
CS 489/698 Neural Networks Assignment 3 Investigating Backprop

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What you need to get • YOU_a3.ipynb: a Python notebook (hereafter called “the notebook”) • Network.pyc: Module with Network and Layer classes What you need to know The module Network includes an implementation of the Network class as well as the Layer class. The Network class includes implementations of FeedForward, BackProp, SGD (stochastic gradient descent), among other methods. The module also defines a number of useful functions, such as common activation functions, their derivatives, common cost function, etc. You can use that module, but should not alter it in any way. The notebook includes the class RobustNetwork, which is derived from Network. In this assignment, you will alter RobustNetwork so that it implements dropout and weight decay. What to do 1. Consider a deep network that is simply a chain of nodes, as shown below. h` w` b` Assume that the activation function, σ(·), is the logistic function. Then the deep gradients for this network take the form, ∂E ∂z = Y ` w `σ 0 (z ` ) where z ` = w `h ` + b ` , That is, while propagating the error gradients back through the network, each layer adds a term of the form w `σ 0 (z ` ). Dropping the superscripts, consider the magnitude of one generic term in that product, |wσ0 (wh + b)|. (a) [1 mark] Suppose |wσ0 (wh + b)| ≥ 1. Prove that this can only occur if |w| ≥ 4. (b) [5 marks] Supposing that |w| ≥ 4, consider the set of input currents h for which |wσ0 (wh+b)| ≥ 1. Show that the set of activity values for h satisfying that constraint can range over an interval no greater in width than 2 |w| ln ” |w| 2 1 + s 1 − 4 |w| ! − 1 # . (c) [3 marks] Plot the expression from part (b) over a range of |w| values that show the expression’s peak value. Approximately what value of |w| yields the maximum value (to within 2 significant digits of precision)? c Jeff Orchard 2019 v1 Page 1 CS 489/698 Neural Networks Assignment 3 2. Implementing Dropout [17 marks] The RobustNetwork class overrides the FeedForward implementation in Network. In particular, it includes an additional (optional) argument that specifies the dropout probability for hidden nodes. For example, net.FeedForward(x, dropout=0.3) will randomly drop each hidden node with probability 0.3. By default, dropout is 0. Note that RobustNetwork.SGD has an additional argument, dropout. But, calls such as net.SGD(x, t, epochs=10, lrate=0.5, dropout=0.3) will include the argument dropout=0.3 in its calls to FeedForward, like that shown above. For your convenience, the notebook includes a function for creating training and testing datasets. Simply call train, test = GenerateDatasets(P) to generate a training set with P samples, and a test set with 300 samples. Each call to that function yields data for a different model, so don’t combine the data from multiple calls into one dataset. (a) [5 marks] Complete the implementation of FeedForward in the RobustNetwork class to implement dropout as described above. When dropout is nonzero, then FeedForward should drop hidden nodes with the specified probability, and scale up the remaining node activities to compensate. Note that the FeedForward function sets the additional class variable dropout_nonzero to True when dropout is being done, and False when dropout is zero. (b) [1 mark] Alter RobustNetwork.BackProp so that it works properly when dropout is occurring (that is, when dropout_nonzero is True). (c) [2 marks] Create a RobustNetwork with one input node, 10 hidden nodes, and one output node. Use MSE as the cost function. The hidden layer should use the arctan activation function, while the output node should use the identity activation function. Make two identical copies of that network, one called original_net and one called dropout_net. You can use copy.deepcopy to do that. (d) [2 marks] Generate a dataset with only 5 training samples, and use it to train original_net (using SGD with a batch size of 5) for 5000 epochs, a learning rate of 1, and dropout=0. Evaluate the network on the training and test datasets (using the supplied Evaluate function). (e) [1 mark] Train dropout_net on the same dataset using the same parameters as above, but with dropout=0.2. Again, evaluate the network on the training and test datasets. (f) [3 marks] Plot the original training points (blue dots), the test points (yellow), as well as lines showing the models learned by original_net (blue dashed line) and dropout_net (red dashed line). As always, label the axes. (g) [3 marks] Redo the above experiment (minus the plot) 10 times (in a loop, please), each time: i. create and duplicate a new RobustNetwork (using the architecture above) ii. generate a new pair of training and testing datasets (5 training samples) iii. train one network without dropout, and one with dropout=0.2 iv. evaluate both networks on the test dataset c Jeff Orchard 2019 v1 Page 2 CS 489/698 Neural Networks Assignment 3 After that, you will have two lists of 10 costs, one for each network. Compute the mean cost over the 10 runs for each network. Based on those results, which method is preferred? Explain your choice. 3. Implementing Weight Decay [4 marks] Guess what! The SGD method in RobustNetwork also has an argument decay. By default, it is set to zero. However, when it is nonzero (and positive), then it becomes the decay coefficient for weight decay. Similar to dropout, the decay argument is passed as an additional parameter to the BackProp function. (a) [2 marks] Alter the function BackProp (in the RobustNetwork class) so that it implements weight (and bias) decay. You can implement either L2 or L1 decay. Use the value of the argument as the decay coefficient (like λ in the lecture notes). (b) [2 marks] Redo the 10-trial experiment from question 2g, this time comparing the no-decayno-dropout model (original_net) to a decay model (decay_net) using a decay coefficient of 0.0004. Based on their average costs, what method is preferred? Again, justify your choice. 4. Classifier Networks [7 marks] The notebook has a function called CreateDataset; it generates training and test datasets in which 2-dimensional points belong to four distinct classes. Your task is to devise a neural-network architecture that will yield high accuracy in this classification task. Here’s the catch: You have a fixed computational budget. You are allowed to use 10 hidden nodes, and 400 epochs with a learning rate of 0.5 and a batch size of 10 (the default). You can experiment with different cost functions, and activation functions. Find a network configuration that consistently gives the highest testing accuracy. (a) [3 marks] Create your network, and then train it using the following code: train, test = CreateDataset(params) progress = net.SGD(train[0], train[1], epochs=400, lrate=0.5) (b) [2 marks] Evaluate the classification accuracy of your trained network on the test dataset. You can use the supplied function ClassificationAccuracy to help you with that. Also, plot the test inputs, but coloured according to your network’s output. You can use the supplied function ClassPlot for that. (c) [2 marks] Create another network that is demonstrably worse, train it, and show that its accuracy is lower than your other model. Enjoy! What to submit Your assignment submission should be a single jupyter notebook file, named (_a3.ipynb), where is your UW WatIAM login ID (not your student number). The notebook must include solutions to all the questions. Submit this file to Desire2Learn. You do not need to submit any of the modules supplied for the assignment. c Jeff Orchard 2019 v1 Page 3