CS 539 Natural Language Processing HW 2


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In Japanese text, foreign words borrowed in the modern era (such as Western names and technical terms)
are transliterated into special symbols called katakana. Katakana is a syllabary,
in which most symbols
stand for syllable sounds (such as ko or ra). Because spoken Japanese consists largely of consonant-vowel
syllables, most katakana symbols stand for two Japanese phonemes. In this assignment, among other things,
we’ll decode katakana words of English origin back into English. Refer to the slides for this section and the
tutorial on writing systems and transliteration for more information (available from the course website).
Download http://classes.engr.oregonstate.edu/eecs/fall2019/cs539-001/hw2/hw2-data.tgz which
eword.wfsa a unigram WFSA of English word sequences
epron.wfsa a trigram WFSA of English phoneme sequences
eword-epron.data an online dictionary of English words and their phoneme sequences
eword-epron.wfst a WFST from English words to English phoneme sequences
epron-eword.wfst inverse transducer; the result of carmel -v eword-epron.wfst
epron-espell.wfst a WFST from English phoneme sequences to English letter sequences
epron-jpron.data a database of aligned English/Japanese phoneme sequence pairs
jprons.txt a short list of Japanese Katakana sounds to decode
epron.probs a human-readable version of epron.wfsa.
1 Shannon Game and Entropy of English (5 pts)
1. Each team member plays the game once.2 Report the entropy from each time (take a screenshot).
2. Explain how the entropy was calculated in this game (with equations).
2 Part-of-Speech Tagging as WFST Composition (10 pts)
Recall that in the lectures we did POS tagging for “I hope that this works” and “They can fish” by composing
a chain (word sequence), a flower (word/tag lexicon), and a tag bigram. Now you need to
1. build a Carmel WFSA bigram.wfsa for the tag bigram model (similar to the one from the slides, but
add PREP and AUX for prepositions and aux. verbs); you can assign probabilities in any reasonable way.
2. build a Carmel WFST lexicon.wfst for the word/tag lexicon (big enough to cover the examples
below); again, you can assign probabilities in any reasonable way, but make sure your pipeline is
mathematically sound!
3. compose them to solve POS tagging for the above two sentences plus the following examples (show the
resulting tag sequences from Carmel output):
1See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katakana and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syllabary.
2Try http://classes.engr.oregonstate.edu/eecs/fall2019/cs539-001/shannon.tgz and run appletviewer index.html.
(a) A panda eats shoots and leaves
(b) They can can a can
(c) Time flies like an arrow
4. Why is your composition pipeline mathematically sound? Write the equations.
5. What funny interpretations did you observe? What are possible ways to fix them? (no need to
implement them)
3 Pronouncing and Spelling English (25 pts)
1. Pick some English words and pronounce them with eword-epron.wfst. This transducer is essentially
a giant lookup table built from eword-epron.data. Turn in five (5) examples. Here is one:
echo HELLO | carmel -sliOEQk 5 eword-epron.wfst
2. Now let’s try to pronounce character sequences without whole-word lookup (since we may face unknown
words, for example). You can send a character string backwards through epron-espell.wfst. Try
several words and turn in your examples; here is a suggested command:
echo ‘H E L L O’ | carmel -sriIEQk 5 epron-espell.wfst
Did you get some non-sense output? Why? Explain it in terms of probabilitic modeling.
3. Let’s fix the nonsense by adding a language model of likely pronunciations, epron.wfsa. Try several
and turn in your examples.
echo ‘H E L L O’ | carmel -sriIEQk 5 epron.wfsa epron-espell.wfst
4. Now spell out some phoneme sequences by using epron-espell.wfst in the forward direction. Try
several and turn in your examples.
echo ‘HH EH L OW’ | carmel -sliOEQk 50 epron-espell.wfst
5. How to improve the above results? Well, you can try to take advantage of the language model
eword.wfsa (as a filter). But you need a “bridge” from espell to eword. That’s trivial, isn’t it? Write
a simple Python program gen_espell_eword.py to generate espell-eword.wfst from the word list
in eword-epron.data. And now you can:
echo ‘HH EH L OW’ | carmel -sliOEQk 50 epron-espell.wfst espell-eword.wfst eword.wfsa
Try several examples and turn them in. Include gen_espell_eword.py and espell-eword.wfst in
the submission also. (this only works for words in both espell-eword.wfst and eword.wfsa.)
6. Well, alternatively, you can go directly from epron to eword:
echo ‘HH EH L OW’ | carmel -sliOEQk 50 epron-eword.wfst eword.wfsa
Is this better than 5)? Try the same set of examples can compare the results with those from 5).
7. Try to pronounce some words that are not in the data file eword-espell.data. Try several examples
and turn them in.
echo WHALEBONES | carmel -sliOEQk 5 eword-epron.wfst
8. Now try pronouncing letter sequences of those same words. Try several examples and turn them in.
echo ‘W H A L E B O N E S’ | carmel -sriIEQk 5 epron.wfsa epron-espell.wfst
9. How about phoneme sequences of new words? What happens when you use eword-epron.wfst versus
epron-espell.wfst? Try several examples and turn them in.
echo ‘W EY L B OW N Z’ | carmel -sriIEQk 5 eword-epron.wfst
echo ‘W EY L B OW N Z’ | carmel -sliOEQk 5 epron-espell.wfst
10. You can hook up these transducers in unexpected ways. What is the following command trying to
echo ‘BEAR’ | carmel -sliOEQk 10 eword-epron.wfst epron-eword.wfst eword.wfsa
11. Write up a half-page or so of observations from your experiments. What did you learn about these
automata and what they can (or can’t) do? Please take time to express your thoughts clearly using
complete sentences.
4 Decoding English Words from Japanese Katakana (80 pts)
1. Look at epron-jpron.data. Each pair in this file consists of an English phoneme sequence paired with
a Japanese phoneme sequence. For each pair, Japanese phonemes are assigned integers telling which
English phonemes map to them. For example:
AE K T ER ;; English phoneme sequence for ‘actor’
A K U T A A ;; Same word, loaned into Japanese
1 2 2 3 4 4 ;; e.g., Japanese T maps to the 3rd English sound
From the data, we can see that each English phoneme maps to one or more Japanese phonemes.
Estimate the channel probabilities p(j | s) where j represents one or more Japanese phoneme(s), and
s an English phoneme, using the simplest maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). Write a Python
program estimate.py that generates the file epron-jpron.probs like this (each line represents one
p(j | s), and you can omit those with probability < 0.01 and you can omit those where one English phoneme maps to more than three (3) Japanese phonemes since they are mostly noise): AE : A # 0.95 AE : Y A # 0.05 T : T # 0.4 T : T O # 0.4 T : TT O # 0.1 T : TT # 0.1 R : A A # 0.8 R : E R # 0.1 R : E R U # 0.1 ... Transitions for each English phoneme should be consecutive (see above). Include estimate.py and epron-jpron.probs. 2. Now, based on this, you can create a WFST called epron-jpron.wfst. It should probabilistically map English phoneme sequences onto Japanese ones, behaving something like this in the forward direction: echo 'L AE M P' | carmel -sliOEQk 5 epron-jpron.wfst 3 and you’ll get a list like R A M P R U A M P R A M U P R A M P U R A M PP U ... Most transducers will consist of 300 transitions or so. 3. Using your knowledge about Japanese syllable structure (see slides), do these results (including their rankings) make sense? If not, why (briefly explain)? 4. How could you improve the results to sound more “Japanese like”? (no need to implement it) 5. Now consider the following Japanese katakana sequences, from a Japanese newspaper (actually these are the phoneme sequences that are easily read off from the katakana characters): H I R A R I K U R I N T O N D O N A R U D O T O R A N P U B I D E O T E E P U H O M A A SH I N P U S O N R A PP U T O PP U SH E E B I N G U K U R I I M U CH A I R U D O SH I I T O SH I I T O B E R U T O SH I N G U R U R U U M U G A A R U H U R E N D O T O R A B E R A A Z U TCH E KK U B E B I I SH I TT A A S U K O TT O R A N D O B A I A R I N K O N TCH E R U T O A PP U R U M A KK U B U KK U P U R O K O N P I U U T A S A I E N S U H I J I K A R U T O R E E N I N G U H I J I K A R U E K U S A S A I S U A I S U K U R I I M U H O TT O M I R U K U T O R I P U R U R U U M U K U R A U N P U R A Z A H O T E R U H E E S U B U KK U R I S A A TCH I S A I E N T I S U T O W O R U H U G A N G U M O TS U A R U T O (For your convenience I have included a jprons.txt for the above sequences.) How would you decode them into English phoneme sequences using carmel (with the WFST you just built and with help of epron.wfsa)? Show the command-line and results (with probs, with -k 5 option). Do they make sense (as English words)? 6. Now redo the above exercise, but this time into English words by assembling eword.wfsa, eword-epron.wfst, and epron-jpron.wfst with carmel. Show the command-line and results (with probs, with -k 5). Do you think the results make more sense this time? Briefly explain. 7. Some desired outputs were not ranked top. Why? How would you improve the results? (No need to implement any of these) 8. Try search for at least five (5) other Japanese Katakana examples not covered in this HW or in slides, and try to decode them back into English using the above approach. Try to be creative. They should preferably be a two word phrase or a compound word, like “shopping center” or ”piano sonata”. You can use Google Translate (from English to Katakana) to verify your results. 9. Are there other ways to decode into English words given all these existing WFSAs and WFSTs (with some tweaking)? What are the differences of these methods (speed, accuracy, etc.)? 10. If you can make some new WFSAs/WFSTs such as espell.wfsa and espell-epron.wfst, what else can you do to decode jprons.txt (not necessarily to English words)? (No need to implement these) Submit a single file: hw2.zip, which includes *.{wfst,wfsa,probs,py} and separate report.pdf.