CPSC 231 Assignment 5: Semantic Similarity


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1 Overview
One type of question encountered in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is the “Synonym Question”,
where students are asked to pick a synonym of a word out of a list of alternatives. For example:
1. vexed (Answer: (a) annoyed)
(a) annoyed
(b) amused
(c) frightened
(d) excited
For this assignment, you will build an intelligent system that can learn to answer questions like this one. In order to
do that, the system will approximate the semantic similarity of any pair of words. The semantic similarity between
two words is the measure of the closeness of their meanings. For example, the semantic similarity between “car” and
“vehicle” is high, while that between “car” and “flower” is low.
In order to answer the TOEFL question, you will compute the semantic similarity between the word you are given
and all the possible answers, and pick the answer with the highest semantic similarity to the given word. More
precisely, given a word w and a list of potential synonyms s1, s2, s3, s4, we compute the similarities of (w, s1),
(w, s2), (w, s3), (w, s4) and choose the word whose similarity to w is the highest.
We will measure the semantic similarity of pairs of words by first computing a semantic descriptor vector of each of
the words, and then taking the similarity measure to be the cosine similarity between the two vectors.
Given a text with n words denoted by (w1, w2, …, wn) and a word w, let descw be the semantic descriptor vector of w
computed using the text. descw is an n-dimensional vector. The i-th coordinate of descw is the number of sentences
in which both w and wi occur. For efficiency’s sake, we will store the semantic descriptor vector as a dictionary,
not storing the zeros that correspond to words which don’t co-occur with w. For example, suppose we are given
the following text (the opening of Notes from the Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, translated by Constance
I am a sick man. I am a spiteful man. I am an unattractive man. I believe my liver is diseased. However,
I know nothing at all about my disease, and do not know for certain what ails me.
The word “man” only appears in the first three sentences. Its semantic descriptor vector would be:
{“i”: 3, “am”: 3, “a”: 2, “sick”: 1, “spiteful”: 1, “an”: 1, “unattractive”: 1}
The word “liver” only occurs in the second sentence, so its semantic descriptor vector is:
{“i”: 1, “believe”: 1, “my”: 1, “is”: 1, “diseased”: 1}
We store all words in all-lowercase, since we don’t consider, for example, “Man” and “man” to be different words.
We do, however, consider, e.g., “believe” and “believes”, or “am” and “is” to be different words. We discard all
The cosine similarity between two vectors u = {u1, u2, . . . , uN } and v = {v1, v2, . . . , vN } is defined as:
sim(u, v) = u · v
||u|| · ||v|| =
i=1 uivi
i=1 u
i=1 v

We cannot apply the formula directly to our semantic descriptors since we do not store the entries which are equal
to zero. However, we can still compute the cosine similarity between vectors by only considering the positive entries.
For example, the cosine similarity of “man” and “liver”, given the semantic descriptors above, is
3 · 1 (for the word “i”)
(32 + 32 + 22 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12)(12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12)
= 3/

130 = 0.2631 . . .
2 Tasks
All the code should be in the file synonyms.py. Note that the names of the functions are case-sensitive and must
not be changed. You are not allowed to change the number of input parameters, nor to add any global variables.
Doing so will cause your code to fail when run with our testing programs, so that you will not get any marks for
functionality. We provide you with a starter version of synonyms.py
2.1 Cosine similarity (1 point)
Implement the function cosine_similarity(vec1, vec2) This function returns the cosine similarity between the
sparse vectors vec1 and vec2, stored as dictionaries. For example,
cosine_similarity({“a”: 1, “b”: 2, “c”: 3}, {“b”: 4, “c”: 5, “d”: 6})
should return approximately 0.70.
2.2 Semantic descriptors (2.5 points)
Implement the function build_semantic_descriptors(sentences) This function takes in a list sentences which
contains lists of strings (words) representing sentences, and returns a dictionary d such that for every word w that
appears in at least one of the sentences, d[w] is itself a dictionary which represents the semantic descriptor of w
(note: the variable names here are arbitrary). For example, if sentences represents the opening of Notes from the
Underground above:
[[’i’, ’am’, ’a’, ’sick’, ’man’],
[’i’, ’am’, ’a’, ’spiteful’, ’man’],
[’i’, ’am’, ’an’, ’unattractive’, ’man’],
[’i’, ’believe’, ’my’, ’liver’, ’is’, ’diseased’],
[’however’, ’i’, ’know’, ’nothing’, ’at’, ’all’, ’about’, ’my’,
’disease’, ’and’, ’do’, ’not’, ’know’, ’for’, ’certain’, ’what’, ’ails’, ’me’]],
part of the dictionary returned would be:
{ ’man’: {’i’: 3, ’am’: 3, ’a’: 2, ’sick’: 1, ’spiteful’: 1, ’an’: 1,
’unattractive’: 1},
’liver’: {’i’: 1, ’believe’: 1, ’my’: 1, ’is’: 1, ’diseased’: 1},
… }
with as many keys as there are distinct words in the passage.
2.3 Semantic descriptors from files (2.5 points)
Implement the function build_semantic_descriptors_from_files(filenames). This function takes a list of
filenames which contains the names of files (the first one can be opened using open(filenames[0], “r”, encoding=”utf-8″)),
and returns the dictionary of the semantic descriptors of all the words in the files filenames, with the files treated
as a single text.
You should assume that the following punctuation always separates sentences: “.”, “!”, “?”, and that is the only
punctuation that separates sentences. You should assume that only the following punctuation is present in the texts:
[’,’, ’-’, ’–’, ’:’, ’;’, ’”’, “’”]
2.4 Find the most similar word (1 point)
Implement the function most_similar_word(word, choices, semantic_descriptors, similarity_fn). This
function takes in a string word, a list of strings choices, and a dictionary semantic_descriptors which is built
according to the requirements for build_semantic_descriptors, and returns the element of choices which has the
largest semantic similarity to word, with the semantic similarity computed using the data in semantic_descriptors
and the similarity function similarity_fn. The similarity function is a function which takes in two sparse vectors
stored as dictionaries and returns a float. An example of such a function is cosine_similarity. If the semantic
similarity between two words cannot be computed, it is considered to be −1. In case of a tie between several elements
in choices, the one with the smallest index in choices should be returned (e.g., if there is a tie between choices[5]
and choices[7], choices[5] is returned).
2.5 Run similarity test (0.5 points)
Implement the function run_similarity_test(filename, semantic_descriptors, similarity_fn) This function takes in a string filename which is the name of a file in the same format as test.txt, and returns the percentage
(i.e., float between 0.0 and 100.0) of questions on which most_similar_word() guesses the answer correctly using
the semantic descriptors stored in semantic_descriptors, using the similarity function similariy_fn.
The format of test.txt is as follows. On each line, we are given a word (all-lowercase), the correct answer, and the
choices. For example, the line:
feline cat dog cat horse
represents the question:
(a) dog
(b) cat
(c) horse
and indicates that the correct answer is “cat”.
Download the novels Swann’s Way by Marcel Proust, and War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy from Project Gutenberg,
and use them to build a semantic descriptors dictionary. Report how well the program performs (using the cosine
similarity similarity function) on the questions in test.txt, using those two novels at the same time. Note: the
program may take several seconds to run (or more, if the implementation is inefficient). In your report, include the
code used to generate the results you report. The novels are available at the following URLs:
If your program takes too long to run, report the results on a shorter text.
If your success rate for the two books above and the file test.tex is below 66%, then it is likely that
your implementation from the previous sections is incorrect. In particular, you may want to revise
how you dealt with punctuation in the source files before you built the semantic descriptors.
2.6 Efficiency (2.5 points)
To receive the points for this part, the function build_semantic_descriptors_from_files(filenames) should
take less than 20 seconds when run on an a desktop computer from the CPSC labs, when the files are the two novels
specified in section 2.5.
3 Hand In
1. Electronic copy of your program using D2L. The TAs will run your program to test that it functions correctly.
2. A readme.txt file in which you say what functions you implemented and you report the results from previous
sections. You should also give details to help the TAs run your programs and reproduce your results.
4 Marking
You are not allowed to use any specialized modules to solve this assignment. Thus, your source file should
have no import statements except (possibly) import time.
Additional things you may want to consider.
1. If the program produces run-time errors, your grade will be 0.
2. If the program is long and hard to understand, you may receive a lower score, even if the functionality is OK.
If the code is incomprehensible, the TA will not grade it (thus, you get 0).
3. Using global variables decreases your score by 3 points.
4. Including more than 30 lines for any function decreases your score by 2 points. If you need, you are welcome
to write your own helper function in addition to the functions specified in the assignment.
5. Writing more than 80 characters on any line of your program decreases your score by 2 points.
6. Comments are mandatory at the beginning of the program, at the beginning of each function (say what the
parameters are and what the function is doing), and also before difficult blocks of code. Breaking these rules
decreases your score by 2 points.
7. The reason for the deductions above is to tell you that you should avoid those things, so that your program
can be read by other people. Please do not force us to actually deduct those points!
5 Bonuses
You will receive bonus points only for substantial improvements in the running time and/or the success probability.
For reference, the implementation of the instructor who prepared the assignment for CPSC 231 runs in 8 seconds on
the machines in the CPSC labs and achieves an accuracy of 75%.
Here are some suggestions to explore (feel free though to come up with your own suggestions). If you need, you can
submit other python files in addition to synonyms.py (in this second file you are allowed to import various libraries).
However, the core algorithm should be implemented by you. Please state in readme.txt if you claim any bonus
points and the reasons for that. Also, make sure to include in readme.txt detailed instructions about how to run
the additional programs you submit.
Plese note that the suggestions below may or may not improve the running time or the success rate
of the algorithm.
1. Experiment with removing stop words https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_words before computing the
semantic descriptors.
2. (1 point) Prepare a better test file, possibly corresponding to some other books from the Gutenberg project. To
receive the bonus, you need to include a script which will download the books automatically, and submit another
file similar to test.txt (but containing at least 200 test words for which you want to find the synonyms). All
the words appearing in the new test file should have at least 5 appearances in the books – you need to submit
code which enforces this. The books should contain at least 1 million words – again, you need to submit code
to check this. The program needs to run in under a minute on your books on the machines in the CPSC lab.
3. Instead of using sentences, try to compute the similarity of two words by considering neighbourhoods (windows
of let’s say 7 words around the reference word).
4. For grammatical reasons, documents are going to use different forms of a word, such as calm, calmed, and
calming. These words would be counted as different words in our algorithm, and this affects the accuracy. To
avoid this behaviour, you can try to lemmatize first the text. You can use for this the Stanford NLP Toolkit
(for example).
5. Experiment with Word2vect . Instead of finding the “neighbours” of a word based on propositions, embed any
word into an n-dimensional vector space based on the whole input text. Then build the semantic descriptors
(as described in the assignment) based on the embedding. Can you improve the success rate?
6 Late work
Since the deadline is right at the end of the semester, no late work can be accepted (according to the regulations of
the university).
7 Collaboration
Although it can be helpful to you to discuss you program with other people, and that is a reasonable thing to do and
a good way to learn, the work you hand in must ultimately be your own work. This is essential for you to benefit
from the learning experience, and for the instructors and TAs to grade you fairly. Handing in work that is not your
original work, but is represented as such, is plagiarism and academic misconduct. Penalties for academic misconduct
are outlined in the university calendar.
Here are some tips to avoid plagiarism in your programming assignments.
1. Cite all sources of code that you hand in that are not your original work. You can put the citation into
comments in your program. For example, if you find and use code found on a web site, include a comment
that says, for example,
# the following code is from http://stackexchange.com.
Use the complete URL so that the marker can check the source.
2. Citing sources will avoid accusations of plagiarism and penalties for academic misconduct. However, you may
still get a low grade if your work is not the product of your own efforts.
3. Discuss and share ideas with other programmers as much as you like, but make sure that when you write your
code that it is your own. A good rule of thumb is to wait 20 minutes after talking with somebody before
writing your code. If you find you are exchanging code by electronic means, writing code while sitting and
discussing with a fellow student, typing what you see on another person’s console, then you can be sure that
your code is not substantially your own, and your sources must then be cited to avoid plagiarism. Making your
code available to other students (say by email, discussion forum, github) will likely result in an accusation of
plagiarism against you.
4. We will be looking for plagiarism in your code, possibly using automated software designed for the task. For
example, see Measures of Software Similarity (MOSS – https://theory.stanford.edu/~aiken/moss/).
Remember, if you are having trouble with an assignment, it is always better to go to your TA and/or instructor to
get help, than it is to plagiarize. It is recommended that you get familiar with the official regulations of UofC about
plagiarism . If you have any questions or you are not sure if a certain action is allowed, please contact your instructor
before taking that action.
8 Credit
This assignment was originally developed by Michael Guerzhoy (University of Toronto), Jackie Chi Kit Cheung
(McGill University), and Fran¸cois Pitt (University of Toronto). You can find the original description here: http: