
CS 535 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Homework 4

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Problem 1 Give an algorithm that determines whether or not a given undirected graph G = (V, E)
contains a cycle. Your algorithm should run in in O(|V |) time, independed of |E|.
Argue correctness, running time.
Problem 2 Let G = (V, E) be an undirected multigraph (parallel edges are allowed). A bridge
is an edge whose removal disconnects G. Prove that an edge e is a bridge if and only if there is no
simple cycle C of G which contains e.
Use this together with the DFS tree Gπ = (V, Eπ) and the classification of edges in a DFS tree
to give a O(V | + |E|) algorithm to determine all the bridges of G. Give pseudocode and prove
correctness. Analyze the running time. If you desire, use a data structure to hold Gπ; in this case
describe what this data structure is (i.e, parent pointers only, etc.).
Hint: for an undirected multigraph, only “back” edges exist. Also use this, the discovery times
as computed by DFS, and a post-order traversal of the DFS tree to store at each node information
that can determine if the edge from v to its parent is a bridge edge (this can also be done by
modifying the DFS pseudocode).
Problem 3 Present a polynomial-time algorithm for the following problem: Given directed graph
G = (V, E), construct another directed graph G′ = (V, E′
) such that |E′
| is minimized, and for any
u, v ∈ V , there exists a u − v directed path in G if and only if there exists a u − v directed path in
. Note: E′
is not required to be a subset of E.
Analyze the running time and argue that your algorithm is correct. See the discussion in the
textbook in Chapter 22.5 on the component graph of a directed graph.
Problem 4 Suppose we are given a weighted directed graph G = (V, E, c) with (possibly negative)
costs on the edges, and where every cycle of G has strictly positive cost, and two nodes u, v ∈ V .
Give an efficient (polynomial) algorithm for computing the number of shortest u − v paths in G.
Do not attempt to list all these paths!
Present pseudocode, analyze the running time, and prove correctness. (I’ve seen a variant given
during an interview). Hint: Chapter 24.2 may also supply the right idea.