonnie.udacity.com/
The assignment will be graded out of 100 points. The last submission before the time limit will only be
considered. The code portion (autograder) represents 60% of the grade and the report the remaining
The images included in your report must be generated using experiment.py. This file should be set to be
run as is to verify your results. Your report grade will be affected if we cannot reproduce your output
Georgia Tech’s CS 6476: Computer Vision
The report grade breakdown is shown in the question heading. As for the code grade, you will be able to
see it in the console message you receive when submitting.
1. Optical Flow [25 Points]
In this part you need to implement the basic Lucas Kanade step. You need to create gradient images and
implement the Lucas and Kanade optic flow algorithm. Compute the gradients I and using the x
I y
Sobel operator (see cv2.Sobel). Set the scale parameter to one eighth, ksize to 3 and use the default
border type.
Recall that the this method solves the following:
The last component we need is I which is just the temporal derivative – the difference between the t
image at time t + 1 and t : I (x, y, t ) I(x, y, t) .
t = I + 1 −
A weighted sum could be computed by just filtering the gradient image (or the gradient squared or
product of the two gradients) by a function like a 5×5 or bigger (or smaller!) box filter or smoothing filter
(e.g. Gaussian) instead of actually looping. Convolution is just a normalized sum. Additionally, think
about what it means to solve for u and v in the equation above. Treat each sum as a component in a 2×2
matrix, and what it means when inverting that matrix. This will be very helpful in order to optimize your
a. Write a function optic_flow_lk() to perform the optic flow estimation. Essentially, you
solve the equation above for each pixel, producing two displacement images U and V that
are the X-axis and Y-axis displacements respectively ( u(x, y) and v(x, y) ).
Show these displacements using a vector or quiver plot, though you may have to scale the
values to see the dashes/arrows. An implementation of this function is provided in the utility
code section of experiment.py.
For a pair of images that have a static background and a block that presents a movement of
2 pixels to the right at the center, the ideal result would be vector of zero-magnitude in the
background and vectors of magnitude = 2 in the center area:
Georgia Tech’s CS 6476: Computer Vision
Use the base image labeled as Shift0.png and find the motion that the center block
presents in the images ShiftR2.png,and ShiftR5U5.png. You should be able to get a
large majority of the vectors pointing in the right direction.
Code: Complete optic_flow_lk()
Report: Show the quiver plot for the motion between:
– Input: Shift0.png and ShiftR2.png. Output: ps4-1-a-1.png
– Input: Shift0.png and ShiftR5U5.png. Output: ps4-1-a-2.png
b. Now try the code comparing the base image Shift0 with the remaining images of ShiftR10,
ShiftR20, and ShiftR40, respectively. Remember LK only works for small displacements with
respect to the gradients. Try blurring your images or smoothing your results, you should be
able to get most vectors pointing in the right direction.
Report: Show the quiver plot for the motion between:
– Input: Shift0.png and ShiftR10.png. Output: ps4-1-b-1.png
– Input: Shift0.png and ShiftR20.png. Output: ps4-1-b-2.png
– Input: Shift0.png and ShiftR40.png. Output: ps4-1-b-3.png
– Text answer: Does LK still work? Does it fall apart on any of the pairs? Try using different
parameters to get results closer to the ones above. Describe your results and what you
2. Gaussian and Laplacian Pyramids [20 Points]
Recall how a Gaussian pyramid is constructed using the REDUCE operator. Here is the original paper that
defines the REDUCE and EXPAND operators:
Burt, P. J., and Adelson, E. H. (1983). The Laplacian Pyramid as a Compact Image Code
Here you will also find convolution to help you optimize your code to interpolate the missing pixels.
a. Write a function to implement REDUCE, and one that uses it to create a Gaussian pyramid.
Use this to produce a pyramid of 4 levels (0-3), applying it to the first frame of DataSeq1
sequence. Here you will also complete the function create_combined_img(…) which will
output an image that looks like the example below. Normalize each subimage to [0, 255]
before copying it in the output array, use the utility function normalize_and_scale(…).
Georgia Tech’s CS 6476: Computer Vision
– reduce_image(image)
– gaussian_pyramid(image, levels)
– create_combined_image(img_list)
– Input: yos_img_01.png. Output: the four images that make up the Gaussian pyramid,
side-by-side, large to small as ps4-2-a-1.png; the combined image should look like:
b. Although the Lucas-Kanade method does not use the Laplacian Pyramid, you do need to
expand the warped coarser levels (more on this in a minute). Therefore you will need to
implement the EXPAND operator. Once you have that, the Laplacian Pyramid is just some
Write a function to implement EXPAND. Using it, write a function to compute the Laplacian
pyramid from a given Gaussian pyramid. Apply it to create the 4 level Laplacian pyramid for
the first frame of DataSeq1 (your output will have 3 Laplacian images and 1 Gaussian
– expand_image(image)
– laplacian_pyramid(g_pyr)
– Input: yos_img_01.png. Output: the Laplacian pyramid images, side-by-side, large to small
(3 Laplacian images and 1 Gaussian image), created from the first image of DataSeq1 as
3. Warping by flow [15 points]
The next task is is to create a warp function that uses flow vectors to try to revert the apparent motion.
This is going to be somewhat tricky. We suggest using the test sequence or some simple motion
sequence you create where it’s clear that a block is moving in a specific direction. Consider the case
where an object in an image A moves 2 pixels to the right shown in image B . This means that a pixel in
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B(5, 7) = A(3, 7) here the indexing uses x,y and not row, column. To warp B back to A create a new
image C , set C(x, y) to the value of B(x + 2, y) .C would then align with A .
Write a function warp() that takes as input an image (e.g. B ) and the U and V displacements, and
returns a warped image C such that C(x, y) = B(x + U(x, y), y + V (x, y)) . Ideally, C should be identical
to the original image ( A ). Note: When writing code, be careful about x, y and rows, columns.
Implementation hints:
– The NumPy function meshgrid() might be helpful in creating a matrix of coordinate values, e.g.:
A = np.zeros((4, 3))
M, N = A.shape
X, Y = np.meshgrid(xrange(N), xrange(M))
This produces X and Y such that (X(x, y), Y (x, y)) = (x, y) . Try printing X and Y to verify this. Now you can
add displacements matrices (U, V ) directly with (X, Y ) to get the resulting locations.
– Also, OpenCV has a handy remap() function that can be used to map image values from one location to
another. You simply need to provide the image, an X map, a Y map and an interpolation method.
a. Apply your single-level LK code to the DataSeq1 sequence (from 1 to 2 and 2 to 3). Because LK
only works for small displacements, find a Gaussian pyramid level that works the best for these.
You will show the output flow fields similar to what you did above and a warped version of
image 2 to the coordinate system of image 1. That is, Image 2 is warped back into alignment
with image 1. Do the same for images 2 and 3. Create a GIF (http://gifmaker.me/) with these
three images to verify your results, you don’t need to submit this. You will likely need to use a
coarser level in the pyramid (more blurring) to work for this one. If you did this correctly, there
should be no apparent motion.
Note: For this question you are only comparing between images at some chosen level of the
pyramid. In the next section you’ll do the hierarchy.
Once you have warped these images, you will subtract it from the original. After normalizing and
scaling the resulting array, ideal results should be gray image with no visible edges. However
with just the single-level LK this may not be the case. Here is a sample output:
Code: warp(image, U, V, interpolation, border_mode)
Georgia Tech’s CS 6476: Computer Vision
– Input: yos_img_01.png and yos_img_02.png. Output: ps4-3-a-1.png
– Input: yos_img_02.png and yos_img_03.png. Output: ps4-3-a-2.png
4. Optical Flow with LARGE shifts [25 Points]
You may notice that for larger shifts, the Lucas-Kanade by itself fails to record the movement values
accurately. Implement the Hierarchical Lucas-Kanade method to overcome this limitation. Complete this
code in the hierarchical_lk() function.
a. Compare this method with the single-level LK. Use the base image labeled as Shift0.png and
find the motion that the center block presents in the images ShiftR10.png, ShiftR20.png,
and ShiftR40.png. You should be able to get better results with this method.
– hierarchical_lk()
Report: Show the quiver plot for the motion between:
– Input: Shift0.png and ShiftR10.png. Output: ps4-4-a-1.png
– Input: Shift0.png and ShiftR20.png. Output: ps4-4-a-2.png
– Input: Shift0.png and ShiftR40.png. Output: ps4-4-a-3.png
b. Use the Urban2 images to calculate the optic flow between two images. Warp the second image
like you did in part 3. Show the flow image and the difference between the original and the
warped one. Reminder: the difference image should have almost no visible edges.
– Input: urban01.png and urban02.png. Output: ps4-4-b-1.png (quiver plot) ps4-4-b-2.png
(difference image)
5. Frame Interpolation [10 Points]
Optic flow can be used in Frame Interpolation (See Szelinski 2010 Section 8.5.1). With Optic Flow
principles, we are able to (or at least attempt to) create missing frames. Given that new images are
created, you need to obtain the dense optical flow, one vector per pixel. Consider two frames I and 0
, if the same motion estimate u is obtained at location in image and is also obtained at location 0 x0
x in image , the flow vectors are said to be consistent. You will assume the initial flow is the 0 + u0
same as the resulting flow. We can generate a third image I where which will contain a t
t ∈ (0, 1)
pixel value for the motion vector in question:
I (x u ) (1 )I (x ) tI (x )
t 0 + t 0 = − t 0 0 + 1 0 + u0
Georgia Tech’s CS 6476: Computer Vision
I (x ) I (x tu )
t 0 = 0 0 − 0
a. You will test this method using two simple images:
Now you will insert 4 new images uniformly distributed in between I and . This means your 0
resulting sequence of images are: I , I , I , I , I , I . Verify your results creating a GIF 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
from these six images.
Create an image that contains all the images in the sequence. Organize them in 2 rows and 3
columns. The first row will show I , I , I and the second one . 0 0.2 0.4
I , I , I 0.6 0.8 1
– Input: Shift0.png (I ) and Shift10.png . Output: ps4-5-a-1.png 0
(I )1
b. The next step is to try this method with real images. For this section, use the files in MiniCooper,
insert 4 new images (similar to part a) for each pair of images.
Include all images organized using the same layout as before (2 rows and 3 columns) for each
image pair, i.e. (I , I ), (I , I ) , etc. 0 1 1 2
Notice this method produces a great amount of artifacts in the resulting images. Use what you
have learned so far to reduce them in order to create a smoother sequence of frames.
– Input: mc01.png (I ) and mc02.png . Output: ps4-5-b-1.png 0
(I )1
– Input: mc02.png (I ) and mc03.png . Output: ps4-5-b-2.png 1
(I )2
6. Challenge Problem [5 points]
Another optic flow application is to calculate the flow between frames in order to measure the camera’s
movement. Usually these results are shown merging the quiver plot images with the original frames.
Find or film a video, name it ps4-my-video.mp4 place it in the input_videos folder. Calculate the optic
Georgia Tech’s CS 6476: Computer Vision
flow between each pair of frames. Add the quiver plot to the original frames and create a new video.
Here is an example of what these should look like:
Upload this video to a site where you can share it using a private / unlisted link. Add two sample frames
from the output video to your slides.
– Input: ps4-my-video.mp4. Output: ps4-6-a-1.png (sample frame 1), ps4-6-a-2.png (sample frame 2)
and link to your shared video.