CPSC 2720 – Assignment 3 Media Player Simulation


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In this assignment, you will:
• Design a simple software system using four design patterns.
• Keep track of your progress using version control.
• Document your implementation using doxygen.
• Use various software engineering tools to help create quality software (code coverage, static and
style analysis, memory leak checking, continuous integration).
You have been charged with writing the software for a new series of a portable media players that your
company is creating. All players have a display and five buttons.
The player can have one or more of three different modes: Radio, MP3 Player, and Video Player.
The buttons can be assigned one of five different functionalities, which behave differently depending on
the mode:
PLAY Turn on radio Play Song Play Video
PAUSE Turn off radio Pause Song Pause Video
REWIND Tune to next radio
station that can be
picked up (seek
Skip to previous
Skip to previous
FORWARD Tune to next radio
station that can be
picked up (seek
Skip to next song Skip to next video
CHANGE MODE Change the next mode, if there is one.
Although each player has a display and five buttons, the actual physical configuration can vary. Examples
of some of the planned media players are shown in the table below.
Model T Model B Model M
Button A Rewind Play Change Mode
Button B Forward Rewind Rewind
Button C Pause Forward Forward
Button D Change Mode Pause Play
Button E Play Change Mode Pause
Each of the models comes in one of three different varieties with different modes for what they can play.
When the mode button is pressed, the player cycles through the available modes:
Radio MP3 Video
Variant A Yes Yes Yes
Variant R Yes No No
Variant D No Yes Yes
As the hardware is being developed at the same time as the software, you don’t have hardware to test
with. Instead, you will output a message indicating the activated functionality when a button is pressed.
Functionality Message
Mode Radio MP3 Video
Play Playing Radio Playing Song Playing Video
Pause Stopping Radio Pausing Song Pausing Video
Rewind Seeking Previous
Station Previous Song Previous Video
Forward Seeking Next
Station Next Song Next Song
Change Mode Changing Mode
The software will keep track of the number times each button is pressed, to understand the expected
lifetime of the buttons on the player, and the number of presses can be reported for each button.
However, in the future other information about the button is expected to be collected.
1. Fork the repository at http://aresmat17.cs.uleth.ca/gitlab/cpsc2720/DesignPatterns/MediaPlayer. As it is a CS department
server, you will only be able to do this on the campus network (or via VPN).
2. Set your notification settings for this repository to “Watch” so you will receive email
notification if there are any changes to repository (e.g. clarifications are added to the
3. Fork the repository so you have your own copy.
4. Set the project visibility for your forked repository to “Private”.
5. Add the marker and instructor as a member of your project with the permission
“Reporter”. You will be provided with their CS department user name in the lab and/or
on Moodle. This is needed so the marker can grade your assignment.
6. Setup your GitLab repository for running continuous integration for your project.
a. Set the Git Strategy to “git clone”
b. Set the Timeout to 5 (i.e. 5 minutes). Your CI job will be small, so this should be
lots of time and will prevent any infinite loops from tying up the CI server
7. Create a local clone of your forked repository.
1. Create a UML static structure (i.e. class) diagram using Dia that shows the design of your
2. Export your diagram to PNG format.
3. Put the image of your design in a design folder at the root of your repository.
You are expected to use the following design patterns in your design.
Design Pattern Functionality
Factory Method
For creating the nine possible players. You can refer to each one by their model
and variant using the pattern MV. For example, a Variant A of
the Model T hardware would be referred to as “MTVA” and the Variant R of the
Model B hardware would be “MBVR”.
State For handling the different modes that a player can have and the different behavior
of the buttons depending on the mode.
Command For assigning the actions to the different buttons.
Observer For tracking the number of times a button is pushed, reporting this number, and
allowing for other information to be collected in the future.
Implement your design. It is suggested that you proceed in an incremental manner as follows:
1. Implement a Factory Method that creates a player with one mode.
2. Implement the State pattern by adding more modes to the player, and update the Factory Method
to support the different variations for the model you are using for testing.
3. Implement the Command Pattern and add support for the different models to the Factory
4. Implement the Observer Pattern.
A Makefile and CI configuration file (.gitlab-ci.yml) have been provided for you to help you run and test
and your code.
• A Makefile is provided which:
o Builds and runs a testing executable (make tests).
o Checks for memory leaks (make memcheck)
o Runs static analysis (make static)
o Runs style checking (make style)
o Runs code coverage (make coverage)
o Runs all of the checks (make all)
• A continuous integration configuration file (.gitlab-ci.yml) is provided for you. It
is not expected that you will need to change this file.
You will be graded based on your demonstrated understanding of the use of version control, good
software engineering design practices, and design patterns. Examples of items the grader will be
looking for include (but are not limited to):
• Design and implementation shows use of requested design patterns.
• Version control history shows an iterative progression in completing the assignment. It is
expected that you will have at least 10 new commits in your repository (roughly one
commit for each design pattern and accompanying test fixture).
• Version control repository contains no files that are generated by tools (e.g. object files,
binary files, documentation files)
• Implementation shows understanding of software engineering design principles,
specifically for the four design patterns.
• Source code is appropriately documented using the principles discussed in class (e.g. all
classes and methods) so that doxygen can extract the documentation.
• Code coverage of 90% or better.
• Memory leak checking, static analysis and style analysis show no errors.
• The build on GitLab passes as of the assignment deadline.
There is no need to submit anything, as GitLab tracks links to forks of the assignment repository.
• Creating an independent copy of the repository (i.e. not a fork) will result in an
automatic 0 (zero) as the marker will not be able to find it.
• Make sure that the permissions are correctly set for your repository on GitLab so the
marker has access. You will receive an automatic 0 (zero) for the assignment if the
marker cannot access your repository.