
CPT121 / COSC2135 Programming 1 (OUA)

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This assessment requires you to apply various concepts and techniques covered in weeks 1–4 of the course, in order
to assemble a programmatic solution for a problem based on a simulated real-world scenario.
An important part of your development as a programmer is the ability to identify and apply appropriate techniques
or programming structures when implementing the various aspects of a programmatic solution to a given problem,
so in addition to the basic functional requirements of this task, you will also be assessed on your ability to select
and utilise appropriate techniques and structures in your solution.
This assessment requires you to design and create a Java program to solve analysed stakeholder (user and
supervisor) requirements.
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Course learning outcomes
This assessment is relevant to the following course learning outcomes:
 CLO 1: Solve simple algorithmic computing problems using basic control structures and Object-Oriented
 CLO 2: Design and implement computer programs based on analysing and modelling requirements
 CLO 3: Identify and apply basic features of an Object-Oriented programming language through the use of
standard Java (Java SE) language constructs and APIs
 CLO 4: Identify and apply good programming style based on established standards, practices and coding
 CLO 5: Devise and apply strategies to test the developed software
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Assessment Details
Your task is to produce, using standard Java, a prototype booking management system for ‘Direct Coaches
Australia (DCA)’, a (fictitious) regional coach service.
Edited interviews with Lauren, the manager of DCA and Abhijeet, the booking clerk have been provided.
You should analyse the interviews to determine the functional requirements for your program. Your
development-team supervisor has provided further requirements. These requirements are set out in the
three stages (A, B and C) below. Since each stage elaborates on the previous one, you only need to submit
one program – the one implementing the highest stage you were able to complete.
The functionality of each stage will be tested on test-case described in TestCases.pdf, which can be found
on the course Canvas under the Assignment 1 link.
For each of the stages A, B and C, complete the steps below based on the Double Diamond process:
‘Go wide’ in the form of reading and thinking about the supplied stakeholder requirements. Find out what
the current situation is and understand user behaviours and business drivers.
Fill in the supplied ‘Discover and Define’ Word template with a list of different problems that could be
From your understanding of the overall issues/requirements, narrow down to a single problem and turn that
into a problem statement. The problem statement defines what you will develop, and you may start some
initial coding to start working out if you can create a solution to the problem you defined.
Fill in the supplied ‘Discover and Define’ Word template with a statement of the single problem you will
Start coding to create an initial prototype and program logic to address the problem. You may create a few
different iterations to get to the best prototype. This is a phase for trying ideas out to see if they work.
Pick the best prototype from the ‘Develop’ phase and create the final version of the code, refining and
making it work. The aim is to create a minimum viable product (MVP) to address the problem you have
identified and defined. The final result of this process at stage C will become your final submission for
assessment 1.
How to use the Double Diamond will be explained in the course webinar, please ask your instructor if you
have any questions.
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Stage A – Basic coach booking system
Your task here is to discover and define the problem and then develop a console-driven Java program which
implements the functional requirements derived from the interviews and instructions given below.
Lauren – DCA Manager
“In this initial project we’ll only focus on managing booking for a single coach. The prototype will be
used by myself and the booking clerks. On start-up, the prototype should ask for the number of rows
in the coach, the coach destination, and the seat price category for travelling to that destination. Our
coaches have four seats per row (two on either side of a central isle). There are three price categories
for a seat: standard (S) which is full fare, pensioner (P), and discounted frequent customers (F).
Once initialised, I’d like the prototype to be able to display the number of available seats on the coach
and also be able to book seats and to refund seats. A booking/refund receipt should be produced
when booking or refunding seats. I’d like the booking/refund receipt format to be the same as what
we currently produce:
Destination : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Number of seats booked : x
xx * Standard @ $xx.xx = $ xx.xx
xx * Pensioner @ $xx.xx = $ xx.xx
xx * Frequent @ $xx.xx = $ xx.xx
Total : $xxx.xx
I’d also like to be able to produce a statistics report detailing the number of seats booked, the
percentage of seats booked and the average price of the booked seats.
I’d like to be able to keep selecting from these options until I choose to exit the system.”
Abhijeet – DCA Booking Clerk
“I take seat bookings and provide refunds from cancellations. All I need to know for booking a seat is
the number of seats required, and the price category for each seat (standard, pensioner or frequent
traveller). I have to be careful to ensure there are enough seats available on the coach to fulfil the
booking so it would be good if the system could automate that.
Refunds are similar to booking, as I need to enter the number of seats to refund and, for each seat,
what price to refund (standard, pensioner or frequent traveller). Although I’m referring to the
customer’s hard-copy receipt while doing this, it would still help if the system could automatically
check that the quantity of each seat category being claimed for refund isn’t more than the total
number of that seat type currently booked. For example, if the coach has 3 pensioner bookings in
total, a customer shouldn’t be able to claim a refund for 4 pensioner seats.”
Supervisor directives
Your supervisor advises that your program should prompt the user to enter the required information in a
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user-friendly manner, read those values in from the console and store the corresponding values in variables
of appropriate types. Displayed output should be neatly tabulated.
Your program for this stage should be implemented as a single class. You will have the opportunity to
implement an Object-Oriented design in stage C. Please note that ArrayLists and other Java Collection
Framework classes are not permitted and only concepts covered from weeks 1..3 should be utilised.
Stage B – Booking System tracking individual coach seats
Your task here is to extend your console-driven Java program to implement the functional requirements
derived from the interviews and instructions given below.
Lauren – DCA Manager
“For this stage I’d like the prototype to be able to display the status of individual coach seats, in
addition to giving the number of available seats. For each seat, I’d like the seat number and status
(one of ‘-‘ for not booked, ‘B’ for booked) to be displayed. Our seat numbering is simply an integer,
starting at zero from the front left-hand (looking out of the coach) window seat and incrementing
across each row. For example, our smaller coach of 5 rows (i.e. 20 seats) with only seat 6 booked
should have a display of:
0:- 1:- 2:- 3:-
4:- 5:- 6:B 7:-
8:- 9:- 10:- 11:-
12:- 13:- 14:- 15:-
16:- 17:- 18:- 19:-
Number of available seats: 19

Abhijeet – DCA Booking Clerk
“We’ve experienced several cases where a refund for a cheaper seat type has accidently been put
through as a higher-priced seat type. Now that the prototype will track the state of individual seats,
I’d like to change how refunds are performed. Instead of me and other booking clerks having to
enter the seat type being refunded, I’d like to just enter the number of the seat and have the system
work out how much to refund. For example if seat number 6 had been booked as a Standard seat,
then requesting to refund seat 6 should automatically refund the price for the Standard seat type.
I’d also find it helpful if the booking/refund receipt displayed the seat number(s) being
booked/refunded. For example, if a booking for 3 seats had seats 6 and 7 booked as type Standard
and seat 5 as Frequent Traveller, the receipt format should be:
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Destination : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Number of seats booked : x
2 * Standard @ $xx.xx = $ xx.xx seat(s): 6, 7,
0 * Pensioner @ $xx.xx = $ xx.xx seat(s):
1 * Frequent @ $xx.xx = $ xx.xx seat(s): 5,
Total : $xxx.xx

Supervisor directives
Your supervisor advises that your program must utilise a 1D array called seats of char type for storing the
status of the coach seats, with ‘not booked’ being indicated with ‘-‘, ‘booked Standard’ with ‘S’, ‘booked
Pensioner’ with ‘P’ and ‘booked Frequent Traveller’ with ‘F’. Please note that ArrayLists and other Java
Collection Framework classes are not permitted and only concepts covered from weeks 1..3 should be
The lists of booked or refunded seat(s) displayed on the receipt must be implemented as a string for each
seat type. For example, the receipt example given in stage B would have a single string “6, 7,” representing
the Standard seats, a single empty string “” representing the Pensioner seats and a single string “5,”
representing the Frequent seats.
You program for this stage should be implemented as a single class. You will have the opportunity to
implement an Object-Oriented design in stage C.
Stage C – Object-Oriented implementation of the booking system
Supervisor directives
Your supervisor advises that you should remodel your stage B Java program to use two classes, StageC and
Coach, to provide the functionality specified in stage B.
Class StageC implements the main method. It collects user information and calls methods in the Coach class
to implement the functionality of stage B. Note that StageC is obtains all responses from the user. If the
Coach class requires user input, the StageC class must collect the input from the user and pass it to the Coach
via arguments to Coach methods.
Class Coach contains the seats array and stores and manipulates all information about the state of the coach.
It hides this information, providing methods for manipulating or displaying the data without revealing the
underlying data structures. It also provides methods for calculating and displaying the receipts and statistics
For the purposes of this stage, object oriented technique involves satisfying all the following criteria:
 Appropriate choice of classes and methods as per good object-oriented programming practice
 Appropriate private instance variables and/or constants defined for all required values
 Variables required only within a method are defined locally
 Visibility of instance variables set to private as per good object-oriented programming practice
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Please note that ArrayLists and other Java Collection Framework classes are not permitted and only concepts
covered from weeks 1..3 should be utilised.
Referencing guidelines
What: This is an individual assignment and all submitted code must be your own. If you have used
examples of code from sources other than the contents directly under the course Canvas Modules link, or
the recommended textbook (e.g. an example from the web or other resource) as the basis for your own
code then you should acknowledge the source(s) and give references using the IEEE referencing style.
Where: Add a block code comment near the work to be referenced and include the reference in the IEEE style.
How: To generate a valid IEEE style reference, please use the citethisforme tool if unfamiliar with this style.
Submission format
Submit your Java course code file (or Eclipse project) on the course Canvas under the
Assignments/Assignment1 link as a file upload.
Marks are awarded for meeting requirements as closely as possible. Clarifications/updates may be made via
announcements/relevant discussion forums on the course Canvas.
Academic integrity and plagiarism
Academic integrity is about honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the work of
others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas.
You should take extreme care that you have:
 Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you have quoted
(i.e. directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in your assessment through
the appropriate referencing methods
 Provided a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source if necessary.
This includes material taken from Internet sites
If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because you have
passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriate referencing, as if they were your own.
RMIT University treats plagiarism as a very serious offence constituting misconduct.
Plagiarism covers a variety of inappropriate behaviours, including:
 Failure to properly document a source
 Copyright material from the internet or databases
 Collusion between students
For further information on our policies and procedures, please refer to the University website.
Assessment declaration
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When you submit work electronically, you agree to the assessment declaration.
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Criteria Ratings Pts

Code style/documentation All three Style Guide
guidelines were
implemented, no areas
of improvement were
All three Style
Guide guidelines
minor issues
noted with one
All three Style
Guide guidelines
minor issues
noted with two
All three Style
Guide guidelines
significant issues
noted with one
Fewer than three
Style Guide
guidelines were
implemented, or
major issues
were noted with
more than one
The Style Guide
guidelines were
not followed
2.0 pts 1.5 pts 1.0 pts 0.5 pts 0.1 pts 0.0 pts 2.0
Booking/Refund receipt
Object oriented
passed all stage B
booking tests
passed all stage B
booking tests
passed all stage A
booking tests
Failed one stage A
booking test
Not functional or
failed more than
one stage A
booking test
Functionality not
2.5 pts 2.0 pts 1.5 pts 1.0 pts 0.5 pts 0.0 pts 2.5
Booking/Refund receipt
Object oriented
displayed a correct
formatted table for all
stage B booking tests
displayed a
correct userfriendly formatted
table for all stage
B booking tests
displayed correct
data, some issues
with userfriendliness or
formatting of
table on stage B
booking tests
displayed correct
formatted table
for all stage A
booking tests
Not functional or
doesn’t display a
correct userfriendly
formatted table
for all stage A
booking tests
Functionality not
1.5 pts 1.2 pts 0.9 pts 0.6 pts 0.3 pts 0.0 pts 1.5
Available seat tracking Object oriented
Correctly utilised
array for storing
available seating data
Correctly utilised
array for storing
available seating
Minor issues with
utilising array for
storing and
Correctly tracks
available seating
on all stage A
booking tests
Not functional or
doesn’t correctly
track available
seating on all
Functionality not
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and correctly tracks
available seating trainwide on all stage B
booking tests
data and correctly
tracks available
seating on all
stage B booking
tracking available
seating data for
stage stage B
booking tests
stage A booking
3.0 pts 2.4 pts 1.8 pts 1.2 pts 0.6 pts 0.0 pts 3.0
Available seat display Object oriented
Displays correct userfriendly formatted
table of available
seating on all stage B
booking tests
Displays correct
formatted table of
available seating
on all stage B
booking tests
Displays correct
available seating
on all stage B
booking tests.
Some issues with
or formatting of
Displays correct
available seating
data in a userfriendly formatted
table for all stage
A booking tests
Not functional or
doesn’t display
correct available
seating data in
formatted table
for all stage A
booking tests
Functionality not
1.5 pts 1.2 pts 0.9 pts 0.6 pts 0.3 pts 0.0 pts 1.5
Statistics Report Object oriented
Displays statistics in
correct user-friendly
formatted table on all
stage B booking tests
Displays correct
statistics in userfriendly formatted
table on all stage
B booking tests.
Displays correct
statistics on all
stage B booking
tests. Some issues
with userfriendliness or
formatting of
Displays correct
statistics in userfriendly formatted
table for all stage
A booking tests
Not functional or
doesn’t display
correct statistics
in user-friendly
formatted table
for all stage A
booking tests
Functionality not
2.5 pts 2.0 pts 1.5 pts 1.0 pts 0.5 pts 0.0 pts 2.5
Object-oriented technique Object-oriented
techniques, specified
in stage C, were
correctly implemented
specified in stage
C, were
implemented with
minor issues
specified in stage
C, were attempted
with major issues
techniques were
not implemented
2.0 pts 1.0 pts 0.5 pts 0.0 pts 2.0
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Total: 15