Problem 1 (1 point). In the Birthday Problem, we assume there are D = 365 days each year, and
the birthdays are uniformly distributed. If there are n students in a room, then the probability that there
are two students having a same birthday can be calculated as
p = 1 −
Dn · (D − n)! = 1 −
365n · (365 − n)! (1)
(a) Please explain why this probability can be computed using Eq. 1;
(b) Assume the output of a hash function has l = 30 bits, an attacker is trying to find a collision using a
brute-force attack. If this attacker tries 10, 000 different inputs in total, then what is the probability
that there is a collision? Note: here we assume this attacker chooses different inputs uniformly. For this
problem, you only need to compute an approximate probability using Taylor series.
(c) (One additional question for CS6058 only) We learned that Eq. 1 can be approximately computed
p ≈ 1 − e
2D (2)
in one of our lectures. Please explain why Eq. 1 can be computed as Eq. 2 using Taylor series (e
x ≈ 1+x,
if x 1).
Problem 2 (1 point). Given a set Z13 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}, we say that Z13 is an
additive group mod 13.
(a) What is the identity of this group? and what is the order of this group?
(b) We define a function fe : Z13 → Z13, where fe(g) = e·g, e is an integer and g is an element of this group
Z13. If we choose e = 3, then is this function fe a permutation of this group Z13? If it is a permutation
when e = 3, then please explain why and compute the output of each input using this function fe.
(c) Based on this additive group Z13, please list all the elements in multiplicative group Z
13. What is the
identity of group Z
13 and what is the order of Z
(d) Please list all the elements in group Z20 and all the elements in group Z
Problem 3 (1 point). Given N = p × q, where p is a prime and q is a prime,
(a) Prove that the number of elements in multiplicative group Z
N is equal to (p − 1)(q − 1).
(b) Given N = p1 · p2 · p3 = 13 × 5 × 7, what is the group order of multiplicative group Z
N ?
Problem 4 (2 points). In textbook RSA key generation function, assume we have chosen two primes
p = 29 and q = 47.
(a) According to the key generation algorithm, can we choose integer e as e = 7? If we can choose e = 7,
please explain the reason, and calculate the public key and private key of textbook RSA using extended
Euclidean algorithm. If we cannot choose e = 7, please also explain the reason.
(b) According to the key generation algorithm, can we choose integer e as e = 15? If we can choose e = 15,
please explain the reason, and calculate the public key and private key of textbook RSA using extended
Euclidean algorithm. If we cannot choose e = 15, please also explain the reason.
(c) Given a message m = 2, if e = 7 is a valid parameter, then what is the ciphertext of message m in
textbook RSA? if e = 15 is a valid parameter, then what is the ciphertext of message m in textbook
(d) (One additional question for CS6058 only) Given a ciphertext c = 2, if e = 7 is a valid parameter,
then what is the output of the decryption algorithm in textbook RSA? if e = 15 is a valid parameter,
then what is the output of the decryption algorithm in textbook RSA?
Problem 5 (1 point). In ransomware, an attack essentially leverages the main idea of hybrid encryption to attack users. Without paying Bitcoins to the attacker, a user cannot recover its data.
(a) Please explain/describe how ransomware encrypts data on a user’s computer using hybird encryption.
(b) If an attacker can only leverage symmetric-key encryption to encrypt users’ data in a ransomware, then
what are the major steps in this attack such that this attacker can still provide a copy of a decryption
key if a user pays Bitcoins. From the perspective of this attacker, compared to using hybrid encryption,
what are the limitations of this attack if it only uses symmetric-key encryption?