CPSC 351, Operating Systems Concepts Homework, Synchronization Thread Safe Stack


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(20 pts) The provided C program contains an implementation of a stack using a singly linked list, and a client
that uses the stack. An example of its usage is as follows:
Stack myStack = EmptyStack; // define, create, and initialize an
… // empty stack called “myStack”
push(&myStack, 15); // push the value 15 onto a stack called “myStack”

int value = pop(&myStack); // pop a value from a stack called “myStack” and store
… // it in an object called “value”
Or, if you had several stacks, say four of them, and wanted to hold them in an array of stacks, it might look like
Stack myArrayOfStacks[] = {EmptyStack, EmptyStack, EmptyStack, EmptyStack};
unsigned const size = sizeof(myArrayOfStacks)/sizeof(*myArrayOfStacks);

push(myArrayOfStacks, 15); // push 15 onto the stack held in myArrayOfStacks[0]
push(myArrayOfStacks+2, 7); // push 7 onto the stack held in myArrayOfStacks[2]

int value = pop(myArrayOfStacks+1); // pop the value off the top of
// the stack held in myArrayOfStacks[1]
The stack implementation provided works great in a single threaded environment but has race conditions and
is not appropriate for a concurrent multithreaded environment. Your assignment is to fix that problem and to
verify in a multithreaded program the problem has been fixed.
Submit through Canvas your source code and the output generated from running your program several times.
See the note below about accumulating the output of multiple runs in output.txt.
Files provided: Files to be delivered:
1. main.c main.c (unchanged)
2. stack.h/stack.c stack.h (modified)/stack.c (modified)
3. main-single.c.txt output.txt
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How to begin:
1) Study the provided program carefully, paying particular attention to:
• The stack’s interface. The stack’s interface is contained in the header file stack.h. The Stack ADT
contains two attributes (_top and _size) and three public functions, push, pop, and isEmpty. For
simplicity, the stack only holds integers. The stack is unbounded, meaning nodes are created
dynamically when elements are pushed onto the stack, and released when elements are popped from
the stack. The definitions of both a stack node, and an empty stack are private, meaning they are
declared in the header file stack.h but defined in the source file stack.c.
• How the stack is used.
o A single-threaded client of the Stack ADT is provided in the source file main-single.c.txt. A
common real-world task you may face is updating a single-threaded program to a multithreaded program. main-single.c.txt is that single-threaded program. Compare this with
main.c to see the transformation steps required:
 Identify the thread entry point function (somethingReallyImportant in this case).
Notice how the function’s signature has to change from passing multiple parameters to
a single pointer parameter pointing to a new structure of parameters, and returning a
pointer to the function’s return value. This kind of thread-entry signature is required.
 Notice the program must change from calling somethingReallyImportant directly to
passing a pointer to somethingReallyImportant when creating a new thread.
 Notice that after creating all the threads the program waits for all the threads to
complete before exiting.
main-single.c.txt is provided for reference only and there is nothing you need to do to this file
other than understand how you get from this typical single-threaded starting point to multithreaded solution. All of these transformation have been previously covered, but sometimes it
helps to see another example.
o A multi-threaded client of the Stack ADT is provided in the source file main.c. The only
information available to the client about the stack is the interface (prototypes, structures, etc.)
presented in stack.h. The client doesn’t know (or care) how the stack is implemented.
Function main() creates an array of stacks, calls a private helper function to do something
really cleaver and important requiring that array of stacks, and finishes by printing some
information about each stack. Many concurrent threads are created, each one executing
somethingReallyImportant in that thread. In other words, somethingReallyImportant is
executing in parallel many times over.
The somethingReallyImportant() function takes two arguments: the stack array and the
number of elements in the stack array. We simulate really cleaver and important work by
repeatedly pushing random integers onto a randomly selected stack a random 67% of the time
and popping from that randomly selected stack the other 33% of the time. Our goal here is to
vigorously stress the design of the Stack ADT by altering the stack’s content very frequently.
• How the stack is designed and implemented. The stack’s implementation is contained in the source file
stack.c. As mentioned above, the definitions of EmptyStack and StackNode are defined here. Only
the implementation of Stack needs to know these definitions. The clients of Stack do not.
Functions push, pop, and isEmpty are standard implementations of adding and removing a node to
and from the front of a singly linked list. After dynamically allocating memory for a node, push
populates the node with a copy (that’s important) of the client’s data then links the node into the list
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at the front. The pop function returns the data that was removed and releases the related
dynamically allocated memory. Unlike more robust implementations, our version of pop will simply
return a default value if requested to pop an empty stack. Both functions update the stack’s size.
Function isEmpty simply returns true if the stack contains no elements, and false otherwise.
Each public function (push, pop, and isEmpty) verifies the integrity of the stack when called. This is
primarily for the developer as an aid to detecting a corrupt data structure during testing, and typically
disabled for releasable builds. In our case, the size of the stack is compared to the number of nodes in
the stack. If all goes well, the two are equal. But you may be surprised at how often walking the list
uncovers attempts to dereference null pointers, attempts to access memory you shouldn’t, or
discovers the number of nodes and the size don’t match.
2) Build, execute, and study the provided source and header files. Make sure you understand everything
before making changes. Using the Build.sh script from your first homework, compile, link, and execute
your program.
./Build.sh stack
./stack | tee output.txt
stack[0] (16460): 732, 2668, 1628, 1076, 3972
stack[1] (16710): 65, 3845, 2161, 2525, 1201
stack[2] (16697): 1066, 1914, 1114, 746, 4062
stack[3] (16634): 4079, 2771, 3403, 3199, 3255
Program completed successfully
It should not work out of the box. Remember you have a multi-threaded client (main) using a singlethreaded stack. To convince yourself the stack’s implementation indeed works for a single thread, you can
temporarily modify the number of threads from 200 to 1 around line 76 in main.c. Change:
#define THREAD_COUNT 200u
#define THREAD_COUNT 1u
Don’t forget to restore the number of threads to 200 after you’re convinced.
Use this baseline as a point of departure. Rebuild and re-execute often as you make changes. Hint: you can
accumulate the output of multiple runs in the outout.txt file by adding the -a option to tee, like this
./stack | tee -a output.txt
Your results will be similar,
but not the same
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Fix the problem:
1. Modify Stack to protect shared resources from concurrent access
The most important thing here is to identify what resource(s) (exactly!) are being shared – by name and
address. Hint, it’s not the source code, and it’s not “the stack”. If an operating system is (among other
things) a resource manager, what resource (exactly!) is being managed here?
Once you answer that question, identify the smallest chunks of code that must access the resource
atomically. Place those chunks of code in critical sections, each guarded by the resource’s
corresponding mutex. Identify the absolute smallest chunk of code possible, but no smaller. Only
code that actually accesses the resource should be in the critical section. Remember, critical sections
should be small, lightweight, and quick.
To do all that, you need to
a. define a mutex for each shared resource (see above, what resource is shared?). Not just one,
one for every stack. Do this by adding a pthread_mutex_t attribute to the Stack structure
in stack.h.
You’ll also want to update the EmptyStack object in stack.c to include initializing this new
See https://linux.die.net/man/3/pthread_mutex_init. In cases where default mutex attributes
are appropriate, the macro PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER can be used to initialize mutexes that
are statically allocated. The effect shall be equivalent to dynamic initialization by a call to
pthread_mutex_init() with parameter attr specified as NULL, except that no error checks are
b. Use pthread_mutex_lock and pthread_mutex_unlock to encapsulate critical sections.
Take care not to recursively take the same mutex before releasing it (deadlock). Function pop
calls function isEmpty and is a common place where deadlock occurs in a poorly designed
implementation. Hint: resource management responsibility (i.e. critical section) is placed only
on the implementors of Stack and never placed on the clients of Stack (i.e. nothing in main.c
changes). Also, if a function takes a lock, remember to release the lock before returning.
c. The remaining details are left to the student. Good luck!
Verifying the integrity of the stack takes a long time, so give your program a minute or two to execute
before declaring deadlock and terminate. If you’re interested, use the timer program from last
homework to measure it. Also, using “-g0 -O3 -DNDEBUG” instead of “-g3 -O0” at the compile
command disables the integrity checks and creates an optimized (vice debug) program.