CPSC 312 Assignment #4 ‐ Haskelling


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Problem 1 : Functional Design (10 points)

(This problem is stolen from the book Geek Logik by Garth Sundem.)
Should you eat something scary from the back of the fridge, or just order
Chinese again? With no outside influences, we would order Chinese food
every night, because Chinese food is good – especially Chinese food that is
either fried or covered in enough sweet sticky sauce to technically make this
sauce the entree and the food part the garnish. However, your monthly food
budget might not support a nightly $18.95 meal, and eventually your clogged
arteries will rebel…

The equation below balances your stress level and the likelihood of the
National Science Institute studying your fridge for clues to the origin of life
against your budget and current cholesterol level. Also, if the Wok and Talk
down the street has started recognizing your number on caller ID and now
answers your phone call with a personal greeting, this intrusive intimacy may
lead you to explore other cuisine options (or at least pick a new Chinese place
where the busboys don’t consider you a shut in). This equation helps you
determine the value for K, your current Kung Pao factor. If K is greater than 1,
you should order Chinese take out.

R = the number of seconds of phone time that it takes for the person at the
restaurant to recognize your voice (maximum of 30 seconds)
Dm = your monthly food budget in dollars
Ds = the amount of money in dollars that you have already spent this month on
N = number of today’s date (e.g., if today is September 15, then N = 15)
C = your current blood cholesterol level (140‐200 is the normal range; 300 is
very high)
Ft = total number of substantial food items currently in your refrigerator
(mustard and baking soda don’t count)
Ff = number of those food items that have at least a 20 percent chance of being
either furry or living
S = how stressed out are you (1‐10 with 10 being “tight as a banjo string”)

Your task is to write a Haskell program called kungPaoFactor that, given
values for the eight parameters listed above, computes the corresponding
Kung Pao Factor K. Here’s how the parameters must be ordered in the
top‐level procedure call:
kungPaoFactor r dm ds n c ft ff s

Again, don’t forget to use abstraction to simplify things for yourself and your
You shouldn’t need any built‐in functions other than basic arithmetics for this
function. The power function that operates with real numbers is (**) in
Haskell, just in case you needed it.

Problem 2 : Recursion (10 points)

The sum of the first n terms of the harmonic sequence is defined as
1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/5 + … + 1/n
a. Using Haskell, construct the function harmonic which takes one
argument, an integer n which is greater than 0, and returns the sum of
the first n terms of the harmonic sequence as a floating point number.
You can use Haskell’s built‐in arithmetic operations; you don’t have to
use functions you’ve written as solutions to other problems here. Your
solution should use natural recursion (i.e., not tail recursion) to
compute the result.

b. Construct the function harmonic_tr which takes one argument, an
integer n which is greater than 0, and returns the sum of the first n
terms of the harmonic sequence as a real number. You may use
Haskell’s built‐in arithmetic operations; you don’t have to use functions
you’ve written as solutions to previous problems. Your solution should
use tail recursion to compute the result.

You may (or may not) also need this type conversion function:
fromIntegral :: (Integral a, Num b) => a ‐> b
Look in Prelude for other functions from lecture.

Problem 3: List Recursion (20 points)

For each of the following problems, provide two (recursive) solutions: one
using pattern matching and the other not using pattern matching. The only
built‐in functions allowed in this question are ‘:’, ‘head’, ‘tail’, ‘null’, and

Please add _pm to the end of the function names for pattern‐matching based
Here is an example:
‐‐ without pattern matching
myappend list1 list2
| list1 == [] = list2
| otherwise = (head list1):(myappend (tail list1) list2)
‐‐ with pattern matching
myappend_pm [] list2 = list2
myappend_pm (x:xs) list2 = x:(myappend_pm xs list2)

1) myremoveduplicates
myremoveduplicates “abacad” => “bcad”
myremoveduplicates [3,2,1,3,2,2,1,1] => [3,2,1]
2) mynthtail
mynthtail 0 “abcd” => “abcd”
mynthtail 1 “abcd” => “bcd”
mynthtail 2 “abcd” => “cd”
mynthtail 3 “abcd” => “d”
mynthtail 4 “abcd” => “”
mynthtail 2 [1, 2, 3, 4] => [3,4]
mynthtail 4 [1, 2, 3, 4] => []
3) myordered
myordered [] => True
myordered [1] => True
myordered [1,2] => True
myordered [1,1] => True
myordered [2,1] => False
myordered “abcdefg” => True
myordered “ba” => False
4) myreplaceall
myreplaceall 3 7 [7,0,7,1,7,2,7] => [3,0,3,1,3,2,3]
myreplaceall ‘x’ ‘a’ “” => “”
myreplaceall ‘x’ ‘a’ “abacad” => “xbxcxd”

Problem 4: List Comprehension (10 points)

Use list comprehension to write a function ‘change’ which for any given
integer amount computes the optimal (i.e. smallest) set of coins that can make
up that amount.

If you couldn’t implement it with list comprehension, implement with
recursion for 5 points.
Assume the available coins to be 1,2,5,10,20,50,100.

You may use auxiliary functions or you may compute a set of non‐optimal
answers before selecting the optimal one out of them. These are all fine as
long as your core computation (in whichever function it occurs) is done
through list comprehension. The list of coins can be hard‐coded into your
program in any representation you wish.

The only permissible built‐in functions are :, head, tail, and null.
change : Int ‐> [Int]