Overview. The goal of this project is to dive deeper into language design and implementation by
developing a significant extension to MyPL. The project is broken into multiple steps, each of which
have either a check-in or deliverable that you will need to turn in. The project will be graded on
the quality of your work, the completeness of your work, the quality of your tests and write ups, and
the difficulty of your project. The project is worth 10% of your final grade. Please be sure to ask if
you have questions concerning the project requirements and/or expectations.
Step 1 (due by Thur, March 25th). The first step is to identify two extensions you are interested
in exploring.1 The following is a non-exhaustive list of things we’ve discussed in one form or another
in class as possible projects.
• Language Extensions:
– New built in types (e.g., lists, dictionaries, sets, arrays)
– Classes (e.g., adding functions to types)
– Type inheritance
– Function overloading
– Functional features (e.g., passing functions as arguments)
– Exception handling (e.g., try-catch blocks)
– Function type inference (for implicit function types)
– Function and type prototypes
– Constant variables and function args (for user-defined types)
– Pointers and/or pass by reference
– Suite of new operations and operators
– Proper handling of associativity and precedence
– Operator overloading
– File I/O
– Multithreading/concurrency support
– Module system (for multifile programs)
– A basic GUI framework (e.g., for graphics)
• Performance Extensions:
– Garbage collector
– A delete operation (to go along with new)
– Translation to another language (e.g., C/C++ or Java) and benchmarking
1Because each student in the class will need to work on a different extension, I’m asking for your first and second
choices. Assuming neither of your choices have already been assigned, you will receive your first choice, followed by
your second choice (if the first choice is taken), or else be notified by me to select an additional alternative.
– Translation to bytecode (e.g., LLVM) and benchmarking
– Performance optimizations and benchmarking
• Tool Extensions:
– A REPL (read-eval print loop)
– A debugger (e.g., with checkpoints, stepping capability, variable inspection)
– A code editor (e.g., with syntax highlighting, syntax/type error detection)
– A profiler (execution monitoring/statistics)
– A unit test framework
• Additional Extensions:
– A suite of built-in functions and example programs
– A suite of “benchmark” programs and performance results
– A suite of useful programs written in MyPL (may require additional built-in functions)
Note that you are free to choose something different than what is listed above. Also, the difficulty
levels of the above vary considerably. An important part of developing your extension will be to
scope out a reasonable (but challenging) project.
Submitting your Choices. You must submit your 1st and 2nd choice preferences using the form
at on or before the due date. Note that extensions will
be chosen based on the order of submission (so the sooner you submit the better). For your 1st
and 2nd choices, you must state each extension and provide a short description of what you plan
to tackle as part of the extension (the scope). This description should contain a basic description
of the “features” of the extension (e.g., what a user would be able to do, what capabilities will be
added to MyPL, etc.). Note that these are just your initial thoughts to help me understand what
you are thinking in terms of the project.
Step 2 (due by Tues, April 6th). For this step, you must submit a specification (plan of attack)
for your extension. The details of the specification will differ depending on your project. At a
minimum, the specification should include enough information to make it clear what the scope of
the extension is and how it will work. You should think of the specification as a write up that we can
use later to evaluate whether or not you completed your work. If you are doing a language extension,
e.g., you would want to include the grammar for the new language constructs, basic examples of how
the construct would work, and initial test cases you will use for testing. Instructions for submitting
your specification will be provided via Piazza. Note that a special “Project” repository will made
available for you via GitHub classroom to turn in your work.
Step 3 (due by Tues, April 20th). For this step, you will submit a progress update. By this
point in the project, you should have a majority of the work completed. The progress update should
detail what progress you have made and what you have left to finish. Additionally, any changes
you need to make in terms of how your extension will work or the scope of the project should be
explained and justified. Your report will be submitted through your project GitHub repo. I will also
look through the code you have submitted as well (i.e., pushed to the repo). You should provide
instructions in your progress update so that I can build and demo your work as well.
Step 4 (due by Tues, April 30th). Your project must be completed on or before the Friday
before finals week. All code must be pushed to your repository and a short write-up describing
the extension, what was accomplished, what wasn’t accomplished (from your progress report), the
tests that you created, and instructions for building and running your work must be included. In
addition, you will do a quick interview with me during finals week to demo your project and discuss
challenges, etc. This interview will be scheduled the week before finals week.