CPSC 2720 – Assignment 2


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In this assignment, you will:
• Write implementation for the various geometric shapes that were tested in the first assignment.
• Keep track of your progress using version control.
• Run code coverage to ensure all code is tested.
• Use various software engineering tools to help create quality software (static and style analysis, memory
leak checking, continuous integration).
1. Fork the repository at http://ares-mat17.cs.uleth.ca/gitlab/cpsc2720/Geometry/asn2. As it is a CS
department server, you will only be able to do this on the campus network (or via VPN).
2. Set your notification settings for this repository to “Watch” so you will receive email notification if there
are any changes to repository (e.g. clarifications are added to the instructions).
3. Fork the repository so you have your own copy.
4. Set the project visibility for your forked repository to “Private”.
5. Add the marker as a member of your project with the permission “Reporter”. You will be provided with
their CS department user name in the lab and/or on Moodle. This is needed so the marker can grade your
6. Setup your GitLab repository for running continuous integration for your project.
a. Set the Git Strategy to “git clone”
b. Set the Timeout to 5 (i.e. 5 minutes). Your CI job will be small, so this should be lots of time and
will prevent any infinite loops from tying up the CI server
Completing the Assignment
1. Create a local clone of your assignment repository.
a. Run the command git remote and verify that there is a remote called origin.
i. origin is the link to your repository of GitLab and is where you will be pushing your
2. Copy the contents of the include directory and test directory from your previous assignment to the
corresponding directories in this assignment.
3. Create a Code::Blocks console project and add the copied files to the project.
a. Using Code::Blocks makes development easier, but you could complete the assignment
using only the provided Makefile.
4. Generate the project documentation using doxygen or look at comments in the header (.h) files to see
the specification of the methods.
a. Use make docs to do this.
5. Read through the generated documentation for all of the methods in all of the classes to understand the
expected output of the methods.
6. Add the .h files to your Code::Blocks project.
7. Use your unit tests from Assignment #1 to verify your implementation.
a. Use the Test-Driven Development approach to complete the assignment. This will help you to
focus on implementing one shape class at a time.
a. Add one unit test file (e.g. TestQuad.cpp) to the Code::Blocks project.
b. Write the implementation for the methods of the software-under-test (SUT) (e.g. the
Quadrilateral class).
i. Two floating-point values are considered equal if they are within an error bound
of 0.0001 (i.e. 4 decimal places).
ii. The following pages may be useful, as they contain geometric formulas:
1. http://www.math-salamanders.com/image-files/geometry-terms-and-defini
2. http://www.math-salamanders.com/image-files/high-school-geometry-help
c. Get all the tests to pass.
d. Continue adding test fixtures and implement the SUT until all of the classes are
completed and all tests pass.
8. Use code coverage to make sure that all (i.e. 100%) of your implementation is tested.
• A Makefile is provided which:
o Builds and runs a testing executable (make tests).
o Checks for memory leaks (make memcheck)
o Runs static analysis (make static)
o Runs style checking (make style)
o Runs code coverage (make coverage)
o Runs all of the checks (make all)
• A continuous integration configuration file (.gitlab-ci.yml) is provided for you. It is not expected
that you will need to change this file.
• You will not be able to run the code coverage until you have code to examine (i.e. .cpp files in both
src and test)
You will be graded based on your demonstrated understanding of the use of unit testing, version control and
good software engineering practices. Examples of items the grader will be looking for include (but are not
limited to):
• Version control history shows an iterative progression in completing the assignment. You are expected
to have a minimum of eight new commits in your repository (e.g. one for each new source code file).
• Version control repository contains no files that are generated by tools (e.g. object files, binary files,
documentation files)
• Memory leak checking, static analysis and style analysis show no problems with your code.
• Implementation shows understanding of software engineering principles.
• Unit tests produce 100% statement coverage (function coverage can be less than 100%).
There is no need to submit anything, as GitLab tracks links to forks of the assignment repository.
• Make sure that the permissions are correctly set for your repository on GitLab so the marker has access.
You will receive an automatic 0 (zero) for the assignment if the marker cannot access your
Updating the Assignment Files
The following information is to be used in the case that the assignment is updated with clarifications or
1. Create an upstream remote to the original assignment repository from your local repository:
git remote add upstream
This command creates a link from your local repository to the original assignment repository. You will
not have permissions to push to the assignment repository, so you will get an error if you try.
2. To get the updates from the assignment repository, you can pull them into your local repository.
git pull upstream master
a. If there are any merge conflicts, you will need to resolve them.
3. Commit the changes to your local repository.