Assignment 4. Student Scores
Points: 100
Student scores
This assignment will give you practice with dynamic arrays. You will first create a
one-dimensional dynamic array of strings and a two-dimensional dynamic array of
integers. Then you will access these arrays to print the data they contain.
Sample input file
Your program should read an input file students.txt that is similar in format to the
following sample:
After the first line, the input file contains one line per student. Each student name is a
first name and a last name only, and all the scores are integers. You may assume that
there are no errors in the file; in particular, the number of students and the numbers of
scores are all correct. There is at least one blank between the input elements.
Download the complete input file students.txt:
This file is already uploaded to CodeCheck.
Dynamic arrays
Create dynamic arrays to store the data from the input files:
• A one-dimensional dynamic string array to store the student names.
• A two-dimensional dynamic integer array (a matrix) to store the student scores.
One row of the matrix stores the scores for one student, and there should be a
row for each student that contains zero or more integer scores.
For this assignment, you must use dynamic arrays and not vectors. Use C++ strings for
the names. Your arrays should conceptually be something like this:
Remember that an array variable is actually a pointer to the first element of the array,
and that a two-dimensional array is a one-dimensional array of pointers to the onedimensional arrays of values. Therefore, the student scores matrix is dynamic both in the
number of rows and in the number of scores per student. The matrix will be “ragged”
since the rows will be different sizes.
You must delete your dynamic arrays before your program finishes executing.
Expected output
Here is the expected output format:
Your program must operate in this order:
1. Read all the input data and create the dynamic arrays.
2. Print the contents of the dynamic arrays.
“John Wayne”
“Frank Snooze”
“Mary Poppins”
90 100 85
100 99
names rows
John Wayne
90 85 100
Frank Snooze
Mary Poppins
100 99
Program structure
Your program structure should have good functional decomposition. You should have at
least the following two functions:
• One function to read the input file and build the dynamic arrays.
• Another function to print the output from the content of the dynamic arrays,
which are passed to it as arguments.
You may have other helper functions. Declare your functions with documentation before
the main and define them after the main with internal documentation. Carefully decide
which parameters should be passed by value or by reference, and which should be
Your program should have no global variables. Global constants are OK.
Criteria Maximum points
Good program output (as determined by CodeCheck) 15
Dynamic arrays
• Create and use dynamic arrays.
• Delete dynamic arrays.
• 25
• 10
Good program design
• Function to build the dynamic arrays.
• Function to print the contents of the dynamic arrays.
• Good names and comments.
• No global variables.
• 15
• 15
• 10
• 5
Good program style
• Function declarations and definitions.
• 5
You can submit as many times as necessary to get satisfactory results, and the number
of submissions will not affect your score. When you’re done with your program, click the
“Download” link at the very bottom of the Report screen to download a signed zip file of
your solution.
Submit the signed zip file into Canvas: Assignment 4. Student scores
Academic integrity
You may study together and discuss the assignments, but what you turn in must be
your individual work. Assignment submissions will be checked for plagiarism using
Moss ( Copying another student’s
program or sharing your program is a violation of academic integrity. Moss is
not fooled by renaming variables, reformatting source code, or re-ordering functions.
Violators of academic integrity will suffer severe sanctions, including academic
probation. Students who are on academic probation are not eligible for work as
instructional assistants in the university or for internships at local companies.