CS 451 / 551 Project 2 Multi-Process Matrix Multiplication


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Aims of This Project
The aims of this project are as follows:
To expose you to creating multiple processes in Unix.
To use anonymous pipes for inter-process communication.
To provide you with experience designing IPC structures and protocols.
Project Specification
Provide an implementation of the functions specified in ./files/matrix_mul.h.
When your implementation is linked with the provided ./files/main.c main program, the resulting
executable program should be able to perform matrix multiplication. Specifically, the executable will be
run by a client process which calls your implemented functions to perform matrix multiplications. All the
dot product computation required for matrix multiplication must be performed only by worker processes
started directly or indirectly by the client process. All IPC is restricted to anonymous pipes.
Your implemented functions should check for most errors and try to ensure that errors are reported to their
Provided Files
The ./files directory contains the following:
This makefile provides the following targets:
This will build the prj2 executable.
This will clean out all generated files.
This will build the required prj2.tar.gz archive.
Simply typing make will build the prj2 program, typing make clean will remove all generated
files and typing make submit will create a prj2.tar.gz compressed archive which can be
You may edit this file if you choose to use a different organization for your project. When editing,
watch out for tabs (the first character of any command-line must be a tab character).
A template README; replace the XXX with your name, B-number and email. It should give a brief
high-level overview of your IPC structure and protocol. You may add any other information you
believe is relevant to your project submission.
This header files contains the specifications for the functions you need to implement. You should not
change this file.
This file contains skeletons for the functions you need to implement. You will need to add your code
to this file. You may choose to use additional auxiliary files (in which case you will need to adjust the
Makefile suitably).
A log of compiling and running this project.
A main program which allows you to run tests involving both random data and data read from
external files. The command-line usage implemented by this program is shown in the above LOG file.
A particular option (-g or –gold) allows you to use a simple in-process matrix multiplication
instead of the multi-process matrix multiplier you are requested to implement.
You should not change this file.
This file contains some test matrices. A test matrix is represented by the following sequence of
whitespace separated entries:
A description (which cannot contain whitespace).
A int giving the number of rows nRows.
A int giving the number of cols nCols.
The matrix entries: nRows x nCols whitespace-separated numbers listed in row-major format.
./files/matrix_test_data.c, ./files/matrix_test_data.h
A module used to implement the reading of test matrices. You should not need to change these files.
Note that you can build a working executable program by copying these files into an empty directory and
typing make. You can run matrix multiplications using the gold matrix multiplication routine. In fact, you
can even run non-gold matrix multiplications using the empty skeleton functions in matrix_mul.c; the
tests will simply fail since the result matrices will contain garbage.
You will be creating multiple processes in this project. Keep the number of processes created under 10 and
be careful with your code to ensure that you do not spawn an exponential number of processes. It is
trivially easy to create fork bombs purposely or inadvertently (consider omitting the break statements
within the loops in the process chain/fan discussed in class).
You can use ps to list out your processes (do man ps for the manual). You can kill a process with pid
PID using kill -9 PID (9 is the usual signal number for the SIGKILL signal which is guaranteed to
terminate the process if you have authorization).
The cs551 Library
The provided main driver uses some memory allocation and error reporting routines from the cs551
library. You should not need to use this library in your code since the matrix API reports all errors via
error codes. However, you are welcome to use this library if necessary; the specs are in ../../include, the
source code in ../../src/libcs551 and the precompiled library in ../../lib.
The provided Makefile is setup to link with this library.
Since the library is dynamic, the linking happens when (and after) you start your program. Hence when the
program starts up, you need to let the system know where it can find this library. This can be done by
setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environmental variable to contain the directory containing the library.
This should already be setup in your environment.
Please use the command echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to check whether this environmental variable is
setup properly for you. If not, please use the appropriate command below before running your program.
Under a sh-derived shell like ksh or bash, you would use
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/cs551-17s/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
whereas with a csh-based shell like tcsh, the syntax you would use is:
% setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $HOME/cs551-17s/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
You may choose to follow the following hints (they are not by any means required). They assume that you
are using the project structure supported by the provided Makefile,.
For debugging you can use gdb or a gui frontend ddd. A cruder option is to simply add
fprintf(stderr, …) statements to your code; a slightly better option is to use the TRACE macro
provided in the cs551 library.
1. Review material on C stdio, Unix I/O, processes and pipes. Make sure you understand the interaction
between stdio buffering and Unix I/O as well the necessity for closing pipe write ends in order to see
EOF on the read end.
2. Decide on the format used for data-interchange between processes. The main choices are:
Numbers are represented using a textual representation. Your data stream could basically be a
stream of whitespace separated numbers; errors could be indicated by using a non-number
character followed by the error code.
Numbers are represented using their internal binary representation. The data stream could
consist of a stream of fixed size structures where each structure could contain data as well as an
error code.
One advantage of binary representations is better efficiency. A major advantage of textual
representation is easier debugging because the data stream is easily decipherable (this is more
applicable in network protocols than with pipes).
3. Decide whether you would prefer to use Unix I/O or C stdio. You can move between these two layers
using fdopen(3) and fileno(3). One advantage of C stdio is buffering but that is also a
disadvantage in that it can cause problems if you do not understand how it interacts with Unix I/O
and multiple processes.
This choice could be affected by your choice in (1). If you chose text, then choosing C stdio in this
step may be preferable though not absolutely necessary (use the printf(3), scanf(3) family of
functions for number I/O). OTOH, if you chose binary, you could go with either Unix I/O (use
plain-vanilla read(2) and write(2)) or C stdio (use fread(3), fwrite(3)).
4. Decide on the topology of how you will connect your processes using pipes and the exact protocol
you will orchestrate to perform a matrix multiplication. Some of the questions you will need to
How many pipes will your implementation require and how will they connect the different
How will you distribute the input data for each multiplication among the worker processes in
order to maximize potential concurrency?
How will you send the input data from the client process to the worker processes? How will the
worker processes send the dot-product results back to the client process? How will the client
multiplication function know that the multiplication is complete so that it can return to its caller?
How will you ensure that all worker processes will be cleaned up when freeMatrixMul()
returns? Note that depending on your protocol, this can be done without using the wait(2)
family of calls (though their use is permitted).
How will you handle errors occurring in any of the 3 functions? How will errors occurring in the
worker processes be conveyed back to the client process? How will cleanup work after an error?
5. You will save yourself a lot of time if you ensure that your design is solid before you start coding. So
iterate steps 1 – 4 until you are satisfied with your design. You may want to test your design by
simulating it on paper for doing something like multiplying a 4 x 4 matrix using 3 worker processes.
6. It may be a good idea to write little play programs experimenting with pipes and processes.
7. Implement your design. Incrementally test as you code. Some alternatives to see what is going on:
Use a debugger like gdb or ddd.
Use the TRACE() macro from the cs551 library.
Use fprintf(stderr, …) statements.
You could start out testing your code by multiplying two 1 x 1 matrices. Make sure you test your
code with matrices which are not evenly partitioned across the worker processes.
8. Memory leaks can be a major problem with C programs. This can be avoided by getting into the habit
of using memory debugging tools. One such tool is valgrind; you can run it by simply preceeding the
normal command-line used to run your program with the command valgrind. If the command
reports problems, then it suggests the options you can use to debug the problems further. It will even
help debug problems in the worker processes.
9. Test and review your code until it meets all requirements.
You will need to submit a compressed archive file prj2.tar.gz which contains all the files necessary
to build your word-count executable. Additionally, this archive must contain a README file which
should minimally contain your name, email, a brief description of your protocol, the status of your project
and any other information you believe is relevant.
If you are using the suggested project structure, then the provided Makefile provides a submit target
which will build the compressed archive for you; simply type make submit.
Note that it is your responsibility to ensure that your submission is complete so that simply typing make
builds the prj2 executable. To test whether your archive is complete, simply unpack it into a empty
directory and see if it builds and runs correctly.
Submit your project using the submission link for this project, under Projects in Blackboard for this