
CPT121 / COSC2135 Programming 1 (OUA)

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This assessment requires you to apply various concepts and techniques covered in weeks 1–11 of the course, to
assemble a programmatic solution for a problem based on a simulated real-world scenario.
An important part of your development as a programmer is the ability to identify and apply appropriate techniques
or programming structures when implementing the various aspects of a programmatic solution to a given problem,
so in addition to the basic functional requirements of this task, you will also be assessed on your ability to select
and utilise appropriate techniques and structures in your solution.
This assessment requires you to design and create a Java program to solve analysed stakeholder (user and
supervisor) requirements.
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Assessment grading criteria
This assessment will measure your ability to:
 Apply the specified coding and documentation style guide
 Apply basic features of Java and Object-Oriented techniques (covered in weeks 1-12 of the course material)
to solve the user and supervisor requirements, demonstrated by producing correct and well-formatted
output on provided test data
Course learning outcomes
This assessment is relevant to the following course learning outcomes:
 CLO 1: Solve simple algorithmic computing problems using basic control structures and Object-Oriented
 CLO 2: Design and implement computer programs based on analysing and modelling requirements
 CLO 3: Identify and apply basic features of an Object-Oriented programming language through the use of
standard Java (Java SE) language constructs and APIs
 CLO 4: Identify and apply good programming style based on established standards, practices and coding
 CLO 5: Devise and apply strategies to test the developed software
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Assessment details
‘ChildzPlay’ is a small (fictional) toy and play equipment hire company which hires out toys, dress-ups and
backyard play equipment. Covid-19 lockdowns and school closures have resulted in parents seeking
alternative child entertainment. ChildzPlay has experienced overwhelming demand for their services and
they urgently wish to computerise some aspects of their record keeping. The first phase is to develop a
prototype system for storing details of all items for hire.
Notes from interviews with ChildzPlay staff and instructions from your supervisor are given below. You
should analyse the interviews and instructions to determine the functional requirements for your program.
There are four stages in this assignment (A, B, C and D). Since each stage elaborates on the previous one,
you only need to submit one program – the one implementing the highest stage you were able to
For each of the stages A, B, C and D, complete the steps below based on the Double Diamond process:
‘Go wide’ in the form of reading and thinking about the supplied stakeholder requirements. Find out what
the current situation is and understand user behaviours and business drivers.
Fill in the supplied ‘Discover and Define’ Word template with a list of different problems that could be
From your understanding of the overall issues/requirements, narrow down to a single problem and turn that
into a problem statement. The problem statement defines what you will develop, and you may start some
initial coding to start working out if you can create a solution to the problem you defined.
Fill in the supplied ‘Discover and Define’ Word template with a statement of the single problem you will
Start coding to create an initial prototype and program logic to address the problem. You may create a few
different iterations to get to the best prototype. This is a phase for trying ideas out to see if they work.
Pick the best prototype from the ‘Develop’ phase and create the final version of the code, refining and
making it work. The aim is to create a minimum viable product (MVP) to address the problem you have
identified and defined. The final result of this process at stage D will become your final submission for
assessment 3.
How to use the Double Diamond is explained in the course webinar, please ask your instructor if you have
any questions.
The assessment is marked out of a total of 25 marks as given in the rubric criteria table at the end of this
Coding style/documentation
Your program must follow the coding and documentation style guide given in the file StyleGuide.pdf,
available on the course Canvas under the Assignment 3 link.
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Stage A – Modelling and implementing an Item Management System
An edited summary of client interviews and additional requirements from your supervisor is given below:
Kanchan – ChildzPlay Manager
“At ChildzPlay we have several types of item, ranging from toys (including sporting equipment) and
dress-ups to play equipment. All of them have an item code (incrementing from a starting number of
100 for the first item), a title, a single line description and a cost per week. Obviously I need to be able
to add items to the system. For this stage, I’d like the system to be able to store up to five items, so
we can easily test it. My book keeper will need to be able to process a customer hiring or returning an
item. For this prototype we won’t computerise customer records, but be aware that each customer is
identified with a (string) ID code. Both of us need to be able to display all information stored about a
specified item (including if it has been hired), or to list a summary of item ID, item title and hire status
of all items together with a final count of the number of hired items and the total income from all the
hired items. All displays should be neatly formatted. ”
Nathan – ChildzPlay Book Keeper
“When a customer wishes to hire an item, I collect the customer’s ID, and find out which item they
wish to hire (the item has a tag or mark on it giving the item code), and for how many weeks they
wish to hire it. I then record that the item has been hired by that customer for that many weeks. I
then charge the customer and give them a receipt listing their customer ID, the item code and title,
the number of weeks, and the total charge (hiring is on a per week basis). As the system is being
computerised, I’d like the system to let me know if hiring isn’t possible because the item is already
hired out (there is no wait-listing).
When a customer returns an item, I look up the record for that item code and mark the item as being
available for hire.”

Your supervisor advises that your program should be able to use object-oriented techniques to model an
item in the class Item. The Item class shouldn’t collect data from the user. Another class, StageA, should be a
console-driven class that houses the main method, obtains relevant item details from the manager as
required, creates and manages objects of class Item in order to implement the functionality from the above
interviews. The Item class must contain a static variable indicating the value of the next id and use this when
determining the id for a new item object. The Item class constructor should accept user data from StageA
and set the item attributes accordingly.
In stage A, your program MUST utilise a single array (called holdings) for storing information about all the
items, in class StageA. Collections such as ArrayLists must not be used. Not meeting this requirement will
result in a mark of 0.
Your Item class must include and use a Boolean method with signature hireItem(String customerID, int
numWeeks) which sets item instance variables to indicate the item is being hired out by customerID and
hired for numWeeks of weeks. It returns false if the item is already hired out, true otherwise. Similarly, Item
must implement a Boolean method called returnItem() to return an item. This method returns false if the
item wasn’t hired and true if it had been hired. Your StageA should be designed to use the return values of
the Item hireItem and returnItem methods for hiring/returning items and determining if an attempt is being
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made to hire an already hired out item or return an item that wasn’t hired out.
The StageA class should provide a user-friendly menu to allow the user to perform tasks relevant to the
needs expressed in interviews, above, calling methods in Item objects as relevant. Your program should be
able to handle conditions such as searching for items that don’t exist, attempting to add more items than the
(user specified) maximum number of items, a customer attempting to hire an item that another customer
has already hired etc.
You are expected to adhere to all relevant object-oriented programming guidelines, including:
 Visibility of instance variables and methods set appropriately
 No unnecessary accessors (setters) or mutators (getters) – only provide methods which will be
needed when implementing the application class in this stage
 Where object instance variable values can be reasonably determined before object creation,
initialisation of these variables should be carried out via a constructor.
 Methods should work with instance variables when performing their required task
 Parameter lists in methods should be appropriate to the task the method is performing – only accept
parameters where a method requires one or more values from the caller to perform its assigned task
that it does not already have access to
 Methods which need to communicate a value or result back to the caller should do by returning the
value in question, not by storing it in an instance variable or printing it to the screen
 Data classes (i.e. Item) should not prompt for input from the user
Stage B – Extending the Item class
In this stage you rename class StageA as StageB, modify and extend the Item class and modify the StageB
class to meet the requirements presented in the interviews and supervisor requirements below.
Kanchan – ChildzPlay Manager
“We have several types of item, and don’t actually have ‘generic’ items. We only have toys, dressups and play equipment. When adding an item I need the system to ask which type of item is being
added and collect details relevant to that item. It shouldn’t be possible to add a ‘generic’ item as in
stage A.
There are three categories of toy: “construction” (e.g. Duplo™), “ride-on” (e.g. balance bikes) and
“sport” (e.g. basketball hoop and ball). There are fixed costs for each of these: construction
equipment is $5.45 a week, ride-on toys are $8.00 a week and sport toys are $6.50 a week.
Dress-ups have a size (a string), and a genre (e.g. “super-hero”) and a count of how many pieces
make the costume (for example a costume consisting of pants, top and mask would be 3 piece). The
entire costume has a laundry fee of $3.00. The cost of hiring a costume is the ((piece count * $3.50) *
number of weeks) + laundry fee.
For Play equipment we’ve tried various ways to calculate costs but in the end decided they are so
varied that we couldn’t develop a formula. Instead we have found by trial and error for each play
equipment a weekly cost that gives us a good hiring frequency and return on investment. This cost
should be stored when adding a piece of play equipment into the system. We also record the weight
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in kilograms of the equipment and the dimensions (height, width, depth) in centimetres as that may
be important for some customers.
The display of a specified item should produce neatly formatted output of data relevant for that
type of item.”
Important: Your supervisor advises that Item should be extended to implement classes Toy, DressUp and
PlayEquipment to implement the requirements described in the above interviews.
Your Stage B program must utilise the same array (holdings) used in Stage A for storing information about all
the items, in the class StageB. Your supervisor also specifies that the Item class should be modified so only
subclasses of Item can be instantiated and that those subclasses cannot be further extended. In addition, the
Item class must be modified so as to force all subclasses to implement a method determinePrice() which
returns a double (the cost) relevant for the subclass, calculated as per Kanchan’s interview above. You should
assume when adding a new toy to the system, the manager will enter, as a string, a valid toy category (one of
“construction”, “ride-on” or “sport”) and this information should be stored by the Toy object and used by it
to determine the hire price. You are expected to adhere to all relevant object-oriented programming
guidelines as described in stage A.
Stage C – Adding Exception Handling
In this stage you rename class StageB as StageC, modify and extend the Item class, modify the Toy class and
modify the StageC class to meet the requirements presented in the supervisor requirements below.
Your supervisor specifies that the Toy constructor must ensure the toy category is one of those specified in
Kanchan’s interview as you can no longer assume the user will enter a valid toy category. The Toy
constructor must reject an invalid toy category parameter, and throw an IllegalArgumentException with a
suitable message. This exception must be caught in StageC and the message displayed.
Your supervisor has also asked you extend class Exception in order to define your own exception type, to be
called HiringException. This HiringException class should be in its own separate source code (.java) file. The
Item hireItem(customerID,dueDate) and returnItem() methods must be rewritten to be ‘void’ and to generate
and throw a HiringException containing a suitable error message if an attempt to hire or return, respectivey,
the item fails. Note that any HiringException that is thrown should be caught in StageC and the message
Stage D – Adding Object Persistence and re-factoring holdings to an ArrayList
In this stage you rename class StageC as StageD, modify and modify the Item, DressUp, Toy, PlayEquipment
and StageD classes to meet the requirements presented in the interview and supervisor requirements below.
Kanchan – ChildzPlay Manager
“I’d like the system to save all information before exiting, and then restore that information again
when it is next run.”
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Your supervisor instructs you to refactor array holdings to a single ArrayList of type Item called holdings.
There is no longer a limit on the number of items that can be stored.
Your supervisor also instructs you to design an approach to writing out to file information for all items
currently stored in the system in such a way that they can be reconstructed in full and then implement
functionality to:
 extract details for all items currently in the system and write the information out to a text file (in a
format which will allow the same set of objects to be restored in full later) when the user chooses to
exit the program, and
 read the information back in from the text file and use it to restore the existing set of objects in full
and store them back in the holdings ArrayList when the program starts up.
The design should take advantage of inheritance. Your text file location should be relative to your project
workspace – it should not be necessary to specify a full path and your solution will lose marks if it opens a file
with a path that exists on your local machine, rather than one relative to the project workspace. If there is no
data file then the program should proceed to run in an “empty” state, asking the user what the maximum
number of items to store is, and then displaying a menu for providing the stage A/B/C functionality.
You are not permitted to use automatic object serialization in your implementation.
Referencing guidelines
What: This is an individual assignment, and all submitted code must be your own. If you have used
examples of code from sources other than the contents directly under the course Canvas Modules link, or
the recommended textbook (e.g. an example from the web or other resource) as the basis for your own
code then you should acknowledge the source(s) and give references using the IEEE referencing style.
Where: Add a block code comment near the work to be referenced and include the reference in the IEEE style.
How: To generate a valid IEEE style reference, please use the citethisforme tool if unfamiliar with this style.
Submission format
Submit your Java course code file (or Eclipse project) on the course Canvas under the
Assignments/Assignment3 link as a file upload.
Marks are awarded for meeting requirements as closely as possible. Clarifications/updates may be made via
announcements/relevant discussion forums on the course Canvas.
Academic integrity and plagiarism
Academic integrity is about honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the work of
others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas.
You should take extreme care that you have:
 Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you have quoted
(i.e. directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in your assessment through
the appropriate referencing methods
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 Provided a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source if necessary.
This includes material taken from Internet sites
If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because you have
passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriate referencing, as if they were your own.
RMIT University treats plagiarism as a very serious offence constituting misconduct.
Plagiarism covers a variety of inappropriate behaviours, including:
 Failure to properly document a source
 Copyright material from the internet or databases
 Collusion between students
For further information on our policies and procedures, please refer to the University website.
Assessment declaration
When you submit work electronically, you agree to the assessment declaration.
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Criteria Categories Pts

Code style/documentation All three Style Guide
guidelines were
implemented, no areas
of improvement were
All three Style
Guide guidelines
minor issues
noted with one
All three Style
Guide guidelines
minor issues
noted with two
Significant issues
noted with one
Major issues were
noted with two
None of the Style
Guide guidelines
were not
2.0 pts 1.5 pts 1.0 pts 0.5 pts 0.1 pts 0.0 pts 2.0
Item class modelling Item class was
implemented with
attributes, methods
and constructor that
met stage D
requirements of this
Item class was
implemented with
methods and
constructor that
met stage C
requirements of
this class.
Item class was
implemented with
methods and
constructor that
met stage B
requirements of
this class.
Item class was
implemented with
methods and
constructor that
met all stage A
requirements of
this class.
Item was
attempted but
attributes or
methods or
constructor were
inadequate to
implement stage
A requirements.
Item class wasn’t
3.0 pts 2.5 pts 2.0 pts 1.0 pts 0.5 pts 0.0 pts 3.0
StageA/B/C/D class
StageD met all
requirements for stage
StageC/D met all
requirements for
stage C.
StageB/C/D met
all requirements
for stage B.
met all
requirements for
stage A.
met some, but not
all requirements
for stage A.
Functionality not
6.0 pts 4.5 pts 3.5 pts 2.0 pts 1.0 pts 0.0 pts 6.0
Item subclasses Item subclasses
DressUp, Toy and
Item subclasses
DressUp, Toy and
implemented to
Item subclasses
DressUp, Toy and
implemented to
At least two of the
Item subclasses
DressUp, Toy or
One of the Item
DressUp, Toy or
Functionality not
Page 10 of 11
implemented to meet
stage D requirements.
meet stage C
meet stage B
attempted, with
either missing
subclasses or
significant class
errors or
attempted, with
either missing
subclasses or
significant class
errors or
5.0 pts 4.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 1.0 pts 0.0 pts 5.0
HiringException and
defined as per Stage C
requirements. Item
dueDate) and
returnItem() refactored as per Stage C
StageC/D class catches
and correctly
HiringException as per
stage C requirements.
Constructor of Toy
subclass correctly
generates and throws
ion and StageC/D
correctly catches and
processes it as per
stage C requirements.
defined as per
Stage C
Minor issue noted
with one of: Toy
generating and
ception or with
refactoring of Item
hireItem and
methods to throw
or with correctly
catching and
exceptions in
Stage C/D.
defined as per
Stage C
Minor issue noted
with one of: Toy
generating and
ception or with
refactoring of Item
hireItem and
methods to throw
or with correctly
catching and
exceptions in
Stage C/D.
defined as per
Stage C
Significant issue
noted with one of:
Toy constructor
generating and
ception or with
refactoring of Item
hireItem and
methods to throw
or with correctly
catching and
exceptions in
Stage C/D.
Some evidence of
an attempt to
type but code is
not functional.
Functionality not
4.0 pts 3.5 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 1.0 pts 0.0 pts 4.0
Object Persistence and
refactoring holdings to an
Stage D object
functionality and
refactoring of holdings
to an ArrayList
Stage D object
implemented but
one of the
following issues
Stage D object
implemented but
two of the
following issues
Stage D object
implemented but
all of the following
issues noted: not
Some attempt to
add object
persistence. All of
the following
issues noted: not
taking advantage
of inheritance in
Functionality not
Page 11 of 11
implemented, no
issues noted.
noted: not taking
advantage of
inheritance in the
design for object
persistence, not
initially running
in an ‘empty’ state
if the data file
doesn’t exist, not
specifying a file
location relative
to the project
workspace, not
holdings array to
an ArrayList.
noted: not taking
advantage of
inheritance in the
design for object
persistence, not
initially running
in an ‘empty’ state
if the data file
doesn’t exist, not
specifying a file
location relative
to the project
workspace, not
holdings array to
an ArrayList.
taking advantage
of inheritance in
the design for
object persistence,
not initially
running in an
‘empty’ state if the
data file doesn’t
exist, not
specifying a file
location relative
to the project
workspace, not
holdings array to
an ArrayList.
the design for
persistence, not
initially running
in an ‘empty’
state if the data
file doesn’t exist,
not specifying a
file location
relative to the
workspace, not
file to implement
stage D
3.0 pts 2.5 pts 2.0 pts 1.5 pts 0.5 pts 0.0 pts 3.0
Object-oriented technique

All object-oriented
guidelines specified in
stage A were adhered
specified in stage
A, were generally
adhered to with a
single minor issue
specified in stage
A, were generally
adhered to with
two minor issues
specified in stage
A, were generally
adhered to with
one significant
issue noted.
specified in stage
A, were
attempted, with
significant issues
techniques were
2.0 pts 1.5 pts 1.0 pts 0.5 pts 0.1 pts 0.0 pts 2.0
Total: 25