CS 498: Computational Advertising Homework 4


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2 Part 1 – Reading Assignment
In the first part of the homework, you need to read two survey papers on privacy. The paper
pdf’s are attached on the wiki. Both papers contain a list of subtopics related to various
privacy issues. After reading the survey papers, you need to pick one subtopic based on your
interest. You need to find two newspaper articles and one research paper on that subtopic
from the reference list provided in the survey papers. Submit a review of these two articles
and the research paper. The reviews should be submitted in a pdf format.
While writing the reviews, you need to follow the exact modular structure provided below.
Please note your submitted pdf must follow this exact structure to be graded properly.
• Name of subtopic chosen:
– State in one sentence what is the main idea/issue/problem statement of this topic.
– State briefly why is the problem hard.
– State briefly why is the problem interesting.
– State in one sentence what interests you specifically about this problem.
• Name of research paper [properly cited]
– State in one sentence the main idea of this paper.
– Mention three strengths of this paper.
– Mention three weakness of this paper.
– Suggest one improvement over the paper.
• News Article 1 : follow same structure as the research paper.
• News Article 2 : follow same structure as research paper.
• Conclusion : Briefly state the main lesson learned about the topic after reading these
three contents.
Please organize your submission in the list structure provided above. Make a separate
sub-point for each item in the list and properly highlight each item name in your submission.
3 Part 2
In this part, you will install a browser extension, run the extension in the background and
collect ad data. You will then download this collected data to a local json file into your
system and write a code to perform basic analytical task on this data.
You need to follow these steps sequentially to collect the ad data.
1. Download the zip file cs498 hw4 chrome.zip from wiki Assignments page
2. Unzip the file.
3. Go to chrome://extensions/
4. Turn on developer mode
5. Select Load unpacked and navigate to the unzipped folder cs498 hw4 chrome, then
press Select.
6. Adtracker extension should now be installed in your system. To check , please open
your browser and the AdTracker icon A should appear near the top right corner of
your web-page.
7. Once the A button appears on the top-right corner of your page, it will automatically
start collecting data on the background. You can press on the A button at any time
to store the data that has been collected till now in a local file. The data will be saved
as ads.json
ads.json file will contain the data in the following format.
{ ads:
{ visited page1 url:[ad1 url, ad2 url], visited page2 url:[ad1 url, ad2 url, ad3 url], . . . } }
The ads will be stored in a dictionary format where you will have the urls of the pages you
visited as keys and the corresponding ad urls shown on those pages as values. For example, in
the case above you visited a page visited page1 url and viewed two ads— ad1 url and ad2 url.
Here the ads are represented as URLs. You can trivially use existing python libraries like
urllib to fecth the corresponding ad image into your local folder.
There are a few important requirements that you need to follow to collect the ad data
1. It is preferable that you use the extension with Google Chrome browser. While the
extension may work with other browsers, it has not been extensively tested for the
2. Ads must be legitimate— non-tracker and non-logo type. On manually evaluating,
you will see that there are two types of ads that you need to filter out from ads.json file
before performing any analysis. For certain ads, the corresponding image will contain
only a single pixel. These ads correspond to the trackers for that webpage and we
need to remove them. Also, for some other ads, you will see the keyword logo in their
URL. These are some generic images displayed on a page and we will filter out all ads
containing logo in their URL before doing our analysis.
3. For this assignment, you need to collect at least 100 legitimate ads in your data.
So you need to keep the extension in your browser and browse for a sufficient amount
of time so that you can collect 100 different ads. Try to browse a lot of different pages
during your browsing session which will help you collect these ads in a shorter period
of time.
4. Please note that before you quit your browser or shut down your system, you need to
press the A button. This will save all the data that has been collected till now to your
local file. If you quit the browser without pressing the A button, all the data collected
till now will be erased.
5. Since you need to collect at least 100 legitimate ads in your dataset, you can either do
this over multiple browsing sessions or over one long session. If you collect data over
just one session, you need to press A button only once at the end and get one ads.json
file. If you collect data over multiple sessions, you need to press the A button once
at the end of each session to save a new ads.json file. You can then append all these
ads.json files created after each session to create a combined ads.json file.
If you have followed all the above steps correctly, now you should have an ads.json file.
Now as a part of the assignment, you need to do the following things.
1. Parse the ads.json file
2. Filter out ads containing keyword logo in their URL.
3. Retrieve images for all these ad URLs using methods from libraries like urllib. Note
some ads may have an expiry time on the validity of the ad url. So we suggest that
you do this step soon after you have collected all the ads.
4. Remove images that contain a single pixel. You can do this either manually or programmatically.
5. Check whether the number of ad images that you currently have is at least 100. If not,
then you need to repeat the data collection step.
After the completion of the above five steps, you should now have 100 ad images. Now
create an ontology of 10 attributes that are important to you. Attributes can be various
like gender, ethnicity, location etc. Now you need to go over each ad image and find all
the relevant attributes in your ontology that this image covers. For each of these relevant
attributes, see whether the ad conforms with your value of that attribute. If yes, then you
will increment a counter value for that attribute by one. Else, you will do nothing.
For example, suppose person A is a male who lives in Urbana. Say he sees an ad image which is targeted towards males living in New York. Lets further assume that A had
attributes Gender, Ethnicity and Location in his ontology. So after seeing this ad, he will
increment only the Gender counter by one. The ad does not cover Ethnicity attribute. For
Location attribute, the ad does not match with the person’s location.
After repeating the above process for all 100 images, you should now have a different
count value for all 10 attributes in your ontology. Create a bar chart with these 10 values.
On the x-axis, you will have the attribute names in your ontology. On the y-axis, you will
have the count value or in other words, the number of ads that were shown to you based
on this attribute of your ontology. Note that we are not asking you to reveal your value for
a particular attribute, but rather the attribute name. In other words, you do not need to
reveal your gender, you only need to say that you included Gender as an attribute in your
1. You need to submit the code that you used to process the ads.json file and fetch
legitimate ads.
2. You need to submit a bar chart on attribute names vs the number of ads shown based
on that attribute. You should have 10 bars in your chart corresponding to 10 attributes
in your ontology.