CPS209 Assignment 2: Extended Ecommerce System


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You are to extend the Ecommerce System program from assignment 1. This programming
assignment will increase your knowledge of Java Collections, File I/O and Exceptions,
objects and classes, inheritance, and interfaces. You must do this assignment alone – no
groups. Do not attempt to find source code on the web for this assignment. It will not
help you and you risk extremely serious consequences. Your program will be checked for
plagiarism. Begin designing and programming early! This assignment is worth 10 percent of
your mark. If there is some part of the assignment you do not understand, please email
your professor as soon as possible and they will clarify the issue.
NOTE: some parts of the assignment are using java concepts (specifically Maps) that we
have not yet studied in the lectures. You may want to wait until this material is covered
in the lectures before attempting this part of the assignment.
Program Functionality Requirements:
We will add additional functionality to assignment 1 so that the system more closely
simulates a real Ecommerce system like Amazon. You will be adding the idea of a Cart to
the system. A cart is a virtual realization of a shopping cart you might use in a grocery
store. In Amazon, each customer has their own cart. A customer adds products to their
cart. A customer can then order all the items in the cart. In this system, a separate
product order will be generated for each item in the cart. Customer may remove items from
cart and print the current items in the cart.
Below is a description of the new functionality for your assignment and some new methods
and modifications to the existing functionality as well as modifications to the user
interface. NOTE: You are encouraged to extend and modify your own assignment 1 (A1) code
and keep the classes essentially as they were except for changes and additions specified
below. You are permitted to add other instance variables and other methods if you think
they are necessary.
NOTE WELL!!: if you want to extend Prof. McInerney’s solution to assignment 1 rather than
use your own A1 code, you are permitted to do so. It will be posted on April 1 or
thereabouts (once everyone has handed in their assignment 1).
1. ECommerceUserInterface: Add 4 new actions (commands): ADDTOCART, REMCARTITEM,
PRINTCART, ORDERITEMS. The new actions take the following arguments:
a. ADDTOCART: String productid, String customerID, String productOptions
• Adds a product to the customer’s cart
b. REMCARTITEM: String customerId, String productId
• Removes a product from the customer’s cart
c. PRINTCART: String customerId
• Prints all the products in the cart
d. ORDERITEMS: String customerId
• Creates a product order for each product in the cart. For example, if
there are 5 items in the cart, then 5 separate product orders should be
created. Empties the cart of all items once the orders are created.
2. Cart: design a class Cart and class CartItem. Add a Cart object to the instance
variables in class Customer. This way each customer object has a Cart object
(created when a Customer object is created). A Cart object should contain a list of
CartItem objects. Class CartItem contains a reference to a Product object and a
reference to a productOptions string. Create appropriate variables and methods for
these two new classes.
3. ECommerceSystem: the following is a list of additions and changes required for the
ECommerce class:
a. Create methods to support the 4 new actions (ADDTOCART, REMCARTITEM,
PRINTCART, ORDERITEMS). Use existing methods as a guide. We suggest you
write, test, and debug one of these actions + methods at a time before moving
on to the next.
b. Replace the error message variable errMsg and the return types of the methods
in ECommerceSystem with exceptions. That is, if an exception occurs (for
example, in method orderProduct() the customerId parameter may not match any
customerId in the array list of customers) then throw a new exception. Create
custom exception classes (for example: class UnknownCustomerException) by
extending class RuntimeException (see the Exception slides for examples of
this). Place these new exception classes in the ECommerceSystem.java file at
the bottom of the file, outside of the Ecommerce class. Note: the return type
for most of the public methods in class ECommerceSystem that currently set
the error message variable (for example, method createCustomer()) can now be
changed to void. Update the code accordingly in class ECommerceUserInterface.
Here is a list of exceptions that should be supported: Unknown customer,
unknown product, invalid product options, product out of stock, invalid
customer name, invalid customer address, invalid order number.
c. Catch the thrown exceptions in class ECommerceUserInterface. It might be
convenient to place the catch() {…} code block(s) together in one part of the
file and use a single try {…} that surrounds the if statements inside the
while loop – it is your design choice. The catch() block(s) should print any
message contained in the exception object to the screen and then continue the
loop waiting for the next user input.
d. File I/O: replace the code in the constructor method (that currently creates
a fixed set of Product objects) with code that reads the product information
from a file, creates Product objects and then adds them to a list (or map –
see Map requirement) of products. Use the posted file products.txt. Look
inside this file. It has a fixed format for each product. That is, each
product “record” takes 5 lines. The first line is the product category. The
2nd line is the product name, the 3rd line is the price, the 4th line contains
stock count information. For a non-Book and non-Shoes product this line
contains a single integer (string). For a Book, this line contains two
integers (Paperback and Hardcover counts). Finally the 5th line contains
additional product information. For most products it is an empty line. For a
Book, this line contains the title, author and year of publication and this
information is separated by colon ‘:’ characters. Hint: make use of the
Scanner class method useDelimiter() to break the line into its constituent
strings. Or, write code to read in this line, then go through the string
character by character until a ‘:’ is reached. Note: we suggest you create a
private method that reads the products.txt file and returns an array list of
product objects. Inside the ECommerce constructor method call this private
method, surrounded with try{…} catch(IOException e) {…}. If an IOException
occurs in the private method, print out the IOException message and exit
program using System.exit(1).
e. Map: replace the array list products with a Map called products. The map
should “map” a string productId key to a Product object. You will need to
replace all the code in ECommerceSystem that currently loops through the
products array list with code that uses a map. Maps will be explained in an
upcoming lecture. Note: once you use a map, the sortByPrice() and
sortByName() code will need to be updated: use the map to generate all
product objects, add them to a temporary arraylist, sort this arraylist then
print the list. That is, unlike assignment 1, the sortByPrice() and
sortByName() actions will now not only sort products but also print the
products in sorted order. For this reason, change the names of the actions
f. Product Order Statistics: add functionality to your system to keep track of
the number of times a product was ordered. Use a map to achieve this. Add a
command to ECommerceUserInterface called “STATS” that will print out a
formatted list of each product name, its id and the number of times it was
ordered. Print this list in order of products ordered the most to products
ordered the least.
4. BONUS: Write code to support the capability of adding customer ratings (ratings
from 1 to 5) to a product. Create new actions in ECommerceUserInterface to add a
rating to a product and print the ratings for a product. For each product, keep
track of the number of 1 star ratings, the number of 2 star ratings etc. Add
functionality to your system so that a user can list products of a certain
specified category with ratings above a specified threshold. For example, print all
books with an average rating > 4. In a README file, provide a description of your
actions and how they work for ratings. You are permitted to use Java streams for
the bonus but it is not necessary.
Grading (Out of 10 marks)
Note: Highest Grade Possible: 11 out of 10

File I/O and exception handling for
reading the products.txt file and
creating Product objects and
storing in a map (or array list if
you are not using a map)
3 marks
Good use of customized exceptions
instead of errMsg variable.
Exceptions thrown and caught
2 marks
Cart and CartItem functionality 3 marks
Correct use of a map for product
objects (all array list code
1 marks
properly replaced)
Use of a map to support the
printing of product order
1 mark
Bonus 1 mark
Penalty for insufficient comments
or bad program structure or bad use
of exceptions, maps etc
Up to -1 marks
Submitting Your Assignment: READ CAREFULLY!!
• Use D2L to submit your assignment.
• Inside each of your “.java” files have your name and student id as comments at the
top of the file. Make sure your files can be compiled as is without any further
• Include a README.txt file that describes what aspects of your program works and
what doesn’t work (or partially works). If your program does not compile, state
this!! You will still get part marks. The TA will use this file as a guide and make
fewer marking mistakes.
• Do not include “.class” files!!!!
• Do not use any Package keyword in your java files!!!
• Once everything is ready, submit it.