1 Markov Chains
1.1 Sampling, Inference, and Decoding
The function example markovChain.m loads the initial state probabilities and transition probabilities for
three Markov chain models on d binary variables,
p(x1, x2, . . . , xd) = p(x1)
p(xj |xj−1).
It then tries to find the optimal decoding (the most likely assignment to the variables {x1, x2, . . . , xd}) in
each of the three chains. In the demo, decoding is done by enumerating all possible assignments to the
variables. This works for the first two chains as they only have 4 variables, but is too slow on the last
chain because it has 31 variables. In this question you’ll explore two ways to estimate the marginals in third
Markov chain and two ways to estimate the most-probable sequence.
1. Write a function, sampleAncestral.m, that uses ancestral sampling to sample sequence x. Hand in this
code and report all the univariate marginal probabilities using a Monte Carlo estimate based on 10000
2. Write a function, marginalCK.m, that uses the CK equations to compute the exact univariate marginals.
Hand in this code and report all exact univariate marginals.
3. Write a function, marginalDecode.m, that returns the sequence of states xj that maximize the marginal
probability p(xj ) (for each j). Hand in this code and report the sequence of most likely states.
4. Write a function, viterbiDecode.m, that implements the Viterbi decoding algorithm for Markov chains.
Hand in this code and report the optimal decoding of the third Markov chain.
Hint: for parts 2-4, you can use a 2 by d matrix M to represent the dynamic programming table, and for
part 4 you can use another matrix B containing the argmax values that lead to each entry in the table.
1.2 Conditioning
The long sequence from the previous question usually starts with state 1 and most of the time ends in state
2. In this question you’ll consider conditioning on these events not happening. First, compute the following
quantities which can be done using your functions from the previous question:
1. Report all the univariate conditional probabilities p(xj |x1 = 2) obtained using a Monte Carlo estimate
based on 10000 samples.
2. Report all the exact univariate conditionals p(xj |x1 = 2).
3. Report the sequence beginning with x1 = 2 that has the highest probability.
4. Report the sequence ending with xd = 1 that has the highest probability.
Hint: these conditions can be done by changing the input to the functions from the previous question.
Next consider the following cases (which require implementing an extra rejection step or backward phase):
5. Report all the univariate conditional probabilities p(xj |xd = 1) obtained using a Monte Carlo estimate
based on 10000 samples and rejection sampling. Also report the number of samples accepted among
the 10000 samples.
6. Write a function, sampleBackwards.m that uses backwards sampling to sample sequences where xd =
1). Hand in this code and report all the univariate conditional probabilities p(xj |xd = 1) obtained
using a Monte Carlo estimate based on 10000 samples.
7. Write a function, forwardBackwards.m that is able compute all exact univariate conditionals p(xj |xd =
1) in O(dk2
). Hand in the code and report all the exact univariate conditionals p(xj |xd = 1).
1.3 1D Linear-Gaussian Markov Chains
Consider a continuous-state Markov chain where the initial distribution is given by
x0 ∼ N (m0, v2
and the transition distributions for j > 1 are given by
xj |xj−1 ∼ N (wjxj−1 + mj , v2
This model could be used to model an object moving through R.
1 Because of the Gaussian assumptions, this
defines a joint Gaussian distribution over the variables while the marginal distributions are also Gaussian.
For a generic j > 1, derive the form of the marginal distribution of xj , expressing the marginal parameters
µj and σj recursively in terms of µj−1 and σj−1.
Hint: You can use Theorem 4.4.1 of Murphy’s book.
2 Directed Acyclic Graphical Models
2.1 D-Separation
Consider a directed acyclic graphical (DAG) model with the following graph structure:
In practical applications like object tracking, we typically have that the states xj are 2- or 3-dimensions so we model an
object like a submarine or an airplane moving through space.
Assuming that the conditional independence properties are faithful to the graph, using d-separation briefly
explain why the following are true or false:
1. B ⊥ F.
2. B ⊥ F | A .
3. B ⊥ F | C.
4. B ⊥ F | E.
5. B ⊥ F | I.
6. B ⊥ F | J.
7. B ⊥ F | C, E.
2.2 Exact Inference
While DAGs can be used as a visual representation of independence assumptions, they can also be used to
simplify computations.This question will give you practice using the basic properties which allow efficient
computations in graphical models. Consider the DAG model below, for distinguishing between different
causes of shortness-of-breath (dyspnoea) and the causes of an abnormal lung x-ray, while modelling potential
causes of these diseases too (whether the person is a smoker or had a ‘visit’ to a country with a high degree
of tuberculosis).
For this question, let’s assume that we use the following parameterization of the network:
p(V = 1) = 0.01
p(S = 1) = 0.2
p(T = 1|V = 1) = 0.05
p(T = 1|V = 0) = 0.01
Lung Cancer
p(L = 1|S = 1) = 0.10
p(L = 1|S = 0) = 0.01
p(B = 1|S = 1) = 0.60
p(B = 1|S = 0) = 0.30
Abnormal X-Ray
p(X = 1|T = 1, L = 1) = 1.00
p(X = 1|T = 1, L = 0) = 0.98
p(X = 1|T = 0, L = 1) = 0.9
p(X = 1|T = 0, L = 0) = 0.05
p(D = 1|T = 1, L = 1, B = 1) = 0.90
p(D = 1|T = 1, L = 1, B = 0) = 0.70
p(D = 1|T = 1, L = 0, B = 1) = 0.85
p(D = 1|T = 1, L = 0, B = 0) = 0.65
p(D = 1|T = 0, L = 1, B = 1) = 0.82
p(D = 1|T = 0, L = 1, B = 0) = 0.60
p(D = 1|T = 0, L = 0, B = 1) = 0.80
p(D = 1|T = 0, L = 0, B = 0) = 0.10
Compute the following quantities (hints are given on the right, and these will be easier to do in order and if
you use conditional independence properties to simplify the calculations):
0. p(S = 1) (marginal of root node; can read from table)
1. p(S = 0) (negation of marginal of root node; use sum to one constraint)
2. p(L = 1|S = 1) (conditional of child node given parents; can be read from table)
3. p(L = 1) (marginal of child node; marginalize over parent)
4. p(X = 1|T = 1, L = 1) (conditional of child given parents; can be read from table)
5. p(X = 1|T = 1) (conditional of child with missing parent; marginalize over missing parent)
6. p(X = 1|T = 1, S = 1) (conditional of child given parent and grand-parent, marginalize over missing parent)
7. p(X = 1) (marginal of leaf node; marginalize over parents and use independence to simplify)
8. p(T = 1|X = 1) (conditional of parent given child; use Bayes rule)
9. p(T = 1|L = 1) (conditional of parent given co-parent; use independence and then marginal)
10. p(T = 1|X = 1, L = 1) (conditional of parent given child and co-parent; use Bayes rule)
2.3 Inpainting
The function example fil.m loads a variant of the MNIST dataset. It contains all the training images but
the test images are missing their bottom half. Running this function fits an independent Bernoulli model
to the training set, and then shows the result of applying the density model to “fill in” four random test
examples. It performs pretty badly because the independent model can’t condition on the known top-half
of the images.
1. Make a variant of the demo where you fit an inhomogeneous Markov chain to each image column.
Hand in your code and an example of using this model to fill in 4 random test images.
2. Make a variant of the demo where you fit a directed acyclic graphical model to the data, using general
discrete conditional probabilities and where the parents of pixel (i, j) are the other 8 pixels in the
region (i − 2 : i, j − 2 : j). Hand in your code and an example of using this model to fill in 4 random
test images.
3. Consider using more than 8 pixels are parents in the above model, such as the 15 pixels in the region
(i − 3 : i, j − 3 : j). If you do this, the code will often place white pixels in the bottom right corner of
the image even though no training example has a white pixel there. Why would it do this?
4. Make a variant of the demo where you fit a sigmoid belief network to the data, where the parents of
pixel (i, j) are the other pixels in the region (1 : i, 1 : j). Hand in your code and an example of using
this model to fill in 4 random test images.
Hints: For parts 2 and 3, you may find it helpful to make an m by m cell array called models where element
(i, j) contains the model for pixel (i, j). For parts 2 and 3 the size of the dataset also mean you will probably
need to vectorize your computation. The functions permute and reshape will help you, making a sparse
version of X with sparse can also speed up many operations. For part 2, you can use binaryTabular.m to fit
the discrete conditional distribution and sample from it (a reasonable value of α is 1). For part 3, you can
use logisticL2.m to fit logistic regression models and sample from them (a reasonable value of λ is 1). Note
that logisticL2.m uses a {−1, 1} encoding of y while binaryTabular.m uses a {0, 1} encoding (both support
sparse X).
3 Paper Review
3.1 Finding Relevant Papers
To help you make progress on your project, for this part you should hand in a list of 10 academic papers
related to your current project topic. Finding related work is often one of the first steps towards getting a
new project started, and it gives you an idea of what has (and has not) been explored. Some strategies for
finding related papers are:
1. Use Google: try the keywords you think are most relevant. Asking people in your lab (or related labs)
for references is also often a good starting point.
2. Once you have found a few related papers, read their introduction section to find references that these
papers think are worth mentioning.
3. Once you have found a few related papers, use Google Scholar to look through the list of references that
are citing these papers. You may have to do some sifting if there are a lot of citations. Reasonable
criteria to sift through large reference lists include looking for the ones with the most citations or
focusing on the more recent ones (then returning to Step 2 to find the more-relevant older references).
For this question you only need to provide a list, but in Assignment 5 you will have to do a survey of 10
papers. So it’s worth trying to identify papers that are both relevant and important at this point. For some
types of projects it will be easier to find papers than others. If you are having trouble, post on Piazza.
Although the papers do not need to all be machine learning papers, the course project does need to be related
to machine learning in some way, so at least a subset of the papers should be machine learning papers. Here
is a rough guide to some of the most reputable places to where you see machine learning works published:
• The International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) and the conference on Advances in Neural
Information Processing (NIPS) are the top places to publish machine learning work. The Journal of
Machine Learning Research (JMLR) is the top journal, although in this field conference publications
are usually viewed as more prestigious.
• Other good venues include AISTATS (emphasis on statistics), UAI (emphasis on graphical models),
COLT (emphasis on theory), ICLR (emphasis on deep learning), ECML-PKDD (European version
of ICML), CVPR and ICCV/ECCV (emphasis on computer vision), ACL and EMNLP (emphasis on
language), KDD (emphasis on data mining), AAAI/IJCAI (emphasis on AI more broadly), JRSSB and
Annals of Stats (emphasis on statistics more broadly), and Science and Nature (emphasis on science
more broadly).
3.2 Paper Review
Among your list of 10 papers, choose one paper and write a review of this paper. It makes sense to choose
one of the most closely-related to your project or one of the most important-looking papers. The review
should have two parts:
1. A short summary of the contributions of the paper. Say what problem the paper is addressing, why
this is an important problems, what is proposed, and how it is being evaluated.
2. A list of strengths and weaknesses of the paper. For ideas of what issues to discuss, see the JMLR
guidelines for reviewers:
Note that you should include a non-empty list of strengths and weaknesses. Many students when doing
their first reviews focus either purely on strengths or purely on weaknesses. It’s important to recognize
that all papers have weaknesses or limitations (even ones written by famous people or that are published
in impressive places or that proved to be historically important) and all papers have strengths or at least
motivation (the authors must have thought it was worth writing for some reason).