In this last homework of the semester, you are expected to obtain the class-precedence list
(CPL) for a given class hierarchy. To this end, you’ll implement the ‘fish hook algorithm’ given by
Winston (chapter 9; all page numbers in the sequel refer to this chapter). Caveat: In light of the
preceding sentence, reuse of existing topological sorting programs is strictly forbidden. Just
implement Winston’s aforementioned algorithm from scratch.
A proper CPL obeys the two rules (single bullet points) given on p. 187 and p. 190. You should 1
test your program with the examples (class hierarchies) on the next page to make sure that it
reports CPLs correctly. The input to your program (i.e., the graph-theoretic data structure
underlying a given hierarchy) should be manually prepared by you in order to faithfully capture
it. The output of your program should simply be a linear list, with the highest and lowest
precedence ends clearly identified. (In the test examples, feel free to add, for the sake of
observing the convention of chapter 9, the class called “Everything.”)
Your program should have a simple control for ‘single stepping’ (tracing your code) so that the
TAs can inspect the intermediate stages of the problem-solving process in an incremental
fashion. Essentially, the (continuously updated) table of fish-hook pairs is what you need to
show all the time. Needless to say, this will also be useful for debugging your program during
the development stage.
1 N.B. There’s also an important tie-breaker that is explained on p. 194. Do not forget to implement it.
The third (‘surprise’) example below will be sent on the evening of Tue 27 April. (THUS, PLEASE
The quality of the code you’ll write is worth 3 pts: 3 (good), 2 (average), 1 (poor).
Example 1 (3 pts) – See part (a) of the following figure. (You can think of all line segments as
up-arrows with ako labels.) Compute a CPL for “Squares.”
Example 2 (3 pts)- See part (b) of the following figure. (Again, you can think of all line segments
as up-arrows with ako labels.) Compute 2 CPLs: one for “Isosceles Trapezoids” (1 pt) and one for
“Squares” (2 pts).
Example 3 (4 pts) – Forthcoming…