Problem Description
In the first programming assignment, you will implement the sampling-based velocity approach for
local navigation that we covered in lecture 3. In the zipped file you will find sample code
that you need to modify, and three multi-agent navigation scenarios that you can use to test your
code. The format of each scenario is as follows:
line 1: the parameters of the first agent:
agent_id, group_id, start_position_x, start_position_y, goal_position_x, goal_position_y,
preferred_speed, maximum_speed, radius
line 2: the parameters of the second agent
. . .
line n: the parameters of the n
th agent
After downloading the code, you should be able to To run the code, you need to type the following
at the command line: python The file provides a simple Python framework for
multi-agent navigation that reads scenarios, visualizes the agents, and exports a simulation to a csv
file. You should spend some time to get yourself familiar with how the code works. The
file contains the Agent class that handles the behavior of each agent. Your task is to update this
class to enable safe and goal-directed navigation for the agents.
Basic Requirements
Your program should work as follows. It should first load a simulation scenario and set the simulation
time step, ∆t, to 0.1 s by modifying the corresponding parameters in Then, for each
simulation step, for each of the n agents you need to compute a new velocity by modifying the
computeNewVelocity function in as follows:
1. Determine all neighbors that are less than dH m away from the agent. A typical value for the
sensing radius, dH , to consider is 5-10 m.
2. Uniformly sample N velocities from the admissible velocity space, AV , of the agent. The
agent is subject to a maximum speed, so AV is a disc centered at (0,0) having radius equal
to the agent’s maximum speed. Try different number of candidate velocities between 100 and
1000 in order to find a balance between acceptable navigation behavior and computational
3. Evaluate the fitness of each of the N candidate velocities using the following cost function:
vcand − v
goalk + βkv
vcand − vk +
This is a modified version of the function covered in class that accounts for the distance
between the candidate and goal velocity, the distance between the candidate and the agent’s
current velocity, and the risk of the agent to collide with nearby neighbors. Here, α, β, γ are
scaling constants that control the relative importance of the three cost terms. You should
experiment with different scaling values starting with α = 1, β = 1, and γ = 2. Regarding
the collision cost term, tc denotes the minimum time that it will take for the agent to collide
with any of its sensed neighbors if it moves at velocity v
vcand. To compute tc, you must first
compute the time to collision, τ , between the agent and each of its neighbors as discussed in
lecture 2 (though, you should use the candidate rather than the agent’s actual velocity).
4. Select as new velocity for the agent the candidate velocity that has the minimum cost. The
code in the update function will use the selected velocity to update the velocity and position
of the agent. It also computes the goal velocity of the agent for the next simulation step
by simply taking the unit vector pointing from the current position of the agent to its goal
position scaled by the agent’s preferred speed.
5. In case an agent is close to its goal (e.g., less than 1 m), you should stop computing new
velocities and updating the agent’s position, as well as considering this agent for the nearest
neighbor computations of the other agents.
Please test your code on the provided 3_agents and 8_agents scenarios. Once you are happy
with your results, you should export each simulation into a csv file by setting the doExport flag to
True in You should also document the parameters that you used for each simulation
in a Readme file.
Extra Credits (4pts)
Besides the 3-agents and 8-agents scenarios, feel free to create and play with your own scenario
files. You should also test the crossing_agents scenario which is included in the zip file. Keep
in mind, though, that each simulation step may be very slow to compute due to the large number
of interacting agents in this scenario, especially if you are using a large number, N, of candidate
velocities. To address this issue, you may want to set N = 200, and also consider only the k-nearest
neighbors within the sensing radius of an agent, where k is a small number (2-4 neighbors).
You are also welcome to devise you own cost function. Alternatively, you can account for
reciprocity among the agents by following the Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles approach proposed by
van den Berg et al. available here (see Section V).
Submit the assignment using Canvas. You can work in pairs if you want to. If you do so, though,
please let us know in advance. Along with your code, please upload the two csv files corresponding
to the 3_agents and 8_agents scenarios that you simulated, as well as a Readme file indicating
the parameters that you end up using to simulate each scenario. You’re welcome to upload results
regarding the crossing_agents scenario or any other scenario that you tried, as well as any other
file related to the Extra Credits section. Since we are using multiple files, please make a directory
and add all files to it. You should zip your directory and upload it to the submission system.
If you get stuck, please do not hesitate to contact us for help, and stop by during the office hours.
We also encourage you to post questions and initiate discussions on Canvas. Your colleagues are
also there to help you.