1 Purpose
Complex logic circuits, such as those inside a CPU, are implemented from simpler parts. In this project, you will implement some Java classes which represent
simple Java components, and then assemble them into a single large object which
implements a multi-bit adder.
1.1 Required Filenames to Turn in
Name your files
2 Even More Limitations!
Like Simulation 1, you are not allowed to use any addition operator except for
++, and even that operator is only legal as part of your for() loops. You may
use subtraction – but only for calculating your indices for carrying logic – (it is
very nice to be able to copy a value from column i-1 into column i).
Second, in this project, you also cannot use any if() statements
in any of your classes. This is because, in hardware, you don’t have if()
– instead, all hardware is running all the time. Instead, build your logic from
gates: AND/OR/NOT.
Finally, logical operators are also restricted. I’ve provided classes that represent AND/OR/NOT gates; outside of those classes, you must not use any
Java logical operators. In other words, instead of writing a line of code
x = y && z;
you will need to build an AND object, set y,z as the inputs, and read the output
into x. That’s annoying – but that’s how it works in the real hardware.
Why am I placing such restrictions on you? Because I’m hoping to show you
that we don’t need fancy operators – or even something as simple as if() statements – in order to implement complex logic. Everything in your computer is
just complex arrangements of AND, OR, NOT (plus memory).
3 Tasks
Like with Simulation 1, you will implementing a few Java classes (no C code
this time) to model a few simple logic circuits. Unlike Simulation 1, each of the
classes in this project will require that you build logic from simpler elements.
Unlike Simulation 1, I won’t be providing any Java files for you to modify;
instead, you’ll write your own from scratch.
3.1 Common Requirements
Each of the classes you write will build (somewhat) complex logic out of simpler
parts. As you did in Simulation 1 (and as you’ll see in the NAND example I’ve
provided), you must create objects inside the constructor of your class – never
inside execute().
Basically, the only things that your execute() methods should do is to (a)
copy values around, and (b) call execute() on other objects.
NOTE 1: I have provided an example of this style of object (one that is
composed of smaller objects). Take a look at NAND to see how
this all works.
NOTE 2: Testcase 00, which I’ve provided, doesn’t really check any logic.
Instead, it simply exists to double-check the types of the inputs and outputs.
If you can link with that testcase, then you’ll be able to link with any other
testcases I write.
3.2 XOR
Write a class named Sim2 XOR. This has the same inputs and outputs as AND
and OR – but it must not use any Java logical operators (not even !=) to
implement the logic. Instead, it must use AND/OR/NOT objects internally to
generate the output.
3.3 Half Adder
Write a class named Sim2 HalfAdder. This class has the same inputs as AND/OR/XOR
(two RussWire objects, named a,b). However, it has two outputs, RussWire objects named sum and carry. This class will implement a Half Adder: remember
that this is a 1-bit adder, which does not have a carry-in bit.
3.4 Full Adder
Write a class named Sim2 FullAdder. This must have three inputs: a,b,carryIn
and two outputs sum,carryOut.
You must implement the full adder by linking two half adders
3.5 Multi-Bit Adder
Write a class named Sim2 AdderX, which implements a multi-bit adder by linking together many full adders. (This is known as a “ripple carry” adder.) Your
adder must be composed of many different full adders; don’t try to
get more fancy than this1
The constructor for this class must take a single int parameter; this is the
number of bits in the adder. You may assume that the parameter is >=2; other
than that, you must support any size at all. (We’ll call this parameter X in the
descriptions below.)
The inputs to this class must be two arrays of RussWire objects, each with
exactly X wires. Name the inputs a,b. The outputs from this class are an X
wire array named sum, and two single bits: carryOut,overflow.
This class has the same restrictions as all the rest. Since you’re doing
it X times, I’ll allow you to use a for() loop in this method. Also note that
subtraction is allowed for copying a carry bit from one column to another, so
you can copy from i-1 into i. However, remember that if() is still banned!
4 A Note About Grading
Your code will be tested automatically. Therefore, your code must:
• Use exactly the filenames that we specify (remember that names are case
• Not use any other files (unless allowed by the project spec) – since our
grading script won’t know to use them.
• Follow the spec precisely (don’t change any names, or edit the files I give
you, unless the spec says to do so).
• (In projects that require output) match the required output exactly! Any
extra spaces, blank lines misspelled words, etc. will cause the testcase to
To make it easy to check, I have provided the grading script. I strongly
recommend that you download the grading script and all of the testcases, and
use them to test your code from the beginning. You want to detect any problems
early on!
4.1 Testcases
For assembly language programs, the testcases will be named test *.s . For
C programs, the testcases will be named test *.c . For Java programs, the
1Sometimes students want to use a bunch of full adders, and a single half adder for the
least-significant-bit. I’ll allow this, but frankly, it’s not worth your time. We’ll use a full adder
for the LSB later, when we are doing subtraction!
testcases will be named Test *.java . (You will only have testcases for the
languages that you have to actually write for each project, of course.)
Each testcase has a matching output file, which ends in .out; our grading
script needs to have both files available in order to test your code.
For many projects, we will have “secret testcases,” which are additional
testcases that we do not publish until after the solutions have been posted.
These may cover corner cases not covered by the basic testcase, or may simply
provide additional testing. You are encouraged to write testcases of your
own, in order to better test your code.
4.2 Automatic Testing
We have provided a testing script (in the same directory), named grade sim2.
Place this script, all of the testcase files (including their .out files if assembly
language), and your program files in the same directory. (I recommend that
you do this on Lectura, or a similar department machine. It might also work
on your Mac, but no promises!)
4.3 Writing Your Own Testcases
The grading script will grade your code based on the testcases it finds in the
current directory. Start with the testcases I provide – however, I encourage you
to write your own as well. If you write your own, simply name your testcases
using the same pattern as mine, and the grading script will pick them up.
While you normally cannot share code with friends and classmates, testcases are the exception. We encourage you to share you testcases – ideally
by posting them on Piazza. Sometimes, I may even pick your testcase up to be
part of the official set, when I do the grading!
5 Turning in Your Solution
Navigate to the folder that contains the folder Sim2. Then run the command:
turnin cs252f21-sim2 Sim2. Please turn in only your program; do not
turn in any testcases.
You must ensure that your folder is named Sim2 and it contains files that
exactly match filenames described above in this spec.