CS 3430: SciComp with Py Assignment 10 solved


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2 Introduction
In this assignment, you get your hands dirty with conditional probabilities and learn (or review if you’ve already studied
it) one of the most useful data structures in CS – the binary search tree (BST). We’ll discuss some theory behind BSTs,
implement a few methods of the BST class and then use it to estimate the probability of a randomly generated BST being
a list, i.e., being a linear tree, or being a balanced BST. If you are not familiar with these terms, don’t worry – they’re all
defined below. The techniques of estimating this likelihood will serve as a gentle introduction to conditional probability,
a very useful concept frequently used in scientific computing. While we’re at it, we’ll play more with Matplotlib and get
more exposure to OOP.
3 Some Definitions
A BST is a special kind of graph that consists of nodes and edges. The nodes contain keys. For the purposes of this
assignment, we’ll assume that the keys are numbers. The term binary in BST means that in a BST each node has at
most two child nodes (hence binary). A BST can also be empty, i.e., have no nodes and no edges. The term tree in BST
means that there’s a unique node, called the root, that doesn’t have any parent, i.e., it’s a child of no other node. If a
node has no children, it’s called a leaf.
The term search in BST means that a BST is a search tree, because it imposes an additional constraint on the values
of the node keys: for each node in the tree it is true that the keys in all nodes to the left of it (i.e., in the left children)
are strictly less than the node’s key whereas the keys in all nodes to the right of it (i.e., the right children) are strictly
greater than the node’s key. If the binary tree is a search tree and we’re looking for a key in it, at any given node either
the node’s key is equal to the key we’re looking for or it is to the left of it or to the right of it. Of course, if we’re at a
leaf node and its key is not equal to the key we’re looking for, we know that the tree doesn’t contain it.
10 10 10 10 10
/ /\ /\ \
5 5 20 5 20 20
/ /\ \
4 15 35 30
The trees above are all BSTs. In each BST, 10 is the root, because it has no parent. The leftmost BST consists of
one node, 10, which is both the root and the leaf. These trees are binary, because in each tree each node has at most
two children. These trees are all BSTs, because for each node’s key the keys in the nodes to the left of it are strictly less
whereas the keys in the nodes to the right of it are strictly greater. For example, consider key 10 in the second tree from
the left, key 5 is to the left of key 10 and key 20 is to the right of it and 5 < 10 and 20 > 10. In the rightmost tree, 30
is the only leaf; in the second tree from the right, the leafs are 4, 15, and 35; the middle tree has two leafs: 5 and 20,
and so on. Note that the search condition must hold true for every node in the tree. For example, the following tree is a
binary tree but not a BST:
5 20
/ \
30 50
Why? Because the key condition is not satisfied at the node with key 20: 30 is to the left of it, but 30 > 20.
4 BST Nodes
As mentioned above, a BST consists of BST nodes. Each node contains a key. A blueprint of the BST node class is given
in BSTNode.py. You can use this class as is without any modification. It has a constructor, a few getters and setters and
implements the magic method __str__(). Here is a quick example of how you can use this class to construct BST node
>>> bn1 = BSTNode(key=10)
>>> str(bn1)
’BSTNode(key=10, lc=NULL, rc=NULL)’
What we just did above is constructing a BST node bn1 with a key of 10 and its left and right children being None.
When we apply str() to it, it calls the magic method __str__() and produces a string that states that the key of bn1
is 10, its left child (lc) is NULL, and its right child (rc) is NULL as well. Let’s set the left child of bn1 to a node with a
key of 5 and the right child of bn1 to a node with a key of 20:
>>> bn1.setLeftChild(BSTNode(key=5))
>>> bn1.setRightChild(BSTNode(key=20))
>>> str(bn1)
’BSTNode(key=10, lc=+, rc=+)’
If we evaluate str(bn1), it returns a string that indicates that both the left and right children are defined, i.e., lc=+
and rc=+. The character + simply means that the corresponding child node is not None. If we want to access and print
the left and right children of bn1, we can do it as follows:
>>> str(bn1.getLeftChild())
’BSTNode(key=5, lc=NULL, rc=NULL)’
>>> str(bn1.getRightChild())
’BSTNode(key=20, lc=NULL, rc=NULL)’
The file BSTree.py has a blueprint of BST class. As the constructor __init__() of the BSTree class indicate, a BSTree
object has two attributes: the root node (possibly empty, i.e., None) and the number of nodes in the tree:
def __init__(self, root=None):
self.__root = root
if root==None:
self.__numNodes = 0
self.__numNodes = 1
The method insertKey(self, key) inserts a key into a BSTree only when the key is not in the tree. Some definitions
of BSTs allow for the presence of duplicates, i.e., nodes with the same key. However, for the sake of simplicity and clarity,
in this assignment we’ll consider BSTs with no duplicates. The method insertKey(self, key) returns True when the
node is successfully inserted and False if the node’s key is already in the BST. If the tree has no nodes, the key becomes
the root’s key. Otherwise, we start walking down the tree. First, we compare the key to the key of the current node.
Intially, the current node is set to the root. If the current node’s key is less, we set the current node to its left child
and keep going down from there. If the key is greater, we set the current node to its right child and keep going down.
Eventually, we find a leaf node, i.e., a node without any children and insert the key either to the left or right of that leaf
node, depending on whether the key is less or greater than the leaf’s key. Let’s create a BST and insert three keys into
it: 10, 5, and 20.
>>> bst = BSTree()
>>> bst.insertKey(10)
>>> bst.insertKey(10)
>>> bst.insertKey(5)
>>> bst.insertKey(20)
>>> str(bst.getRoot())
’BSTNode(key=10, lc=+, rc=+)’
>>> str(bst.getRoot().getLeftChild())
’BSTNode(key=5, lc=NULL, rc=NULL)’
>>> str(bst.getRoot().getRightChild())
’BSTNode(key=20, lc=NULL, rc=NULL)’
The method displayInOrder(self) displays the tree nodes in order, i.e., for each node, the nodes in the left subtree
are displayed first, then the node itself, and then the nodes in the right subtree. Here’s what displayInOrder prints out
when called on the newly constructed BST:
>>> bst.displayInOrder()
BSTNode(key=5, lc=NULL, rc=NULL)
BSTNode(key=10, lc=+, rc=+)
BSTNode(key=20, lc=NULL, rc=NULL)
NULLs are displayed for empty nodes. This in-order display corresponds to the following BST, where x denotes the
empty node, i.e., NULL.
5 20
/\ /\
x x x x
6 Height of a Binary Search Tree and Its Linearity
The height of a BST node is defined recursively as follows. The height of a NULL node (None in the Py jargon) is -1.
The height of a BST node with a key but no children, i.e., a leaf node, is 0. Otherwise, the height of a BST node is 1 +
max(height of the node’s left child, height of the node’s right child). The height of a BST is the height of its root. Let’s
get back to the BST examples discussed above.
10 10 10 10 10
/ /\ /\ \
5 5 20 5 20 20
/ /\ \
4 15 35 30
Going left to right, the height of the 1st tree is 0, the height of the 2nd tree is 1, the height of the 3rd tree is also 1,
the height of the 4th tree is 2, and the height of the 5th tree is 2 as well. A BST is linear, i.e., a list, when the number of
nodes in it is exactly 1 greater than its height. For example, the 2nd and 5th trees are linear.
In BSTree.py, implement the method isList(self) that returns True when the BST is a list and False otherwise.
You’ll also need to implement the method heightOf(self) that returns the height of the BST. Here is a quick example
where we construct the following BST that has 3 nodes and whose height is 2.
>>> bst = BSTree()
>>> bst.insertKey(10)
>>> bst.isList()
>>> bst.insertKey(5)
>>> bst.isList()
>>> bst.insertKey(9)
>>> bst.isList()
>>> bst.getRoot().getLeftChild().getRightChild()
<BSTNode.BSTNode instance at 0x7feacd0ebb00>
>>> str(bst.getRoot().getLeftChild().getRightChild())
’BSTNode(key=9, lc=NULL, rc=NULL)’
>>> bst.getNumNodes()
>>> bst.heightOf()
7 Balance
A BST is balanced if for every node the heights of the left and right children differ by at most 1, which can be measured
by the absolute value of the children’s heights. In the five trees above, the first four trees are balanced. The 5th tree
is not, because the balance factor is broken at node 10. The height of the node’s left child is -1 and the height of right
child is 1. If we take the absolute value of the difference between the left child’s height and the right child’s height, i.e.,
| − 1 − 1| = 2, we see that this tree is not balanced at node 10. In BSTree.py, implement the method isBalanced(self)
that returns True if the BST is balanced and False otherwise.
8 Random Binary Search Trees
Now that we have isList(self) and isBalanced(self), let’s start experimenting with probabilities. Toward that end,
implement a function gen_rand_bst(num_nodes, a, b) to generate random BSTs. The first argument specifies the
number of nodes in a BST, the second and third arguments specify the range in which the random numbers are generated
and inserted into the tree until the tree has the required number of nodes. The method returns a BST object. Let’s
generate a random BST with 5 nodes whose keys are random integers in [0, 100] and check if it’s a list.
>>> rbst = gen_rand_bst(5, 0, 100)
>>> rbst.isList()
>>> rbst.isBalanced()
BSTNode(key=70, lc=+, rc=+) not balancedFalse
>>> rbst.displayInOrder()
BSTNode(key=23, lc=NULL, rc=+)
BSTNode(key=33, lc=NULL, rc=+)
BSTNode(key=43, lc=NULL, rc=NULL)
BSTNode(key=70, lc=+, rc=+)
BSTNode(key=75, lc=NULL, rc=NULL)
The above in-order display displays the following BST:
/ \
23 75
9 Estimating Probabilities of Linearity and Balance
Implement the function
estimate_list_prob_in_rand_bsts_with_num_nodes(num_trees, num_nodes, a, b)
The function returns the probability of a random BST being a list by generating num_trees of random BSTs, each of
which has num_nodes of random numbers in [a, b], counting the number of linear BSTs among the generated random
BSTs and dividing that number by num_trees, i.e., it estimates the probability of a BST being linear given that it has
the number of nodes specified by the second argument and each key is a random number in [a, b]. This is a conditional
probability in that the probability of a BST being a list is conditioned on the tree having a specific number of nodes whose
keys reside in a specific range. The function should return a tuple whose first element is the conditional probability and
the second element is the actual list of generated binary search trees that are lists. Here is a test run.
>>> estimate_list_prob_in_rand_bsts_with_num_nodes(100, 5, 0, 1000)
(0.13, [<BSTree.BSTree instance at 0x7f09fde98518>, <BSTree.BSTree instance at 0x7f09fde98098>,
<BSTree.BSTree instance at 0x7f09fdf02b00>, <BSTree.BSTree instance at 0x7f09fde9e050>,
<BSTree.BSTree instance at 0x7f09fde9c8c0>, <BSTree.BSTree instance at 0x7f09fde9ce60>,
<BSTree.BSTree instance at 0x7f09fde944d0>, <BSTree.BSTree instance at 0x7f09fde945f0>,
<BSTree.BSTree instance at 0x7f09fde94d40>, <BSTree.BSTree instance at 0x7f09fdc71f80>,
<BSTree.BSTree instance at 0x7f09fdc71368>, <BSTree.BSTree instance at 0x7f09fdc715a8>,
<BSTree.BSTree instance at 0x7f09fdc71ab8>])
The above call estimates the probability of a BST being a list by generating 100 random BSTs each of which has
5 nodes with random keys in [0, 1000] and then computing the percentage of these BSTs that are linear. The first
number indicates that of 100 random BSTs only 13 BSTs are lists. Obviously, the percentage of linear BSTs may be
different in repeated calls of this function, because the BSTs are randomly generated. Use the following function to
repeatedly estimate the probabilities of BSTs being lists. The first two arguments specify the range of the number of
nodes in the tree, the third argument is the number of random BSTs to generate for each number of nodes. The last two
arguments, a and b, specify the range in which random keys are generated. The method returns a dictionary that maps
each number of nodes to the output of estimate_list_prob_in_rand_bsts_with_num_nodes().
def estimate_list_probs_in_rand_bsts(num_nodes_start, num_nodes_end, num_trees, a, b):
d = {}
for num_nodes in xrange(num_nodes_start, num_nodes_end+1):
d[num_nodes] = estimate_list_prob_in_rand_bsts_with_num_nodes(num_trees, num_nodes, a, b)
return d
Estimate the probabilities by the following call:
>> d = estimate_list_probs_in_rand_bsts(5, 200, 1000, 0, 1000000)
In other words, for each number of nodes in [5, 200], generate 1000 random BSTs with keys randomly chosen from
[0, 1000000] and compute the percentages of those BSTs that are lists. Below is how we can print the estimated
probabilities. Since we are dealing with random numbers, your floats will most likely be different.
>>> for k, v in d.iteritems():
print(’probability of linearity in rbsts with %d nodes = %f’ % (k, v[0]))
probability of linearity in rbsts with 5 nodes = 0.122000
probability of linearity in rbsts with 6 nodes = 0.035000
probability of linearity in rbsts with 7 nodes = 0.011000
probability of linearity in rbst with 8 nodes = 0.001000
probability of linearity in rbsts with 9 nodes = 0.001000

Let’s work on the function
estimate_balance_prob_in_rand_bsts_with_num_nodes(num_trees, num_nodes, a, b).
This function behaves in the exact same way as estimate_list_prob_in_rand_bsts_with_num_nodes but returns
the 2-tuple where the first number is the probability of BST being balanced. You can test your implementation with the
following function that builds a dictionary of probabilities.
def estimate_balance_probs_in_rand_bsts(num_nodes_start, num_nodes_end, num_trees, a, b):
d = {}
for num_nodes in xrange(num_nodes_start, num_nodes_end+1):
d[num_nodes] = estimate_balance_prob_in_rand_bsts_with_num_nodes(num_trees, num_nodes, a, b)
return d
Here’s a test run.
>>> d = estimate_balance_probs_in_rand_bsts(5, 200, 1000, 0, 1000000)
>>> for k, v in d.iteritems():
print(’probability of balance in rbsts with %d nodes = %f’ % (k, v[0]))
for k, v in d.iteritems():
print(’probability of balance in rbsts with %d nodes = %f’ % (k, v[0]))
probability of balance in rbsts with 5 nodes = 0.329000
probability of balance in rbsts with 6 nodes = 0.129000
probability of balance in rbsts with 7 nodes = 0.153000
probability of balance in rbsts with 8 nodes = 0.129000
probability of balance in rbsts with 9 nodes = 0.101000
probability of balance in rbsts with 10 nodes = 0.049000
probability of balance in rbsts with 11 nodes = 0.017000
probability of balance in rbsts with 12 nodes = 0.024000
probability of balance in rbsts with 13 nodes = 0.017000
probability of balance in rbsts with 14 nodes = 0.011000
probability of balance in rbsts with 15 nodes = 0.014000
probability of balance in rbsts with 16 nodes = 0.011000
probability of balance in rbsts with 17 nodes = 0.004000
probability of balance in rbsts with 18 nodes = 0.000000
probability of balance in rbsts with 19 nodes = 0.002000
probability of balance in rbsts with 20 nodes = 0.001000
probability of balance in rbsts with 21 nodes = 0.004000
probability of balance in rbsts with 22 nodes = 0.000000
probability of balance in rbsts with 23 nodes = 0.001000

Note that that since we are dealing with random numbers, your output will be slightly different.
10 Plotting Conditional Probabilities
Let’s plot these probabilities. Toward that end, implement the function
plot_rbst_lin_probs(num_nodes_start, num_nodes_end, num_trees)
The first two numbers, num_nodes_start and num_nodes_end, specify the range of the number of nodes in random
binary search trees and num_trees specifies the number of random trees that must be generated for each number of nodes
in the range. When I called plot_rbst_lin_probs(1, 50, 1000), I got the graph shown in Figure 1.
Implement the function
plot_rbst_balance_probs(num_nodes_start, num_nodes_end, num_trees)
The first two numbers, num_nodes_start and num_nodes_end, specify the range of the number of nodes in random
BSTs and num_trees specifies the number of random BSTs that must be generated for each number of nodes in the
range. When I called plot_rbst_balance_probs(1, 50, 1000), I got the graph shown in Figure 2.
11 What To Submit
The zip for this assignment contains BSTNode.py, BSTree.py, rand_bst.py. You shouldn’t have to modify anything in
BSTNode.py. The file rand_bst.py has the starter code with the functions you need to define for this assignment. Define
them and submit your BSTree.py, rand_bst.py, and BSTNode.py via Canvas. At the beginning of rand_bst.py, add
brief answers to the following two questions:
1. As the number of nodes in a binary search tree goes to infinity, what is the probability of a binary search tree being
a list?
2. As the number of nodes in a binary search tree goes to infinity, what is the probability of a binary search tree being
Figure 1: Probability of random binary search trees being lists
Figure 2: Probability of random binary search trees being balanced
Happy Hacking!