Implement two priority queues to simulate an afternoon in an
emergency room. Your software should NOT be dependent on
the given data.
1. Priority Queue 1
Develop software or use the author’s priority queue ADT to
implement a priority queue based on a heap.
2. Priority Queue 2
Use the STL priority_queue
Test both priority queues with the following data assuming
that the priority queue is built at noon and Doctor DoGood is
the only doctor on duty. Each patient requires 25 minutes of
care. The patient who waited the longest has the highest
priority unless there is a life-threatening scenario. Determine
the order in which the patients will be treated. You will need
to create a timer. Output the time each appointment starts
and ends.
1. When a patient’s care is interrupted, they still only get
25 minutes of care total
2. If a patient’s treatment starts at 1:00 and is not
interrupted, then the next patient’s treatment will
start at 1:25
3. Waiting time is wait time before noon
Assignment 6
Name Waiting Time (hours) Start End
Bob Bleeding 5
Frank Feelingbad 3
Cathy Coughing 2
Sam Sneezing Life threatening at 1:14 PM
Paula Pain 4
Sid Sickly Life threatening at 3:01 PM
Alice Ailment 7
Irene Ill 1
Tom Temperature 6