Create a class called CandleNode which has fields for the data (a Candle) and next (CandleNode)
instance variables. Include a one-argument constructor which takes a Candle as a parameter. (For
hints, see the PowerPoint on “Static vs. Dynamic Structures”.)
public CandleNode (Candle c) { . . }
The instance variables should have protected access. There will not be any get and set methods for the
two instance variables.
Create an abstract linked list class called CandleList. This should be a linked list with head node as
described in lecture. Modify it so that the data type in the nodes is Candle. The no-argument
constructor should create an empty list with first and last pointing to an empty head node, and length
equal to zero. Include an append method in this class.
Create two more linked list classes that extend the abstract class CandleList: One called
UnsortedCandleList and one called SortedCandleList, each with appropriate no-argument constructors.
Each of these classes should have a method called add(Candle) that will add a new node to the list. In
the case of the UnsortedCandleList it will add it to the end of the list by calling the append method in
the super class. In the case of the SortedCandleList it will insert the node in the proper position to keep
the list sorted.
Instantiate two linked lists, and for every Candle read from the file, add it to the unsorted and sorted
lists using the add method. You will end up with the first list having the Candles from the input file in the
order they were read, and in the second list the Candles will be in sorted order. Display the unsorted
and sorted Candles in the GUI just as in project 1.
Submitting the Project.
You should now have the following files to submit for this project:
Submit a jar file.
Rather than upload all the files above separately, we will use Java’s facility to create the equivalent of a
zip file that is known as a Java ARchive file, or “jar” file.
Instructions on how to create a jar file using Eclipse are on Blackboard. Create a jar file called
Project2.jar and submit that. Be sure the jar file contains source code, not classes.