CPSC 8810 Motion Planning Programming Assignment 3 — Discrete Planning 


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Problem Description
In the third assignment, you have to use A* to plan the discrete motion of a simple car. For
simplicity, we will assume that the state space is 3-dimensional and is given by an x position, a y
position, and an orientation θ (so, the speed is always fixed).
Basic Requirements
Please modify the astar.py code available on the website to implement your planner. The code
assumes that:
1. The car is moving on a 2D grid and its orientation can assume four distinct directions:
{0:North, 1:West, 2:South, 3:East}.
2. There are 3 possible actions that the car can take:
U = {turn right then move forward, move forward, turn left then move forward}
3. The heuristic for the A* search is the number of steps to the 2D goal cell.
As the state space is 3D-dimensional, implementing A* may be more involved than planning
for just 2D grid positions as we covered in the class. However, the extension should be easy if you
denote the three actions of the car as [-1, 0, 1]. Every time you expand a state and generate its
successors, you can add each action value to the index orientation of the state. The new orientation
can then be used to determine the neighboring position on the 2D grid. If, for example, the car is
on the grid cell [x, y] and its current orientation is 2, i.e. oriented downwards, taking the right turn
action having index -1 will lead to a new orientation of 1, i.e., going west. This means that the new
state after taking this action will be [x, y-1, 1].
Please, test your A* implementation with different costs. Start with a unit cost for all three
actions, then try [10, 1, 1] (high cost for turning right) and [1, 1, 10] (high cost for turning left).
In all tests, you should return the optimal plan from the state [4,3,0] to the state [2,0,1]. While
expanding states, you will have to maintain an open and closed list. Please use the data structures
provided in the code.
Extra credits (3pts)
Consider implementing Dijkstra’s algorithm for the above setup where the source is the [2,0,1] state.
Since Dijkstra returns the minimal cost path between the source and all available states, you should
be able to answer multiple queries from different target states to the source. As an example you can
test your implementation to return the optimal path between [4,3,0] and [2,0,1] assuming a [1,1,10]
cost vector.
There are different ways to implement Dijkstra. Given your A* implementation in the basic
requirements, the simplest is to use a priority queue along with a closed list. You can either insert
all nodes in the queue at the beginning and modify the values during expansion or insert new nodes
and/or modify their values as you expand.
Submit the assignment using Canvas. You can work in pairs if you want to. If you do so, though,
please let us know in advance and also attach a Readme file indicating the corresponding group
If you get stuck, please do not hesitate to contact us for help, and stop by during the office hours.
We also encourage you to post questions and initiate discussions on Canvas. Your colleagues are
also there to help you.