CS 6240: Assignment 2


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Goals: For MapReduce, compare Combiners to the in-mapper combining design pattern. Use keys,
comparators, and Partitioner to implement secondary sort. Then explore how this would be
implemented in Spark Scala.
This homework is to be completed individually (i.e., no teams). You have to create all deliverables
yourself from scratch. In particular, it is not allowed to copy someone else’s code or text and modify it.
(If you use publicly available code/text, you need to cite the source in your code and report!)
Please submit your solution through Blackboard by the due date shown online. For late submissions you
will lose one percentage point per hour after the deadline. This HW is worth 100 points and accounts for
15% of your overall homework score. To encourage early work, you will receive a 10-point bonus if you
submit your solution on or before the early submission deadline stated on Blackboard. (Notice that your
total score cannot exceed 100 points, but the extra points would compensate for any deductions.)
Always package all your solution files, including the report, into a single standard ZIP file. Make sure
your report is a PDF file.
For each program submission, include complete source code, build scripts, and small output files. Do not
include input data, output data over 1 MB, or any sort of binaries such as JAR or class files.
The following is now required: To enable the graders to run your solution, make sure you include a
standard Makefile with the same top-level targets (e.g., alone and cloud) as the one Joe presented in
class (see the Extra Material folder in the Syllabus and Course Resources section). You may simply copy
Joe’s Makefile and modify the variable settings in the beginning as necessary. For this Makefile to work
on your machine, you need Maven and make sure that the Maven plugins and dependencies in the
pom.xml file are correct. Notice that in order to use the Makefile to execute your job elegantly on the
cloud as shown by Joe, you also need to set up the AWS CLI on your machine. (If you are familiar with
Gradle, you may also use it instead. However, we do not provide examples for Gradle.)
As with all software projects, you must include a README file briefly describing all of the steps necessary
to build and execute both the standalone and AWS Elastic MapReduce (EMR) versions of your program.
This description should include the build commands and fully describe the execution steps. This
README will also be graded and you will be able to reuse it on all of this semester’s assignments with
little modification (assuming you keep your project layout the same).
You have 2 weeks for this assignment. Section headers include recommended timings, e.g., “complete in
week 1”, to help you schedule your work. Of course, the earlier you work on this, the better.
Set up Github (Week 1; skip if you did this for HW 1 already)
You will now have to use the CCIS Github when developing your code. Find the CCIS Github (not the
public Github!) server and create a project for this homework. Use an IDE like Eclipse with the
corresponding Github plugin to pull and push your code updates. Make sure you do the following:
 Set all your projects for this course so that they are private in general, but accessible to the TAs
and instructor. (We posted our CCIS logins in week 3.)
 Make sure you commit and push changes regularly. As a rule of thumb, the “delta” between
consecutive snapshots of your source code should be equivalent to about 2 hours’ worth of
coding. We do not want to see you committing large, complete chunks of code that look like you
just copied from someone else.
Climate Analysis in MapReduce
We continue working with the weather data from HW 1, located at
ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/by_year/. You must use unzipped files as input to your
MapReduce program.
1. Complete in Week 1: Write three MapReduce programs that calculate the mean minimum
temperature and the mean maximum temperature, by station, for a single year of data.
Reducer Output Format (lines do not have to be sorted by StationID):
StationId0, MeanMinTemp0, MeanMaxTemp0
StationId1, MeanMinTemp1, MeanMaxTemp1

StationIdn, MeanMinTempn, MeanMinTempn
a. NoCombiner: This program should have a Mapper and a Reducer class with no custom
setup or cleanup methods, and no Combiner or custom Partitioner.
b. Combiner: This version of the program should use a Combiner. Define the Combiner in
the best possible way you can think of.
c. InMapperComb: This version of the program should use in-mapper combining to reduce
data traffic from Mappers to Reducers. Think of the best possible way to achieve this
and make sure the Combiner is disabled.
2. Complete in Week 2: Create time series of temperature data. Using 10 years of input data
(1880.csv to 1889.csv), calculate mean minimum temperature and mean maximum
temperature, by station, by year. Use the secondary sort design pattern to minimize the
amount of memory utilized during Reduce function execution. (Do not tinker with data types,
e.g., short versus long integers, but focus on exploiting sort order in the Reduce function input
list to reduce the need for many local variables.)
Reducer Output Format (lines do not have to be sorted by StationID):
StationIda, [(1880, MeanMina0, MeanMaxa0), (1881, MeanMina1, MeanMaxa1) … (1889 …)]
StationIdb, [(1880, MeanMinb0, MeanMaxb0), (1881, MeanMinb1, MeanMaxb1) … (1889 …)]

Climate Analysis in Spark
While working on the MapReduce part above, explore an equivalent Spark Scala implementation of the
same programs. Start by setting up your Spark development environment already. You can set it up from
scratch, following one of the tutorials on the Web. Or you can use an existing virtual machine (VM) with
a readily installed Spark environment. For example, the authors of “Spark in Action” provide such a VM
(see end of Section 1 in the book for instructions). Cloudera also offers environments with Hadoop and
This part of the HW is exploratory, because we have not covered Spark in detail in class. We want you to
learn about relevant Scala commands and slowly become familiar with them. In the end, you do not
need to have a fully working Scala program to receive full credit here, but try to get as close as possible.
Make sure you create the appropriate (pair) RDDs or DataSets, and apply meaningful map, reduce,
and/or aggregate functions to them.
Like other functional languages you are familiar with, Scala provides functions that transform a list of
data objects into another. As a first step, find out the difference between RDD, pair RDD, DataSet, and
DataFrame. Then try to work only with DataSets. (We will also accept solutions using RDD and pair RDD,
but strongly encourage DataSets—that is where Spark is heading.) The pseudo-code for the first Spark
program (mean min and max temperature for each station in a single year) is as follows:
1. Load the input data into a DataSet.
2. Use the appropriate mapping function (explore functions like map, flatMap, mapValues,
flatMapValues) to create a data representation with columns (stationID, minTempValue,
3. Group the data by stationID, computing the required temperature averages per group. For the
average computation per group, explore functions such as aggregate, reduce, fold, groupByKey,
reduceByKey, foldByKey, combineByKey, and aggregateByKey.
For the second problem (time series per stationID), find out how Spark Scala supports secondary sort.
Hint: make sure to take a look at groupByKeyAndSortValues. Then implement program 2 (10-year time
series per station) in Spark Scala.
Write a brief report about your findings, using the following structure.
This should provide information like class number, HW number, and your name.
Map-Reduce Algorithms (40 points)
For each of the three programs in part 1 above, write compact pseudo-code. Look at the online modules
and your lecture notes for examples. Remember, pseudo-code captures the essence of the algorithm
and avoids wordy syntax.
For program 2 above, also show the pseudo-code and briefly (in a few sentences) explain which records
a Reduce function call will process and in which order they will appear in its input list. This should also
be explained in comments in the source code.
Spark Scala Programs (16 points)
Show the Spark Scala programs you wrote for part 1 (mean min and max temperature for each station in
a single year), omitting any imports. (6 points)
Discuss the choice of aggregate function for the first problem (see step 3 above). In particular, which
Spark Scala function(s) implement(s) NoCombiner, Combiner, and InMapperComb; and why? (6 points)
Show the Spark Scala programs you wrote for part 2 (10-year time series per station), omitting any
imports. (4 points)
Performance Comparison (24 points total)
Run all three MapReduce programs from 1 above in Elastic MapReduce (EMR) on the unzipped climate
data from 1991.csv, using six m4.large machines (1 master, 5 workers).
Report the running time of each program execution. (Find out how to get the running time from a log
file. It does not have to be down to a tenth of a second.) Repeat the time measurements one more time
for each program, each time starting the program from scratch. Report all 3 programs * 2 independent
runs = 6 running times you measured. (12 points)
Look at the syslog file. It tells you about the number of records and bytes moved around in the system.
Try to find out what these numbers actually mean, focusing on interesting ones such as Map input
records, Map output bytes, Combine input records, Reduce input records, Reduce input groups,
Combine output records, Map output records. Based on this information, explain as much as you can
the following, backing up your answer with facts/numbers from the log files: (4 points each)
 Was the Combiner called at all in program Combiner? Was it called more than once per Map
 Was the local aggregation effective in InMapperComb compared to NoCombiner?
Run the program from part 2 (secondary sort) above in Elastic MapReduce (EMR), using six m4.large
machines (1 master, 5 workers). Report its running time. (4 points)
Submit the following in a single zip file:
1. The report as discussed above. (1 PDF file)
2. The syslog files for one successful run for each MapReduce program. (4 plain text files) (4 points)
3. All output files produced by that same one successful run for each MapReduce program on the
full input on AWS (4 sets of part-r-… files) (4 points)
Make sure the following is easy to find in your CCIS Github repository:
4. The source code for each of the four MapReduce programs, including build scripts. (8 points)
5. The source code for the two Spark Scala programs, even if they do not run. (4 points)
IMPORTANT: Please ensure that your code is properly documented. In particular, there should be
comments concisely explaining the role/purpose of a class. Similarly, if you use carefully selected keys or
custom Partitioners, make sure you explain their purpose (what data will be co-located in a Reduce call;
does input to a Reduce function have a certain order that is exploited by the function, etc.). But do not
over-comment! For example, a line like “SUM += val” does not need a comment. As a rule of thumb, you
want to add a brief comment for a block of code performing some non-trivial step of the computation.
You also need to add a brief comment about the role of any major data structure you introduce.